How To Quickly And Easy Write High Quality Articles That Make You Money FAST! How To Make Money On The Internet By Writing Articles And Posting Them Into Article Directories – AUDIOBOOK Reviews
One thought on “How To Quickly And Easy Write High Quality Articles That Make You Money FAST! How To Make Money On The Internet By Writing Articles And Posting Them Into Article Directories – AUDIOBOOK Reviews”
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Unfortunate Poor Quality Diminshes Material, December 17, 2009
The MP3 recording is very poor. Seems to be an automated computer voice read manuscript which mispronounces words and reads website addresses/links in an irritating, monotone voice in a quick manner that is very hard to follow. Author talks about programs without a good explanation of how they work. May contain some new, interesting material but having the patience to follow through the recording is very trying.
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Unfortunate Poor Quality Diminshes Material,
The MP3 recording is very poor. Seems to be an automated computer voice read manuscript which mispronounces words and reads website addresses/links in an irritating, monotone voice in a quick manner that is very hard to follow. Author talks about programs without a good explanation of how they work. May contain some new, interesting material but having the patience to follow through the recording is very trying.
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