7 Ways To Make Money On EBay
There are many different ways to make money on eBay which can be daunting for someone just starting out with eBay selling. Where do you start? If you would like to add a little extra cash to your monthly income then you should consider the following seven ways to make money on eBay.
No. 1 – Sell your own belongings
‘But I want my own belongings!’ You might be surprised at how many things you have lying around at home that you haven’t looked at in years, things that other people might be interested in. Those items currently cluttering up your house could be used to bring in a bit of extra cash.
No. 2 – Search through charity shops
There’s no denying that a lot of the items you find in charity shops aren’t really worth a lot, but just occasionally you might get lucky. Books and DVDs can be a good place to start, particularly if you stumble upon any rare titles as these will frequently sell on eBay. If you know anything about antiques you could also get lucky by visiting these cheap shops.
No. 3 – Sell your own creations
eBay boasts a surprisingly large demand for homemade items. Whether it be because people like to know where something was made or some other reason, there are many individuals that will pay extra for something that you have created at home. Remember to be honest with yourself; if you don’t have any creative talent you may struggle to make any profit with this way to make money on eBay.
No. 4 – Buy and sell on eBay
If you aren’t creative and don’t fancy traipsing the streets to find things to sell in charity shops then you could consider looking for cheap deals on eBay itself to sell on for a profit. Some auctions are created incredibly poorly, with misspelt titles, no photos and more. These often sell for a value below what they could make with an excellent listing so why not snap them up to resell?
No. 5 – Find a wholesale supplier
If you’re serious about generating a fulltime income from eBay then you may need to look into finding a wholesale supplier to enable you to reliably source good products for a cheap price. You may need to buy in bulk for the best deals, so make sure you have the space to store what you’re buying before you can shift it on the shelves of eBay!
No. 6 – Sell for others
Most people have a huge amount of junk that they would like to get rid of, especially if they could earn some money for it. Why not offer to create eBay listings for friends, family members or even just advertise your services locally? You take a percentage of the final fee, they get the rest; everybody wins!
No. 7 – Create excellent listings
Don’t fall into the trap of creating eBay listings that lose you money. With an accurate and informative description, a great photograph and an appropriate title you could find yourself earning more than the rest of the eBay populace that simply don’t bother.
Now you know where to start!
Amanda O’Brien is a successful eBay Powerseller and author of three eBay home study courses – ‘The 2,500 Per Week eBay Powersellers Secrets’ , ‘The Ultimate eBay Success System’ and ‘Ultimate Product Sourcing Secrets’. Want to learn more about starting an eBay business or simply want to improve your eBay sales? Claim your free eBay Selling Secrets Report at Powerseller Pod.
Article from articlesbase.com