Cheap Ways to Promote Your Ebay Home Business
When you are first starting out with a new home business on eBay, marketing can make the difference in whether or not you succeed. But money can be tight when you are just getting started, and even tighter if you’re a stay at home mom will little resources to spend. Marketing your eBay home business doesn’t have to be costly, however. With a little time and some effort, you can get your eBay business noticed without spending much money in the process.
Pay Per Click Advertising
Pay per click advertising is a popular method of advertising that only charges you when a potential buyer clicks on your link. Many different advertising agencies offer a form of pay per click advertising, but Google AdWords is perhaps the most well known. Google AdWords offers you a minimum of just for and advertising campaign, and you get to choose the price you are willing to pay for specific keywords. They also walk you through every step of the process, so you have nothing to be confused about.
Banner Advertising
Banner advertising on websites that you frequent can be fairly inexpensive, as well. This type of advertising is usually paid for monthly, with some websites charging as little as per month to put your advertisement in their rotation. Websites that you visit often, or that focus on the same type of items that your eBay store is offering, are the best websites to sign up for banner advertising with.
Paid Blog Posting
Some blog authors will take commission directly from you to post a blog about your eBay business on their website. The benefits of paying someone to write a blog post about your company are numerous. For starters, they don’t necessarily have to disclose that what they are typing is an advertisement, which means their visitors can view the blog as an endorsement of your website, rather than a marketing plot. Secondly, blogs have a tendency to pass around links to other websites that frequent them often, which means you can pay to have your business blogged about on one site, and end up having your eBay store linked on over a dozen websites. Not bad for one blog post!
Promote, Promote, Promote!
Add your eBay store link to the signature on any account that you have for forums. Every time you post, you will be passively sharing a link to your store, as well. You can also include your link at the bottom of every e-mail, post it on your MySpace or other social networking profile, and put a link in your instant messaging program’s profile. Anywhere that you can copy and paste your link, do it! The more exposure your business gets, the more sales you’ll stand to make. If you are a frequent poster on forums, social networking sites, or other online communities, it never hurts to pass around that you have your own home business going. Friends and family may stop by and make a purchase just to support you.
Vickie Sayce has been buying, selling and teaching others how to get started on eBay since 2001 and has written a very informative book on starting an eBay business to make money from home while raising the kids.
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