Information about Linux web hosting and its advantages?
Linux web hosting refers to hosting your website on a Linux platform. A lot of web hosting providers prefer offering Linux web hosting over others because it is extremely reliable and comparatively cost effective. Linux hosting package offers a number of advantages such as affordability, flexibility and stability and therefore remains quite a favorite with most website hosting providers.
Why we need Linux hosting?
Liux web hosting is preferred because there are quite a number of advantages attached to it. One of the important aspects of Linux web hosting which is also its biggest benefit is that Linux is an open source software product and hence does not require high licensing fees, which is the case with other operating systems. This is one of the reasons on why Linux webhosting services seems to be the ideal choice for many web hosting providers. This also works well for the web hosting providers because they don’t have to pay high license fees and are therefore able to offer cheap hosting packages. Since it is an open source therefore even reseller hosting providers find it beneficial because they can purchase the hosting and then further sell it to their clients too.
Difference between Linux and widows web hosting
If anyone is looking for a good web hosting package in India then they will find that most website hosting providers offer Linux web hosting which is any day more affordable, robust and flexible than any other platform such as Windows or Mac.
There are quite a few differences between Linux and Windows web hosting which also highlights the basic advantages that Linux may have over Windows.
Price: This is an important component when planning to take a web hosting package and most web hosting providers do have to offer a competitive price to stay ahead of their competitors. Since Linux is an open source platform and anyone can use it therefore most hosting providers prefer to offer Linux hosting because they can design competitive hosting packages.
Stability: It is well known fact that Linux is a more stable and a robust platform than Windows and is geared to meet a wide range of demanding situations. Where stability and performance is concerned, undoubtedly Linux web hosting scores over Windows in this regard completely.
Versatility: Linux is undoubtedly more versatile because a Linux website can easily be converted to a Windows website and it is also advantageous if different scripting languages like PHP, MySQL or Perl etc have to be used.
Linux hosting features and advantages Linux hosting packages do you have a lot of advantages and features that is unmatched by any other platform by most standards. Some of the leading advantages of Linux web hosting include:
It is undoubtedly very economical because of being an open source operating system and it is possible to sell cheap hosting packages and reseller hosting plans.
Linux web hosting is also more secure and robust and since it is open source therefore less prone to any kind of cyber attack.
It offers extreme flexibility because the website can be converted into a Windows website easily and it is compatible with different scripting languages and databases.
Author has vast knowledge of website hosting. He would like to provides information about different types of hosting like linux hosting, window hosting, php web hosting, joomla web hosting
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