Make Money On EBay – What Are Your Goals?
If it is your desire to make money on eBay you must consider goal setting as a top priority. If you can ever expect to hit your target, you have to know what it is first. The goal you set will be the bull’s eye you must continually and tenaciously aim for.
Being that your desire is to make a good living from eBay, your primary goal should be to become a “Power Seller.” To become one you have to make at least ,000 every month and have a positive feedback rating of at least 98 percent.
What does that tell you? It tells you that you have to be consistent and honest in your dealings. Those who do not do their eBay business in a consistent and credible way will soon be found out. Your feedback rating is very important. Most people will never deal with anyone who has made a substantial amount of past customers unhappy…and I can’t blame them.
In order to make good money on eBay, you must be honest and work hard, not just some of the time, but all of the time. Give accurate descriptions of your products and make deliveries as fast as possible and your customers will love you and reward you for it with a good, positive review. If you work hard and do well, it won’t be long before you become a Power Seller.
Getting to this level means you are on the road to success. But why not shoot for the top? Here are the five tiers or steps of eBay Power Sellers:
Tier 1: Bronze – ,000 per month. Tier 2: Silver – ,000. Tier 3: Gold – ,000. Tier 4: Platinum – ,000. Tier 5: Titanium – 0,000.
Yes, there are people making that much on eBay. Go with these eBay business tips and you too will make money on eBay.
Becoming a power seller means you know well how to make money on eBay. That’s great, but there are some other benefits to becoming a power seller that aren’t quite as obvious as the income. Here is the primary one:
Being a Power Seller on eBay tells buyers a lot about you, they way you do business, and your products. It tells them you have satisfied eBay’s demands for excellence, which also means they are way more apt to trust doing business with you than your non-power seller competitors.
Becoming a power seller also means better support from eBay and, depending on what tier you are at, you can receive toll-free Access and an account manager.
So if you are set on making a living off eBay, then set your goal to be a power seller…and why settle for Bronze? You can do much better by putting in consistent effort, and you will make an excellent living from eBay as others are already doing!
It is my hope that the information above has been helpful to you. I also write on a variety of other helpful topics, including Over The Range Microwave Ovens and Microwave Convection Combo Ovens. Wishing you the best in life, Claude J Anthony
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