How Facebook Advertisements Work
If you are wondering if Facebook advertisements work the answer is that they do work. It is true that the ads do not get as many clicks as those on Google but that does not mean they do not work.
Google ads get more clicks probably because people on the site are in a search mode and the advertisements coincide with the search. They are already in more of a mood to buy. Facebook is not the same kind of site. It is a social networking site.
So, can you say that Facebook advertisements do not work? No, you cannot say that. It only means that it will take more people to see the advertisement to get the same number of clicks as Google. But deciding if something works should be based on profit and not the number of clicks.
There are many people who call themselves marketers who would say that Facebook is not effective. They usually are basing their review of an advertising campaign on the number of clicks. That does not matter if you are being charge per click. It is the revenue that matters the most.
A seller of products knows if an advertisement campaign is working in one simple test. They look to the profit that is being made. A review of sales data will make this obvious.
For example if you make 0 in profit for an advertising investment of 0, it is clear that the campaign was worth it. This is how you must analyze the effectiveness of the time and cost of producing the advertising.
Sellers are always trying to improve the effectiveness of their advertising. Analyzing the results of your Facebook advertisements will help. Look at results side by side of more than one ad that you are running and decide which had the best profit margin per click.
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Now Pay Close Attention —
On the next page you will take a sneak peak at the upcoming secret system release for driving herds of targeted traffic to any site, affiliate or product and dump wads of cash into your bank account using this hidden facebook secret
==> Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!
So if you want to take a behind the curtain pre-release look at the facebook secret that is about to shake the internet to its core then I strongly recommend you read everything on the next page before it’s too late!
Visit this page ==> Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!
What if I told you to stop working day and night writing articles, posting blogs, setting up PPC campaigns, searching high and low for joint venture partners, creating videos … and all the other back breaking and boring stuff? You don’t need a website. You don’t need Google. You don’t need to create products. You don’t need to fork out on costly advertising. You don’t need any previous experience.
Take a peak at the system that is going to cause CHAOS all over the internet… Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!
Facebook Advertising a Boon to Retailers
If you are wondering if Facebook advertisements work the answer is that they do work. It is true that the ads do not get as many clicks as those on Google but that does not mean they do not work.
Google ads get more clicks probably because people on the site are in a search mode and the advertisements coincide with the search. They are already in more of a mood to buy. Facebook is not the same kind of site. It is a social networking site.
So, can you say that Facebook advertisements do not work? No, you cannot say that. It only means that it will take more people to see the advertisement to get the same number of clicks as Google. But deciding if something works should be based on profit and not the number of clicks.
There are many people who call themselves marketers who would say that Facebook is not effective. They usually are basing their review of an advertising campaign on the number of clicks. That does not matter if you are being charge per click. It is the revenue that matters the most.
A seller of products knows if an advertisement campaign is working in one simple test. They look to the profit that is being made. A review of sales data will make this obvious.
For example if you make 0 in profit for an advertising investment of 0, it is clear that the campaign was worth it. This is how you must analyze the effectiveness of the time and cost of producing the advertising.
Sellers are always trying to improve the effectiveness of their advertising. Analyzing the results of your Facebook advertisements will help. Look at results side by side of more than one ad that you are running and decide which had the best profit margin per click.
You need a good nu
Now Pay Close Attention —
On the next page you will take a sneak peak at the upcoming secret system release for driving herds of targeted traffic to any site, affiliate or product and dump wads of cash into your bank account using this hidden facebook secret
==> Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!
So if you want to take a behind the curtain pre-release look at the facebook secret that is about to shake the internet to its core then I strongly recommend you read everything on the next page before it’s too late!
Visit this page ==> Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!
Facebook is immensely popular and has over 400 million users presently and the numbers are changing every day. It is an engaging and creative networking website and retailers are making the best use of it through Facebook ads. Its users are being sold a variety of things online through text and image ads.
Facebook makes use of interest specific targeting. If a Facebook user is interested in high end fashion then he/she will be shown adds of fashion brands and the user is interested in clicking on the ad and knowing more about it. This is because of the interest factor. It is quite similar to the paid search engine marketing ads.
Placing the ads does not end the job of the marketers there are other important aspects like number of clicks, time spent on the landing page, bidding, traffic, conversion rate and so on. Also the ads need to meet the guidelines, should be purpose serving and not mislead the target audience. Presenting the information to be conveyed in a creative manner works the best.
Facebook has huge set of audience with different interests and retailers have lot of scope for experimenting and adding more customers in their kitty. They should remember their ultimate goal and not be lost in just engaging their audiences with just fan pages, this is the mistake a lot of retailers are currently doing.
A lot of information is available online on how retailers can benefit and how can they get started with Facebook advertising. Here are some important points that retailers can consider before they start with Facebook advertising.
* Be clear about the keywords you want to target: Choose the keywords that you know describe your product and service. Check how much estimated traffic will it generate using Facebook advertising tools. Make sure you make use of the keywords creatively. More attention should be paid to the themes related to your business interest for instance if you are a florist you can join communities of flower lovers, flowers are ideal gifts for every occasion you can keep posting articles about how you can make such days special with flowers. There are many more activities you can to promote your services on Facebook.
* Focus on the Ad Copies: Your ad copy is the first thing that your prospective customers will notice about you hence it should be catchy and informative. The image used in the ad should be attention grabbing and the copy which has allows you a 25 character headline and 75 character description should be supporting it. Making changes in the ads is very simple task which gives you a lot of scope for testing them. You can try using different ads and then compare the response each one got and choose the final one accordingly. Also people get bored seeing the same as again and again and so the freshness element should be present always.
Facebook advertising is proving to be highly innovative, target audience oriented and a high reach platform for retailers
Now Pay Close Attention —
On the next page you will take a sneak peak at the upcoming secret system release for driving herds of targeted traffic to any site, affiliate or product and dump wads of cash into your bank account using this hidden facebook secret
==> Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!
So if you want to take a behind the curtain pre-release look at the facebook secret that is about to shake the internet to its core then I strongly recommend you read everything on the next page before it’s too late!
Visit this page ==> Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!
What if I told you to stop working day and night writing articles, posting blogs, setting up PPC campaigns, searching high and low for joint venture partners, creating videos … and all the other back breaking and boring stuff? You don’t need a website. You don’t need Google. You don’t need to create products. You don’t need to fork out on costly advertising. You don’t need any previous experience.
Take a peak at the system that is going to cause CHAOS all over the internet… Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!
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Question by William M: how much advertising money do facebook application developers get a share of in %?
I am learning as much as I can about developing facebook applications, and I’ve learned that you make money from your application by the adverts that companies on facebook place alongside your application. What I’d like to know is how much of the advertising money do you recieve in % after facebook take their cut of the money. Also, how much is 1 ad click worth moneywise?
Best answer:
Answer by ali
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