How To Attract Targeted Web Site Traffic When You Start Your Own Internet Income Business
The basic idea is that your internet income business is run by the information and the information is run by the keywords. Now when you start your own business the primary job is to learn a marketing technique, which will match you. I hope you like writing. The writing skill is more or less a a must, if you want to become, as I hope, a successful internet income business marketer.
It will be an extremely usefull skill, when you will promote your web site, when you are blogging for business, writing forum posts or SEO articles and in building your ecommerce web site.
Now go to the, which is the leading internet income business – forum online, sign-in, introduce yourself, read some posts and start writing posts right away. Just do it! Post at least 5 times per day. Do not shame. You are about to start your own business and this particular internet marketing forum is one of your most valuable internet markets. Write, write and start learning immediately.
Read the training lesson of your affiliate program simultaneously ( if you are not yet signed-in, do it NOW in the bottom ), but do not stop posting and reading at the WarriorForum.
You can now concentrate into reading and writing posts about SEO article – topics ( if there is no thread going, start one ). Find out how to write a sexy SEO article to attract “targeted web site traffic”, how to do SEO and how and where to submit your SEO article.
As a next step, get your own blog ( is free ) and start blogging for your online business using basically the same SEO article in your blog, web site and article directory submissions. However to get the best “targeted web site traffic” – results, insert your SEO article first into your blog and web site, then change the content a little and submit the same SEO article to the article directories but wait some 24 hours before you will do that.
This is the cheapest and most effective way to start your own internet income business, to get “targeted web site traffic” and buying web site customers. It is very important for your motivation, that when you start your own online business you will get results immediately.
As a summary, here are the benefits:
1.You will get “targeted web site traffic” and buying web site customers from the article directories and search engine results.
2.You will start your own internet income business by building awareness and image for your own name ( brand building ). Trust will be important.
3.Maybe the greates benefit of this technique is, that your own internet income business – skills will grow very rapidly. As you know, money will follow.
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Get excited? Find all the best tools and tips for your “targeted web site traffic”,start your own internet income business
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Question by dtmorgan99: Need help drafting a website business plan?
I am going to start a web 2.0 site and I am currently working on the business plan. How do I go about figuring the:
1) projected traffic (I can find similiar sites current traffic, but not their traffic starting off).
2) revenue (I can figure a break even model, but don’t know how to project potential revenue)
3) target users (I assume early adapters and tech saavy people probably 14 – 34 – but don’t know how to go about researching this).
4) Not sure how much monthly hosting fees or a SEO consultant would be.
Any advice you can give is greatly appreciated!
Best answer:
Answer by Rocky
If you are looking for COST EFFICIENT way to get the best website for you, I think you should consider features also & not only cheap rates.
I think you should consider some feature rich website package to start your business. Something like
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* A number of Pages
* Flash Header
* Free Domain Registration/Hosting (for 1 year)
* 10 Email Accounts
* On-page Search Engine Optimization
* Submission to 95% of Local Search Engines
* Google/Yahoo/MSN Site Map
* Google Analytics integration
& I think DesignersX provides all this for a very nominal price as I had it for my Ball Machine Shop. Check out
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Also don’t forget to check their website portfolio at
You can contact them by going to
Hope you also benefit from them as I have.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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