Leverage Your Article Marketing With These 2 Profitable Article Marketing Secrets Like Me
Every article marketer should look for the most effective ways to leverage article marketing for getting more and more profits every single day. So read on to discover my 3 profitable article marketing secrets I apply on a regular basis to successfully compete with even big competitors.
My Profitable Article Marketing Secret # 1:
Write As Many Articles As You Can Every Day.
It does not matter you are native or non-native English, it is enough to able to write in good English grammar. So in this case you can leverage your article marketing to the next level by writing tens of articles within a few hours.
Use Instant Article Wizard to write even more articles. I use this software and it really saves me a lot of time when it comes to writing quality content on the subject I know nothing about.
My Profitable Article Marketing Secret # 2:
Use articles in several ways at a time.
To leverage your article marketing you should use your articles in different ways. I always try to benefit of my each and every article in many possible ways.
For example, I turn my each article into professional video in a few minutes using special Article To Video Converter Article2Video.
So in other words, I write 10 articles a day, I use them so that I get minimum 20 unique backlinks (10 from articles and 10 from videos submitted to youtube.)
To leverage your article marketing use your fantasy and apply my above mentioned article marketing strategies as well. In this case, you will certainly make money with articles even if you are a newbie.
Also read:
Your Aggressive Article Marketing Plan To Earn 3 Per Day: Really Works – Proven!
Want to Increase Sales Through Article Marketing?
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Article from articlesbase.com
Backlink Article Writer
Software that generates unique quality articles to build backlinks.
Backlink Article Writer
Article Master Series V3
No restrictions PLR articles pack. 15000 no restrictions PLR articles you can sell.
Article Master Series V3

Do you recommend article marketing as an SEO strategy and how are the backlinks treated when other websites republish the same article? Jeff, Orange County, CA Russian subtitles translated by Mike Shakin. Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when we take new questions: twitter.com More videos: www.youtube.com Webmaster Central Blog: googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Webmaster Central: www.google.com
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Question by LolitaCorazon: What’s a unique title I can use for an Affiliate Marketing Article?
I am writing an article on affiliate marketing for someone. They want me to use a unique title. Does anyone have an ideas on what I could call the article?
Best answer:
Answer by Dan Murray
There are many elements to affiliate marketing, what’s the article about?
Whats the main keyword in the article, because from a SEO point of view that should come first, or at less somewhere near the beginning.
Lets say it’s just on affiliate marketing as a whole…
Affiliate Marketing The Common Man’s Gold
From Affiliate Marketing Too A 7 Bedroom House
Affiliate Marketing Bought My Car
Affiliate Marketing The True Story
Why Affiliate Marketing Loves Newbies
Everyove Loves Affiliate Marketing – (Just in-side SEO)
Making It With Affiliate Marketing – (maybe just out SEO)
Affiliate Marketing To The Top
Affiliate Marketing… I can’t stop the ride
Snowball Affiliate Marketing To Richies
I hope this Helps 🙂
Add your own answer in the comments!
This is yet another clear indication that social signal is becoming more important…
No manager wants success completely defined on the company’s terms. They want success defined by their own terms too.
Definition of Success for Managers: IMPACT. slapCompany
Article marketing is a waste of time 2011 to much effort for little reward, the only site that truly benefits is the actual article directory that has domain age and a high page rank.
There was a time when search engines counted back links from a directory in a more positive way. Nowadays your better of doing blog comments on decent sites weather it be a no follow link or a follow link.
This is a thought provoking article. I have someone who wants to help me get my website ranked higher by doing article marketing and now I am not sure what to do?
Yep – most article marketing is utter junk, and should be flagged as such by Google.
More disinformation from M cutts. Google derives rankings from links and more links from more articles equals higher rankings. so of course M cutts doesn’t like it!!!
Carry on writing!
Matt Cutts can say all he wants about what he foresees in the future. And I agree with his thoughts about Article Marketing being a place where a lot of ‘junk’ gets posted. BUT the reality is that the Google Algorithm values backlinks, and as long as people can get those via AM, they will do it. I personally don’t use AM anymore, and instead choose to put my best quality articles on my websites.
Wow…I know you work for the Big “G”, but personally, I believe “G” BEGS to be gamed. I would LOVE to do it the right way. Personally, I do not think “G” leaves people a choice, unless you just have one site and that is all you concentrate on. If you are in a market that is competitive at ALL, you’re just NOT going to end up in the first three spots on the first page. Aggressive marketers will game “G” through bogus high PR profiles, bogus bookmarks et al. This is effective social media mktg?
Right on Matt….I’ve gotten bashed left and right in the warrior forum about this….I agree 100%
I don’t get it Matt. Isn’t articles what content is all about in the first place? If there is no information on a website that is informational by nature, then why on Earth would people still want to visit that website?
I thought that search engines “want” to find articles when they visit a website. If I am wrong and videos are actually what the search engines want to see the internet flooded with, then let us know so we can all give up article marketing and start creating videos!
These days people are flooding all of the article banks with spintaxed versions of articles – it’s all crap. AND if you outsource your articles, they come back written in broken English with terrible grammar — completely useless – absolute wastes of time.
Focus your efforts on your on-page SEO and build backlinks. This is how you get traffic.
what I mean are guides like:
how to make the perfect coffee
put a handful coffee beans in your espresso machine,
push the button but don’t forget to put a cup under,
use 1 small piece of sugar and a whiten your perfect coffee with a splash of fresh milk.
klick *here* to buy excellent coffee beans
: ) I really suggest no one needs such and similar search results
a lot of useless eHow results are still indexed on top, and I agree: the exploding self marketing caused bad results, so it was neccessary to do the panda update
@internetgurublog Ezine killed itself by being a content farm with nothing but ads.. Every lame marketer says go post on ezine and many follow. Frankly I think it is funny how ezine has suffered. Sure glad I do not post my quality content to their site.
Just an unique title might be dangerous… you also want it to be relevant and to catch eye balls and readers attention… At this moment where the economy sucks any thing related to “make money online” would help…
Or related to extra revenue… watch out tough not to fall into “work from home” traps where your article will be lost between survey taking scams… Good luck