Facebook Marketing Secrets
Facebook has become the preferred social networking platform of marketers over MySpace. In theory you would think that Facebook would be the perfect place to market your business, having such a reach of people across the world is VERY appealing. You have probably noticed that there is a lot of spam on Facebook, mostly due to the fact the people just don’t know how to promote properly on Facebook. It’s happening all the time for me and I’m sure for you also if you have a lot of marketers on your friend list. You log in and every time there are several emails there pitching some ‘amazing, fantastic’ business opportunity.
If we know how to do it properly then we can use Facebook as an effective marketing platform. Use Facebook to connect with people, develop good solid relationships, that’s what it’s all about. There is a right time for revealing our business to people and it should happen in the natural path of relationship building.
Here are six steps that you can use to do business on Facebook,
1) Set up your Facebook profile so that it is interesting and personal to you, don’t just fill it with information about your business but include as much personal information as possible, have lots of photos of your friends & family and you having a good time. Folks will be interested in finding out who YOU are and not just about what business you are involved with
2) You need to add some friends, choose people who you feel would benefit from what you have to offer, you can easily search for relevant groups on Facebook. Think outside the box and don’t just go for the ‘online business, mlm, network marketing’ groups.
3) Start searching for groups to join in your niche market. FB groups all have a wall, you might want to consider putting some useful info on the wall for others to see and share. It’s a great way for me personally to get my content out there, I will post updates to group walls and I find that folks love the value that I give to them.
4) Start your own group; this could be directly relevant to your niche. You can invite your friends to join or you can even use Facebook’s paid advertising system to get new members. It’s just like building a subscriber list but on Facebook.
5) You can also post your videos and articles to your own wall and also to the walls of your friends. By doing this your material can be seen by way more folks. Just remember to always offer value and don’t just pitch your business, if you don’t heed this warning you will most probably end up with a lot less friends.
6) Make an individual greeting video welcoming new people as your friend. This is a VERY powerful Facebook marketing strategy and not many people are doing it.
When you know how to do it right FaceBook is a very effective marketing tool.
If you learn the Facebook marketing strategy secrets you can develop into one of the few elite marketers that recieve leads all day long for free of charge. To learn the secrets today I am offering you an exclusive viewing of this members only webinar held by Facebook pro Jim Chao, start generating free leads today either click the link or visit my personal blog at www.whoisjameshicks.com
Earn Using Social Networking: A Newbies Guide! AAA+++
Do you have a new membership website or on-line business that you’ve been working on starting? Do you notice that anytime you go to put the finishing touches on it, by some unknown powerful cyber force, you end up on Facebook instead? Or MySpace? Or Bebo?
Wouldn’t it be great if there was some way you could earn using social networking? Well, if you have an up-and-coming membership website or online business then it’s possible.
This ebook is a beginners guide to earning incom
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Fanpage Dollars: The Complete A-Z Blueprint On Making A Fortune From Fanpages! AAA+++ (Brand New)
Before I get into the meat of this guide please note that in this blueprint I will cover everything, step-by-step without any fluff. I will teach you how to profit from Facebook Fanpages and I will cover everything. I will show you the right offer to promote and how to get visitors clicking your URL link.
I have been using Fanpages a lot to promote products and services and I even help small business owners to monetise their Facebook Fanpages.
In Fanpage Dollars I will reveal to yo
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Everywhere: Comprehensive Digital Business Strategy for the Social Media Era
Put digital business strategy at the center of your business Welcome to the social media age. Although its impact was first felt in the marketing department, the social web is spreading across all business functions, impacting the way they communicate, operate, organize, and create value. A comprehensive digital strategy is essential for businesses hoping to build this new form of competitive advantage. Everywhere explains how to put your digital strategy at the center of how your
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Question by brealyn71: What are these strange search engine sites that never lead anywhere?
I don’t understand the point of this: I look up my name, because it’s fun, and many genuine links appear– comments I made on facebook, a bunch of different articles that I wrote, comments from random sites that I log into sometimes.
Interspersed within those findings will sometime be my name (as the result) with words I really did say underneath, but it’s on some weird web address that seems to focus on a relevant topic.
I click on it, though, and it goes to a totally different web address, like “markets for internet marketors”, which is some crazy search engine type website that never gets one anywhere near what they are looking for, only brings up more pages and more pages of unreachable websites.
I know that probably don’t make a lick of sense. But it doesn’t make a lick of sense to me either.
What is the strategy of these wierd websites? For you to just frustrated and eventually click on an advertisement?
Best answer:
Answer by Jonathan
Hahaha… the things people come up with… I think that your dead on with what the point of this site is, and thats to get you frustrated (or lost) and end up clicking on ads thinking its relevant information.
What do you think? Answer below!

www.secrettrafficsystem.com How To Make Money With Facebook Marketing Are Secrets Are Exposed A Unique, Honest Guide By a Real Person, That Shows You How to Make Money With Facebook. Youve heard you can make money with Facebook but dont how to start or what to focus on. Build Your Facebook Marketing Strategy From The Ground Up! Understand the Unique Marketing Mind Set Involved by Watching The Video. Learn The Facebook Advertising Secrets. Build your MLM & Network Marketing business using the Internet. Facebook is the 6th most visited site on the Internet.The market is absolutely huge. I make money on Facebook every day by following the techniques And Secrets I show. Facebook General Growth * More than 150 million active users * More than half of Facebook users are outside of college * The fastest growing demographic is those 30 years old and older Facebook User Engagement * Average user has 100 friends on the site * More than 3 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day (worldwide) * More than 13 million users update their statuses at least once each day * More than 3 million users become fans of Pages each day Social Media Marketing with Facebook a Cool blog post of all the great tricks I use to Market there. http Robert Phillips skype robertphillips71 1-513-373-4634
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