Selecting the right kind of managed web hosting provider
Managed web hosting has become quite popular in recent times and it is one of the best plans if you don’t want to be bothered with the hassle of setting and running a hosting account. In fact it wouldn’t be incorrect to say that managed web hosting is the ideal solution for businesses where there is lack of time, people or skills to manage a web hosting plan. Different web hosting plans such as dedicated hosting environment can be quite complicated and it is better to allow the web host to manage the account than recruiting your own people and making them manage and control the hosting account.
Taking a managed web hosting account does allow companies to save money since there are hardly any overhead or infrastructural costs from your end. But before you choose a managed web hosting account it is important to take this decision after careful inspection of the web hosting provider and seeing whether the hosting company fulfils all the hosting requirements or not. Some of the guidelines that you would need to keep in mind while selecting a managed web hosting provider would include the following:
A reliable web hosting provider: It goes without saying that a reliable and a dependable web hosting provider is of utmost importance and you need to figure out if the web host can be relied upon or not.
Technological requirements: A good web host will only be able to provide excellent managed web hosting service if the company possesses the right hardware and software. It therefore becomes important to check if the web host has desired technological infrastructure required to offer a good managed web hosting service.
Customer Service: Customer service is one of the paramount factors when deciding which web hosting company to choose. It especially comes into play where managed web hosting is concerned because here the complete responsibility lies with the web hosting provider who not only provides the service but also has to managed it well. It is important to find out if the web host is offering round the clock technical support or not.
Costing: Any service from any web hosting provider is dependent on the costing and you need to figure out how they have priced the service they are offering. If you are required to pay on monthly basis or on an annual basis and there should not be any kind of hidden costs too.
These are just some of the steps you can take to ensure if the managed web hosting provider is genuinely offering a good deal or not and is it worth taking a managed web hosting account.
John has years of experience in the field of web hosting and has written extensively on the various aspects of web hosting. Find out more about the various kinds of web hosting plans and services at
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Zen Internet delivers high-performance hosting enabled by Juniper Networks.(WEB HOSTING): An article from: Green Data Centers & Internet Business
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Title: Zen Internet delivers high-performance hosting enabled by Juniper Networks.(WEB HOSTING)
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