Article Marketing Sites: Expert Advice on What You Should Consider While Choosing The Best Article Submission Directories
Article marketing sites are used by many online entrepreneurs on a daily basis. But not all of those marketers know the best tactics on how to effectively use article submission directories for maximum exposure and profit. So in this aricle you will find expert advice on what features you should consider while choosing top article marketing directories.
Article Marketing Sites: How To Choose The Best Directories?
Before you choose and use any article marketing site, first you should determine what purposes you are going to use these directories for? Do you want to get traffic, or build backlinks or earn fast cash? After you have decided about that, we can take in to consideration the following important things while choosing the top article promotion sites.
Article Marketing Sites: What Should I Consider In Order To Choose The Best Ones?
1. Alexa Ranking
The less alexa ranking the site has, the more reputable it is in the eyes of search engines. So start building your list of article marketing sites from the directories with less alexa ranking.
2. Do-follow or no-follow
This is also important especially if you are going to use article promotion mainly for link building. Try to focus mostly on dofollow directories to get maximum Google juice for your sites.
3. SEO friendly, especially Google friendly
Not all of popular article sites are Google friendly. So try to use only seo friendly article directories to get maximum results in minimum time.
4. Does it allow direct affiliate links?
Only a few article directories (like articlesbase, goarticles) allow affiliate links. So consider this before including your site link in the resource box.
5. Average Daily Traffic
It is also important if you want to get targeted traffic to your websites on a regular basis. Remember the higher pagerank of the article directories doesn’t always mean that they get lot of traffic every day.
Article marketing sites can bring in solid passive income if you benefit of them the right way. So consider the above-mentioned tips in your daily article promotion.
Also read:
Your Aggressive Article Marketing Plan To Earn 3 Per Day: Really Works – Proven!
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Article from Article marketing tutorial. Internet marketing the “Bum Marketing” Way.
Question by danielmcgonagle: Where can I find out more about article, or bum marketing? I’m trying to make some money online?
If anyone knows of any free reports about article marketing, I’d really appreciate it. So much information out there, you know?
Best answer:
Answer by Ryan S
I found a great new e-book that answered alot of my questions on this subject. Very easy to read and worth the time to download it! There is also a great mini-ecourse that gave me a few ideas I never thought of before!
Add your own answer in the comments!
How you can use these seven simple steps to start dominating EzineArticles read more here
Video Rating: 5 / 5
woww, great thx
50 cents a click. man those were the good old days.
good stuff
good video. But I do not like the “Bum Marketing” phrase. In my honest opinion I think there is only bum content, never bum marketing.
This stupid marketing game between marketers must over , you lose your money and your time , stop chasing false dreams , it doesn’t work anymore and never will , you will drop much money untill realise you just fund marketers with your bloody money. WAKE UP. Is impossible to compete all of these million people , you are doomed to fail from the beginning.
All of you morons include me , you have purchased all of these craps and these guys were made rich , because you keep purchase their garbages…
Why are you keep purchasing , because you keep searching for holy grail and they are unable to give it you. Don’t forget that they don’t have say , there are 1.000.000 people who try to do the same you trying to do. So all resources was taken by sharks and you are doomed to fail , because they are old , search engines have absorved them. WAKE UP.
Hey Travis – just a quick note to say “Thank You” as I was introduced to your Bum Marketing system a couple years ago. Initially ignored the model. Then started getting busy writing, posting and promoting articles for a particular niche and the results have been nothing short of amazing.
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Awesome tutorial Travis! You have explained a lot with a single video.. Thumbs up!!
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@beanturd13 – The reason for that is because Google doesn’t want people posting affiliate links in the main pages. They want people to use Adwords because then they get paid for the ad. Google knows what they’re doing, sadly, so I don’t know how well this program still works.
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Article Marketing makes up for around 30% of my overall income online. I mainly use EA and a few other great article sites that get listed high in Google. I also have been using Hubpages with a great deal of success.
Great Video btw and yes it is hard to get into the Top Viewed section on EzineArticles if you don’t know what you are doing. It is amazing how simple it actually is though when you know the right steps to take.
Hi and yes you are right, if you want to be a success online then you need to incorporate some form of article marketing into your online strategy..
I have been doing this for some time now and can virtually dominate any market with time.
Great information. Article marketing is a powerful tool and Ezine Articles is a great directory.
!!! Voted Best Answer By the Asker !!!
If you are that interested in writing I can highly suggest – The Paid-to-Write Freelance Site. Per the Site :Helium is a site designed and directed to freelance writers and you get paid to write articles. In many ways Helium is a lot like Associated Content, but in many ways there are vast differences . You will have to browse the site for the information/link you want to write about and submit. Anyone can do it! And get paid.
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