31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles
31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles is a breakthrough blueprint of the proven steps to creating your internet marketing business. It shows you what to do, when to do it, in the order it needs to be done so you build an internet marketing empire that is stable, predictable, and expandable. This is a proven step-by-step guide to Direct Internet Profits so you can profit from your passions and create a life you have always dreamed of. This is not the theory of making money, these are the prac
List Price: $ 17.95
Price: $ 17.95
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Unlike all of the other suspect reviews, here is a REAL one by someone who actually bought and read the book. Covers basic known marketing methods (no new “miracles”). Author is fond of in-your-face landing pages and sales sites and email autoresponder “newsletters”. Plugs for her website and mentoring services (a whole chapter). I’ve read many marketing books so nothing new here, in fact they all mention the same techniques. If you are starting out book is an ok intro. In my opinion the book is overpriced compared to the marketing books I currently own.
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A Step By Step Process That Does Not Leave Me Scratching My Head,
I have researched many books looking for the answers I needed to succeed online only to feel like I had been suckered into another poorly explained, incomplete book.
Either the authors of some of the materials have a serious issue in trying to teach or they just seemed to be putting books together to sell books.
I decided to purchase the 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles book after stumbling over the title on Amazon.
It arrived and dug in with the hope of learning something new that I could implement and make my business work.
What I found was a step by step, day by day, manual – not a book really at all but a blueprint to do online marketing correctly. No teasers, no missing peaces, it all was their – I still can not believe it – finally someone got it right.
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