The Basics of Facebook Ads Marketing

The Basics of Facebook Ads Marketing

If you’ve been on Facebook several times, you might have noticed a handful of small ads being displayed in a box at the right side bar of the page. Chances are you’ve clicked on the “Like” option at the bottom of one of these ads and have seen updates or promotions on your Facebook Live Feeds as a result. You don’t mind these ads, since Facebook’s minimalist approach render them inconsequential. That’s why it’s a small wonder why Facebook Ads Marketing has become such an effective method in promoting products and services.

Setting up a Facebook advert is very easy. Once you’ve clicked on the “Create an Ad” option normally seen on the right side bar of the page, you only have to fill up the empty fields with the corresponding information – Destination URL, Title (25 characters max), Body Text (135 characters max) and Image (optional). Of course, it goes without saying that what you put in there could make or break your business. If by chance you’re at a loss on what to do, you can refer to the ‘Design your advert FAQ’ link found on the upper right portion of the ‘Create an Ad’ page.

Ads need to have a destination URL (a website, Facebook page, or a landing page) that Facebook users can go to in order to learn more about your products and services. The title should easily give viewers an idea of what your products are about. What you write for the body text needs to be concise and direct to the point. Viewers of the ad can easily lose interest if you use too many unnecessary words. Lastly, the image of the ad should be noticeable and indicative of your products and services.

So how do you put Facebook Ads to good use? This is done by bidding on keywords that are relevant to your ad’s niche. You can choose between two methods: Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM). The CPC mode charges you for every instance your ad is clicked on by any Facebook user, whereas the CPM mode does so for every 1,000 ad views. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. What ever mode you choose, make sure that it corresponds to your budget and campaign goals. With the use of preferences set up by Facebook users in creating their accounts, advertisers can configure the ad’s options to target the intended demographic.

These ads are administered on a daily basis using a specific budget that you are required to provide a value for. There’s a maximum daily budget, so there’s no need to worry about overspending. Facebook users amount to 500 million, so the potential in massive customer acquisition is quite high, provided that you play your cards right.

In spending for ads, you can use a Visa, Mastercard, or a PayPal account. You also need to regularly use Facebook Insights – an online tool that allows Facebook marketers to see the proceeds of the advertising campaign and in turn, make the necessary tweaks and adjustments to steer the campaign in the right direction.

In a final analysis, success in Facebook marketing all boils down to using all the necessary tools from Facebook and being aware of the playing field.

Matthew Iannotti is a marketing consultant in the New York City area. To learn more about Facebook Marketing

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Question by Larah: Facebook ads say they can find who is searching for you?
I was just wondering whether any of those ads that I always see on facebook are legit (the ones that say things like, “Find out who has been searching your profile”). It doesn’t seem possible. If so, that would be a serious invasion of privacy !

Best answer:

Answer by Jason B
Its spam

Give your answer to this question below!

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How to Use Social Network Marketing

How to Use Social Network Marketing

First Thing’s First

The first thing you should be doing, when using social network marketing, is building your network. Sounds simple doesn’t it? But many people skip this step, resulting in limp results at best.

To build your network, you need to actively seek out people involved in the fields or companies you aim to target, or who fall within the demographics that your social network marketing plan has identified. Searching on social networks is easy, and that should be your first course of action, finding and inviting contacts in the areas you aim to target with your social network marketing plan.

Have Something Interesting to Say

Another obvious, but often  ignored element of social network marketing is that, like all other online marketing strategies, content is king! Make sure your page is up to date, and has relevant, interesting and informative content for your users. That’s the easiest way to build a following, believe me!


Once you’ve created your pages, groups and networks, you need to remember that the aim here is to drive traffic to your website. If you’re attempting social network marketing without linking to your blog, website, email address and other network pages, you’re missing the point!

Join Other Groups

No man is an island. Likewise, no social network marketing campaign should stand or fall on your pages and groups alone! Find related (but not competing) groups and pages, and join up. This is another great way to have your say, get more links out there, and gain more network connections.

Pay Per Click

I’m not a fan of pay per click campaigns, and an more a follower of the organic growth school of thought when it comes to online marketing, whether social network marketing or any other form. Of course, pay per click campaigns can work, if done correctly, and with a little planning, and social networks are some of the best places to use them, as they allow for very specific targeting.

If you combine all of these simple ideas, with a little dedication, and a bit of time, you should end up with an effective social network marketing campaign.

Tamara Aspeling is the founder and director of Caliente Media, a company dedicated to cost effective, quality online marketing campaigns, for on and offline businesses. For more information, email Caliente Media, or visit the website.

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Social Network Marketing: Where to Next?

In 2007, eMarketer estimates that companies will spend 0 million in the US — and 0 million outside the US — on social network advertising. Although the lead players, MySpace and Facebook, will continue their strong performance, hundreds of new social networking sites will give them competition. The Social Network Marketing report analyzes the trends that are driving new competitors into one of the hottest advertising spaces on the Internet. Since eMarketer published its first rep

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UK Social Network Marketing: Ad Spending and Usage

Roughly 11 million UK Internet users visited online social network sites regularly in 2007. And the market is booming—60% of respondents to an early-2008 survey said they had created a social network profile, up from 27% in 2007.

The UK Social Network Marketing report analyzes the burgeoning growth of this channel, both online and on mobile phones.

Online social network ad spending has moved at a slower pace than consumer adoption, but things are picking up. This year

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Question by Steve B: Can anyone explain how to use social networking sites for marketing?

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron Daniels
MySpace is probably best suited for viral marketing. Tila Tequilla is a great example of someone that literally made her career based on MySpace. Take a look at her profile and you’ll see what I mean. She’s brilliant at it.

YouTube is a great way to do viral marketing also. BMW had a great marketing campaign on there that was essentially a series of short action movies. They were so cool that word of mouth got the videos a LOT of views.

Professional sites like LinkedIn are best for networking. These would be for developing B2B contacts were who you know is more important than what you know.

What do you think? Answer below!

The use of social media websites for marketing is growing fast. However, this is new ground for many marketers and, as it matures, certain legal issues will emerge. In this article, I look at a few potential legal pitfalls and how to avoid them. Because social network marketing involves the publishing or broadcast of online content, many existing, traditional media law apply to content on social media websites. Copyright is the big one, with “fair use” on the forefront. Copyright law protects any type of content whether it is text, audio, video — whether or not an actual copyright statement exists on the content. To keep yourself safe, always quote sources. Even if you don’t use a statement word-for-worth, it’s better to attribute statements to known sources. Services such as CopyScape offer website owners and web content providers the ability to check their writing against other content on the web. But, it won’t check older, or archived, content that doesn’t exist on the web. Just because content has been checked with CopyScape doesn’t mean it wasn’t plagiarized.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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History Of Social Networking Marketing

Social Network Marketing
by zipckr

History Of Social Networking Marketing

When we talk about social networks, especially if we relate it to the virtual scenario, it is usually a website where people can connect with everyone. Social networking marketing  are becoming the talk of the town particularly to the marketers since they can benefit by interacting with potential customers through the site tools and features like groups and fan pages. There are many possibilities and challenges waiting in the world of social networking. Each user within their individual sites has their own opportunities in the commercial actions.

The pedigree of online social networking can be traced back to the 1980s bulletin board systems. The system will permit the user to log in and then share information, software, and data. It can also allow sending private messages and posting message boards in public settings. Most of the sending and posting processes was done in local communities.

Then desktop applications became famous during the ‘80s and ‘90s., There were some features that were far more developed than bulletin board systems. These systems let users connect to the internet and make profiles, do chats, post events and send private or public messages. When the social networking marketing became web-based applications since the World Wide Web became so popular, it worked with certain purposes and audiences. During the ‘90s, different networking sites were created and became popular sites with their own niches. Then in 1999, there were different launches of more targeted networks.

Not until 2002 when the start of the modern period of social networking arises, and Friendster was launched. It was originally a dating site that does not want to be doing dating. It became the biggest mistake in financing history since the site rejected millions of dollars buyout offered by Google. Then the time of another networking site emerges during 2003 when so many employees in a marketing company were sued because of malicious spyware applications. It actually duplicated the main functionalities of Friendster. This networking site became MySpace. It became the leading online social networking marketing site because of its features. Its user profiles have customizable functionalities and it focuses more on music, which is most people love it especially the young ones. It also had high quality image compared with its rival.

After a year, a certain networking site was launched as an exclusive site for Harvard students. Then from time to time it was allowed to be joined by other colleges and high schools. And finally, by 2006, it officially runs as long as you sign it up with email address. Until 2008, the site overtook the position of other leading sites and became the most popular social networking marketing site ever.

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5 Things to Avoid When Social Network Marketing

When we talk about social networks, especially if we relate it to the virtual scenario, it is usually a website where people can connect with everyone. Social networking marketing  are becoming the talk of the town particularly to the marketers since they can benefit by interacting with potential customers through the site tools and features like groups and fan pages. There are many possibilities and challenges waiting in the world of social networking. Each user within their individual sites has their own opportunities in the commercial actions.

The pedigree of online social networking can be traced back to the 1980s bulletin board systems. The system will permit the user to log in and then share information, software, and data. It can also allow sending private messages and posting message boards in public settings. Most of the sending and posting processes was done in local communities.

Then desktop applications became famous during the ‘80s and ‘90s., There were some features that were far more developed than bulletin board systems. These systems let users connect to the internet and make profiles, do chats, post events and send private or public messages. When the social networking marketing became web-based applications since the World Wide Web became so popular, it worked with certain purposes and audiences. During the ‘90s, different networking sites were created and became popular sites with their own niches. Then in 1999, there were different launches of more targeted networks.

Not until 2002 when the start of the modern period of social networking arises, and Friendster was launched. It was originally a dating site that does not want to be doing dating. It became the biggest mistake in financing history since the site rejected millions of dollars buyout offered by Google. Then the time of another networking site emerges during 2003 when so many employees in a marketing company were sued because of malicious spyware applications. It actually duplicated the main functionalities of Friendster. This networking site became MySpace. It became the leading online social networking marketing site because of its features. Its user profiles have customizable functionalities and it focuses more on music, which is most people love it especially the young ones. It also had high quality image compared with its rival.

After a year, a certain networking site was launched as an exclusive site for Harvard students. Then from time to time it was allowed to be joined by other colleges and high schools. And finally, by 2006, it officially runs as long as you sign it up with email address. Until 2008, the site overtook the position of other leading sites and became the most popular social networking marketing site ever.

Social network marketing has proven to be a very viable way to grow an online business. In fact it seems that many entrepreneurs rely primarily upon the social networks for marketing online. It is not uncommon to visit one of these sites and see a healthy percentage of the exchanges are targeting the solicitation of a product or service.

As recent history has shown online marketers are quick to identify growth opportunities for their businesses and social marketing has proven to be no exception.

The original intent of  social networking sites were for people to gather to share ideas, interests, stay in touch, or even meet new people all on a casual basis. With this in mind it is important to identify and adhere to the proper code of behavior that is expected while participating at one of these sites. This is especially true if your intent is to conduct business since your success will be based upon building relationships with other site members.

Here are 5 things you’ll want to avoid doing that could sabotage your social marketing efforts:

Not Taking Part in Discussions

The main idea of social networks is just that to ‘socialize’ with other members. You need and want to mingle to get become familiar with other participants while allowing them to become familiar with you. To not take part in online discussions and then attempt to market something is just downright rude. The result is you will be identified as nothing more than an opportunist or spammer and will rightfully be ignored.

Becoming Fully Automated

Some sites such as Twitter offer you the opportunity to program some of your comments in advance. The idea is great and is meant for people who want to interact at a certain time but will not be available. Some marketers and you know who you are, rely heavily if not exclusively on this type of automated system. Worse yet they don’t even try to interact all they do is repeatedly send sales pitches. Once again by doing this you’re destined to be ignored by others and labeled a spammer.

These are social networking sites whose intentions are for PEOPLE to interact NOT SOFTWARE!

Continually Selling

Your intent at these sites is to be building relationships with other members to gain their trust and loyalty. Eventually you can introduce different products or services but the majority of the interactions should be social in nature. If you’re constantly pitching a new product, idea, service, or opportunity NOBODY will want to associate with you.

Disruptive or Antisocial Behavior

Your conduct like everybody else at any social site should be courteous and respectful of others. You are a guest and should behave as such. Tactful and polite disagreements are acceptable but rudeness, vulgarity, harsh criticism or other like behavior should not be displayed.

Creating Fictitious Profiles

Most every site gives you the opportunity to ‘register’ your profile upon signing up and it is encouraged to do so. It’s hard to befriend or socialize with anybody when you don’t/won’t reveal your identity.

The same is true with falsifying your profile. What’s the sense? If you’re going to do that then why even bother joining? In fact people have a legitimate reason to ‘question’ your intentions if you are displaying a fake identity. If you are in business you obviously don’t intend to be so for long. That sends a real bad message!

Social network marketing can be an extremely effective and efficient way to grow your online business. and rapidly. There are many methods you can use for marketing online but few surpass the speedy results or ‘viral capabilities’ that these sites offer. It is up to you as a sincere and responsible business owner to identify and practice the proper etiquette that is expected when participating at any social site. Your ability to do so will enable you to maximize the full potential these sites have to offer for both you and your business.

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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Question by ysn – yourstudentnews: Social Networking sites and marketing – is it worth the time and effort?
I have been thinking about joining into myspace and others to help promote a business. Does this work? Is it really worth the time to set up a nice “space” or do the members of these places just view such things as spam?

Any experience with linkedIn?

Any lists of niche social networking sites – especially those focused on business or education?

Best answer:

Answer by Dark N
nahh dont think about it. u ll probably harm ur buisness image more than benifting it.

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