Article Marketing Vs. Forum Marketing: Is Article Promotion Really Worth Your Time? (Expert Reveals His Secrets)
Article marketing vs. forum marketing: Which is More Effective? This question is often being asked by many online marketers especially by beginners. So this article will answer to this question so that you could decide if article marketing is really worth your valuable time.
Article Marketing Vs. Forum Marketing
As an article marketing expert, I should note that it would be not wise to compare these 2 marketing methods with each other. Why?= because each of them is necessary and really worth your time. Each marketing method has its big benefits. For example, forum marketing is ideal for building fast backlinks and traffic to your site. As for article marketing, this requires a bit more patience. But it is really worth that. Just imagine you are creating article cash machines that will work for your 24/7 hours a day forever.
Below you will find my expert opinion why article promotion is worth your time.
Is Article Promotion Really Worth Your Time?
YES. Here are top benefits of daily article promotion:
Your articles will remain online bringing traffic and money forever. It is free. It helps you gain an expert status in minimum time. Article marketing works better than forum marketing when it comes to promoting affiliate products. It generates regular targeted traffic to your sites. It turns your readers into real buyers. Article Marketing works better with affiliate marketing on a long term basis.
The answer to the question: “Article marketing vs. forum marketing?” is that you should use both article marketing and forum marketing to promote your websites.
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Article Marketing: Discover The Coolest Online Tool That Helps Me Save Time While Writing Articles
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Direct marketing & list rental.(MARKETING SERVICES)(Directory): An article from: Agri Marketing
This digital document is an article from Agri Marketing, published by Henderson Communications, LLC on January 1, 2010. The length of the article is 2115 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.
Citation Details
Title: Direct marketing & list rental.(MARKETING SERVICES)(Directory)
Author: Unavailable
Publication: Agri Marketing
List Price: $ 9.95
Price: $ 9.95
Complete Guide To Profitable Article Marketing
Learn how to make money with article marketing.
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A Complete Guide to Marketing Magazine Articles
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Article marketing is a surefire way to drive massive traffic to your website or blog. Furthermore, it is the ultimate ‘passive’ marketing strategy, as you submit the articles once and let the viral nature of this method take effect! Imagine being in a position to lay back and relax while your articles divert huge waves of web traffic to your business! In this e-book you will find how to set up a successful article marketing campaign, 31 ways to make money with articles and a whole lot more!
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Web 2.0 Article Writer, Rewriter And Generator
Article Boxer is a Web 2.0 Application that allows article marketeers to easily and quickly write, rewrite and generate unique high qulity articles.
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Question by Maico: Need A Suggestion For An Article Related To Marketing?
I just need a short (like, a small paragraph), interesting article on anything, related to marketing in general, that I can write and comment on for an assignment. If anyone has any suggestions, thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Matt F
To find an endless stream of articles sign up to google reader and search for rss feeds around marketing. Sign up to any that seem relevant and then google will deliver all sorts of stuff to you, without you having to search around for it yourself.
Hope that helps.
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