Secrets to increase search engine ranking
Do you require to increase search engine ranking to boost your traffic & sales?
SEO is not as complicated as lots of people think. What I have discovered is that when you know the insider secrets, you can literally dominate any keywords & boost search engine rankings of any web-sites that you have.
How do I know? Simple: Using the exact secrets you are about to learn here, I have easily dominated Google & achieved high search engine rankings for the super-competitive “article submission” keyword with my website at
Here are the 4 proven secrets to increase search engine ranking for your keywords:
Write a high quality news story related to the subject of your website & submit it to the top 30 news story directories & other ezine publishers.
Secret 1: Write & Publish Articles
Recall to include your website link in the resource box of your articles so that when your articles are published, they will provide high quality backlinks to your web-sites.
Why are backlinks important?
You see, major search engines like Google determines the ranking of your web page largely through the quality & quantity of websites that link to yours. Generally, the higher the authority levels of the incoming links, the higher the link popularity of your website, the greater your search rankings.
So by having authoritative news story directories like EzineArticles linking back to your web-sites, it will definitely help give your website the extra boost in rankings & traffic.
Forget about what other people say about “link diversity” – that is, generating backlinks to your web-sites using different keywords to make it look more natural to the search engines.
Secret 2: Use the Same Keyword for All Your Backlinks
Through pricey trial & error, I realized that it doesn’t matter. In fact, I have discovered that by concentrating all your efforts in building backlinks with the same keyword, you’ll get faster & better results.
Secret 3: Use The Same URL for All Your Backlinks
Look at these URLs:
Strangely, even though the above URLs all lead to the same page, search engine treat them as different pages. So choose if you require to use “www” during backlinking & stick to it.
Secret 4: Spy On Your Competitors
Reverse engineering the high search engine rankings of these web-sites is the best technique to boost search engine rankings for your own sites.
Do a search on your targeted keyword in Google to find out which are the websites that are ranking the highest. What you require to do is to find out which web-sites are linking to them, & try to get the exact same web-sites to link to you.
You can find out who is linking to them by using This will return the number of websites that are providing backlinks to your competitors. By visiting each of them, you may be able to pick up a nice number of quality websites that you can also approach & get them to link to you.
If you want to learn about SEO in more depth then read this increase search engine ranking. I bet that this would be the only article you will ever need to increase your search engine rankings.
Article from GuruBob reveals how to use Market Samurai to find authority backlinks: Find out more about Guru Bob here:
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