Advantages And Disadvantages Of Shared Web Hosting
After you have designed your website, the natural thing to do next, is to get it online. With so many web hosting type and packages to choose from, it is not easy to make a choice. Shared web hosting, virtual private server and dedicated servers. Which one should you choose?
If you have a limited budget, it is recommended that you get shared web hosting. So what is shared web hosting?
As its name implies, for a shared web hosting service, many websites are hosted on the same server, usually more than hundreds. It is suitable only if you have a new startup website that do not require large amount of system resources like CPU, memory and storage space.
What are the advantages of shared web hosting?
Cost effectiveness
With so many websites hosted on the same web server, the web hosting company can lower the cost of the web hosting services. In Singapore a good and stable web hosting service can cost as low as a month.
No Maintenance Cost
As there are so many websites on the same server, the web hosting provider will take no chance for security and performance issues. The shared web hosting server is managed and monitored around the clock by experienced system administrators in order to minimize server downtimes. All these cost money and you only pay a negligible fraction of it.
What are the disadvantages of shared web hosting?
System Resources Limitation
As you can expect, there are hundreds of websites on the same server sharing the server, and you will not be able to make full usage of the system resources. If there is a very high traffic website on the server and it consumes large amount of data traffic, your website will slow down if there is not enough data bandwidth available.
Security Risk
There are often bad scripts available which can affect a server performances. In addition, a vulnerable script can be easily hacked and used bring down a server. If any of this script get loaded in a hosting account, the whole server will be affected. This is a risk that cannot be avoid with any shared web hosting service. Constantly monitoring will be needed to resolve such issues.
Shared IP
Usually dedicated IP is not offered by default for shared web hosting service. There is a risk with shared IP as spamming from one of the account on the server will lead to the shared IP being blacklisted. This can lead to a great deal of inconveniences for you.
Oryon Networks provides all-in-one web hosting packages. Find out more details about their Singapore web hosting packages at their website.
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