Choose Affordable Webhosting For Your Web Site
Webhosting is a service that enables you to move your site with files and HTML documents to a public site on a Web server and on the internet. When selecting a webhosting service, there are a number of things you should consider.
For a business, it is not recommended to choose a free webhosting solution. You should choose affordable webhosting instead. First of all, free webhosting sites have pop ups and banners every time you enter which can discourage or irritate the customer and if you are not so technically savvy this could end up being a problem.
They also don’t have much disk transfer or disk space, you don’t get enough email account space or other features. If you have large graphic files, you may lose your customers who don’t want to wait for things to load. Also, free webhosting usually suffers from a lot of downtime so that would affect your business on the internet as well.
So choosing affordable webhosting is the best bet for your business. Costs can range from ten dollars to fifty every month and this price range depends on the types of hosting features you want.
It is possible however, to go into hundreds of dollars per month for a server dedicated solely for your business. Whatever choice you make, don’t forget to check refund polices and the money back no questions asked guarantee claims.
When making your decision about choosing your webhosting provider, you may come across some companies that offer unlimited bandwith. This claim is not actually true. There is no such thing. After a certain limit, the webhost will begin to charge for the bandwidth.
Another thing is to think about the customer support services too, check the webhost’s company website and see what else they offer. Check out how long they have been in the business.
A Windows based webhosting service is more expensive than a Linux. This is because Windows databases and languages cost the company more to purchase. In addition, the price doesn’t include Cold Fusion, Allair, SQL server.
Linux languages and databases are free to install so it is more affordable to the company and to you. You can get PHP, MySQL, and telnet accounts as well. The only time it is actually recommended to get Windows is if you need to work with Microsoft Access database.
Make sure you check each company’s background and do further research before settling on a webhosting company. One way to do this to visit a webhosting review site that allows users to post comments about the webhosting company they are using or have used in the past.
This will give you an unbiased opinion on the customer service and uptime of the affordable webhosting company you are thinking about using for your web site.
Sarah Thomas is an established freelance writer. You can find more of her writing at and
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