Free 2010 Facebook Advertising Coupon Codes
The newly launched Fashion Tube website is giving away Free 2010 Facebook Ad Coupon Codes. Free Advertising. These are free 0 Facebook advertising coupon codes. Grab it now before these coupon codes expire.
Sexy Cubes is promoting The New Fashion Tube Website by giving away free 0 Facebook Ad Coupons for attracting Visitors.
Sponsors are Victoria’s Secret Fashion Store, Converse, Guess, Nike, Womens Clothing, Mens Shoes and Clothings, Teen Fashion Programs and Organizations and Many more..
Rule and Regulations To get 0 Coupon Code:
Step 1: Visit the Fashion Tube Website at
Step 2: Click on “Join Fashion Tube on Facebook” on the right-bottom link.
Step 3: After you become a fan of Fashion Tube on Facebook. Send Invitations to all of your Friends to join Facebook Fan Page for Fashion Tube.
Step 4: Lastly, Update your Status with the message below:
” If you love fashion and style, become a Facebook fan of Fashion Tube Website at and Copy and paste this message to promote a healthy environment for teens, models and fitness lovers. Invite your Friends and receive a Facebook Ad coupon in your inbox. “
Step 3: Once you become a fan, send invitations to your friends and update your status, our sponsor sites will track your status and invitations sent. We will email you the Coupon Code within 24 hours or 1 business day.
Step 4: Check your Facebook email
Step 5: Go to Facebook Account. Enter the coupon code you received in your email
Step 6: Start Advertising For Free. Thank you for Supporting Fashion Tube Among Teens and Fitness Lovers.
Remember You can Only Use this Code Once and It Expires on September, 2010. This can be used by any number of Facebook Accounts but should be different accounts.
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Question by wtwchukwu249313: Do you get paid for advertising on facebook?
I was just wondering if you got paid for advertising something on facebook.
Such as a group or something.
Best answer:
Answer by Bliss
No, you pay facebook to advertise things, you not ever wondered how they make so much money?
Add your own answer in the comments!