Optimizing Websites for Search Engines
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They key to optimizing websites for search engines in order to generate organic traffic is to continue to execute each component of the SEO plan that we have discussed in previous discussions. The foremost component for having your website become more visible among the major search engines to continue to produce new content that will be spidered. The general rule of thumb is that for each 100 words that you develop, one new visitor will come to your website on a monthly basis. Of course, it is not simply a matter of putting up a small amount of words with the anticipation that you will generate the traffic that you are seeking.
When you are optimizing websites for search engines you should continually build on the new content that you have developed over time. One of the common misconceptions when attempting to generate organic search engine traffic is that you should have many sites that feature a small level of content that all link back to your primary website. It is far better to have one website that features 100,000 different words (among the many articles and blog posts) that you will produce rather than having ten sites that each have 10,000 words. Search engine optimization becomes a self fulfilling prophecy over time. The more content that you add to your site the more your site is viewed as relevant by the major search engines. This can also be attributed to the fact that for each new article or blog post, you site is able to increase its PageRank because internal links are developed each time you put up a new category or article as it pertains to your ecommerce SEO campaign.
One of the other keys for optimizing websites for search engines is to continually focus on generating appropriate inbound links that will assist the major search engines in finding your site more quickly. Additionally, the usage of inbound links will drive additional traffic to your website from the sites that link directly to the content and products that are available on your website. However, you do not need to have thousands of inbound links in order to engage an appropriate ecommerce SEO campaign. Again, if a major search engine sees that your site has developed thousands (if not tens of thousands) of inbound links very quickly then the algorithms that you use will make the assumption that you have engaged in search engine optimization techniques that are frowned up. One of the common misconceptions is that PageRank is directly related to the number of inbound links on your website. Nothing could be further from the truth. As we have showcased in one of our previous articles, we successfully have developed several PR4 ranked websites without engaging in an inbound linking campaign. This was simply accomplished by producing as much relevant content for the websites that we have owned and developed (on behalf of clients).
The usage of a SEO services company should focus on producing a tremendous amount of new content for your website. If you are willing to make an expansive investment for your search engine optimization for your ecommerce platform then you realized that on a per word basis you can anticipate that you will spend two cents to ten cents per word produced.
Also, as your are optimizing your websites for search engines – you should roll out the new content that you have produced over a moderate period of time. If you develop 100,000 words of new content for your ecommerce platform then you should spread the content roll-out over a period of one to two months. Much like generating too many inbound links too quickly, producing and releasing content too quickly may also be viewed negatively by the major search engines. As with any search engine optimization campaign, the key is to develop your ecommerce website (or informational portal) at a measured pace.
Ecommerce-SEO.net is an informational portal for everything related to ecommerce SEO and Free Tools for Search Engine Optimization.
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