5 Easy Steps to Make Money Blogging With Your Niche Blog
There is nothing to lose but plenty to gain when you are part of the blogging community online. I have found tremendous opportunities with it regarding blogging and many are making plenty of money doing so. Regardless of whether you’re a big fan of blogging, if you just want to learn how to make money blogging in under 7 days or less, you’ve found the right piece of information to consume.
If you want to reduce the risks involved with making money blogging then I suggest you make a plan now to read this powerful information regarding it to the end.
Now that our brief overview is completed, you should at least have some idea as to what your blog is going to be about if you don’t already have one set up. From there we can discuss how to customize your idea into a plan so you can start to make money blogging.
So with that said let go to Step #1.
Step #1: Find your niche.
Who can argue with the logic behind finding your niche? This step alone will make or break your blogs success because who wants to blog about something they don’t like. Once your know what niche you want to target your blog around, move on to the next step. If you already have a niche blog go to Step #2.
Step #2: Find a related affiliate product to sell.
Since these benefits are listed in order of priority, and assuming you’ve already have a niche blog up and on the web, your next step is to find a related high converting affiliate product related to your niche. You can do this by going to www.ClickBank.com and searching there marketplace. Look for products that pay at least 50% or more for commission, have a referred of 60% or more and gravity of 50 or higher. These are good guidelines for finding a high converting affiliate product.
Step #3: Write an topic related article and/or blog post series.
I think it would be very hard to piece this all together if you didn’t use this third step which is write an article and/or blog post series related to affiliate product you chose in Step #2. Using this step you’ll be able to leverage your article series and/or blog posts series which I’ll explain in Step #5.
Now that you have a firm understanding of these three main ideas, we’ll now move on to the next one.
Step #4: Write a product review about the affiliate product.
Now that you’ve written an article or blog post series about the affiliate product it’s time you wrote a short product review about the affiliate product. By doing this your pre-selling, giving your honest opinion about the affiliate product and the benefits they’ll receive if they decide to purchase it.
Step #5: Syndicate your article and/or blog post series and product review.
There are numerous ways in which this Step #5 can help you achieve your goals. One word… Syndication! It’s now time to get people reading your article and/or blog post series and product review. The only way to achieve this is by syndicating your content. In order to do this you need to post your content on your blog and then syndicate it through different social networks available on the web.
Next you then submit your articles(if you wrote an article series) and product review to articles directories around the web. There are many article syndication services available today making this step very easy for you, but they do cost you a small amount of money. Think about what your time is worth.
Now that Step #5 is completed you can now sit back and relax a little. Traffic should start coming in from various sources to read your content, click on your links and buy what you have to offer given you’ve done your homework.
I doubt you realized until now the true value of these 5 steps. If you want to get the very best out of how to make money blogging keep these steps handy and refer back to them as needed.
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