Make Easy Money with Ebay – Part 3
If you are looking to make easy money on Ebay then this article is for you. The best thing about making easy money from Ebay is that you can do all of this from home and you need very little to get started. In fact, you probably have lots of things round the house that you need to get rid of and you can turn all of these into easy money!
This is Part 3 of our article on Ebay and how to make easy money – how to enter a description and select a category for your listing. We will look at the other aspects of putting your listing onto Ebay in the next article.
In your quest to make easy money on Ebay you will need to enter a description for your listing. You will need to include every piece of information that you can about your item. The more detail you have, the more likely you are to achieve the highest possible bid for your goods. Things you must include are size, weight, colour, manufacturer, age, condition and so on. It’s far better to add too much detail than not have enough. Buyers like detail and the more detail you include the better. They can always scan your ad for the info that they need to find but, if it’s not there, then they may send you a request for additional information. Buyers may go to the next supplier if the information they are looking for is not included.
Also make sure that you write your description copy like a good newspaper piece with the important information as close to the start as possible. You want to keep the design of your description as simple as possible. Try to keep your descriptions as relevant to the listing as possible making it easy to read.
You need to totally be honest about your listing. If it has any defects, then you need to be sure that your description includes details. Your buyer will find out in the end, so best to let them know early and they can then decide if they want to proceed with the purchase. To make easy money on Ebay, it is essential that you get good, positive feedback from all your customers. If you are not totally honest in all you do, then then this is a recipe for disaster.
Remember that your buyers are relying on your description including any faults. The buyers cannot actually touch and examine your goods – they have to rely on your description. Missing out on a key defect could be viewed as fraud.
Try to ensure that you describe your items in a friendly way as though a friend was interested in buying the item. Sellers are known to report bidders who have not paid and threaten to take you to court. Do not accuse your potential buyers of being thieves. If they are thieves they will take no notice of the warnings anyway!! If you must include some policy information make sure that it’s shorter than your description.
Finally check your spellings. Although it will not make up for a bad description, it does make you look more professional than having a description full of mistakes.
Our next article will be on – Picking your selling format.
See you next time!
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