Google Search Engine Optimization
According to the latest 2009 statistics generated by the StatCounter, a real-time detailed web statistics generator, approximately more than 90 percent of internet users in Asia and the whole world use Google as their primary search engine followed by Yahoo and MSN. Voted four times as the Most Outstanding Search Engine, Google has dominated the search engine optimization landscape for years, and their lead over Yahoo and Live Search is only getting bigger. This crawler-based search engine provides both comprehensive coverage of the web together with great relevancy and significance.
Given that Google is the search engine with the majority of the internet users market share, it is best that one’s website is optimized primarily to Google search engine ranking and standards. If the website follows Google search engine optimization, most probably it is optimized in other search engines for some search engines only mirror Google search results.
This has made companies and website owners become conscious of their Google page rank. However, with Google’s undisclosed and changing Google ranking strategy and algorithm, it is almost impossible to have a fixed or one-time website optimization. At some point, everybody thought that they have developed and come up with the perfect Google search engine optimization plan but as they progress, so did Google. Search engine optimization specialists and professionals are in continuous research and trial-and-error methods to take a hold of how to optimize and maintain their site and improve their Google ranking.
Google’s search engine optimization algorithm has been on constant development. One’s website may have a high Google search engine ranking now but not tomorrow. Google’s constant policy and algorithm changes have brought web developers in question. Before, one can change several details of their site and still keep their Google ranking, but due to changes in algorithm, one can no longer alter the background color or edit the format of the website for it may drop from its Google ranking. There are also instances when what was considered as white-hat search engine optimization techniques then, are now banned and considered black-hat by Google.
Several search engine professionals, who claim to have broken the secret of the Google algorithm, have come up with Google ranking software that can push one’s website in Google search engine ranking and increase its Google page rank. For some, these softwares may work but it is recommended for one to take into consideration the time, money, and effort to be put in these optimization techniques.
My name is Katherine Johnson and I have self-learned the SEO techniques over the last year and have successfully applied to my websites generating very good generic traffic. I hope that the content of this article has been of some help. Please visit my blog to learn more techniques.
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In this video I will teach you and show you how to add your website onto google and various other major search engines as well as show you how to add META tags to your HTML websites. Follow Me: Music: Kevin MacLeod
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