6 Easy Blog Marketing Techniques
Many people having problem marketing their blogs and always have low traffic to their blogs. Actually blog marketing can be very easy if you know the techniques. I am going to teach you guys some techniques that I used to drive traffic to my blog.
1) Keep updating your blog and market it. Your reader come to your blog is want fresh information and not same old information that you posted few weeks or few months ago. This will make your readers don’t want to come back to your blog since there is no new information in your blog.
2) Interview people and post it to your blog. Make sure the person you interview is related to your blog topic. Because you want your every blog post be relevant to your blog topic. Example, if your blog is about dog training, make sure you interview someone who is an owner of a dog shop or dog training instructor.
3) News related to your market. Everyone love first hand news, because this will keep them update what is going on in the market. Your readers will appreciate for your effort blogging about the current event in the market. But remember the news must be as latest as possible, nobody like to read old news that happened long ago.
4) Contests. This method not only make your blog more fun but also very good for bonding with your readers and make them keep come back to you! Make the prize you giving away is related to your market that you are promoting.
5) Good content. Make sure all your blog post is original and unique content. You will get a lot of trouble if you copied other people content without their rights. And Google will dislike your post too.
6) Comments. This is one of the best way to promote your blog. Always reply the comments that people wrote on your blog. This help to interact with your readers as well. You also can find other people’s blog that is related to your blog’s topic, and make some comments. This is a good ways of building traffic back to your blog.
These are the six easy blog marketing techniques you can apply to ensure that to keep your readers keep coming back and increase your traffic flow. But what is important is don’t give up on what you do and consistent do it. Because result won’t show within one or two days. It take weeks or even months to see the result.
Check out my personal blog, http://LeoLingHome.com, to find out how these strategies can help you make online income and other strategies that will boost your knowledge as internet marketer and boost your income.
I do a self introduction of myself, so that you guy can know me better.
I’m Leo Ling, this year turning 21. My dream for my life is to build my very own largest theme park in the world on an island! But have to take step by step to reach my dream, so currently aiming to earn my very first ,000,000.00 using internet business by 25 years old! Which means I going to get my first million soon in the upcoming next 4 years. My hobbies are read books related to self-improvement, business, internet marketing and earn money! My experience in internet marketing and internet business for around 2 years but still an amateur internet marketer. Still have lot of things to learn and test out.
You can find out how great am I by going this link:
Have a nice day:P
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Question by freeattm: Who has the best definition for blog marketing?
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Best answer:
Answer by httu
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Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Blog Marketing is all about marketing your websites products and services through blog writings. After you write blogs, u submit it into various Social Networking sites like digg,technorati etc..You also go for rss feeds ..These things are done to attracy traffic and initiate sales leads..thats it!