Few Tips for Selecting an Appropriate Web Hosting Provider
One of the most important decisions one should make while deciding to put on his/her business on the web is which web hosting provider to use. The web hosting company that hosts one’s personal page may not offer the best plan for one’s business needs. The following are the several things one should take care while selecting a web host for one’s professional web pages.
Windows or *nix Web Hosting
When a web hosting provider is talking about an operating system, he/she means the operating system that his/her server uses. There is no need for Windows hosting if one is using a Windows operating system on his/her machine. Windows hosting is not required if one is building his/her pages in Front Page. The main reason for opting Windows web server hosting is that it enables to take advantage of .asp and .net programming capabilities, which can be extremely powerful. If one is not sure, then he/she should check with the person who will be designing his/her pages and ask for their recommendation.
Choice of Web Hosting Services
One must look for a web hosting provider that offers all the services that one needs in order to build the web site of his/her choice. The following are the services that make a good deal even better are:
Reduced price or free domain registration
When one is building a company web site, having his/her own domain name is very important to present a professional image. there are several web hosting providers that registers one’s domain name for free, and take care of all the details of renewing and updating information so that one need not to worry about it.
Secure server transactions on their server
If one is planning to accept payments or exchange personal information over the Internet, access to a secure server is most essential. One must look for a web hosting package that includes SSL in its basic price.
If one chooses a UNIX server, PHP and database support can provide powerful tools for running applications and forums, content management systems and more. Most business and e-commerce plans include them.
Design Services at reduced prices
There are several web hosting providers offering professional web design services to their customers at a discount rate. Thus one should avail these discounts. The main advantage of a professional looking web site is that it inspires confidence in one’s customers.
Web-mail services and POP Email Boxes
One must also look for a business web hosting plan that offers the maximum POP email boxes so as to enable one to assign email addresses to all his/her employees and departments. The advantage of a web-mail interface is that it allows users to access their mail from any computer.
Thus one can find a web hosting provider that offers all the features that one wants and that too at an affordable price. The only thing required is one should do his/her home work properly i.e. he/she should compare all the hosts before selecting the most important one.
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Article from articlesbase.com
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