Buy on eBay; sell on Amazon or vice versa
One of the things that I am always amazed about is that so many people consider eBay is the only way to make money or sell products on line. So why would that be the case? Simple, eBay is in everyone psyche, there have been TV ads for eBay, and probably millions of articles have been written about it many appearing in high profile publications such as newspapers and magazines. So the thought of using any other medium to sell does not occur to most people.
Here’s another idea to stimulate your entrepreneurial muscles. Amazons core business is still books CD’s and DVD’s you can obtain excellent bargains using Amazons market place often much better than eBay’s pricing, so lets use that to our advantage. I sell as a side line (in fact a very profitable side line) academic, hobby and specialist books only, repeat only on Amazon. Here’s why, if you ever wanted to buy a book online where would you go to get it? Amazon of course, now you will be able to find the item and if it is an academic specialist or hobby book you will find it and also the lowest price it is being offered at.
Now for most specialist books the price will be quite high, are you starting to get my drift? There are literally loads of these types of books being donated to charity shops on a daily basis. Now due to the nature of these books they are not likely to sell for very much. Because they do not sell the price will be much lower than the popular paperbacks that fill the shelves and command a higher price. How do we make money from this? Simple take the ISBN number and use the Amazon search facility to see the current selling price from Amazon and other book sellers selling into Amazon market place.
Now it may take you some time to see a return, obviously the market for these books is much smaller than Dan Brown’s readership, but it will not cost you anything to list these items. So where does this effect your eBaying? Use the search facility to find the Specialist books on sale on eBay that are attracting no or very few bids, use the ISBN number to search for the possible resale value on Amazon. Conversely many items on Amazon have a greater resale value on eBay (not books CD’s or DVD’s) a few hours research could well end up paying dividends.
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