The Top 7 eBay Secrets To Becoming A Successful Seller
To become a successful seller on eBay there are 7 eBay secrets you need to know. These eBay secrets will put you on the road to success as an eBay seller.
eBay Secrets 1: Selling is an art! You must have a product or have created one, you must advertise and market the product to generate demand for it (make the customer really want the product), you must choose the correct price for the product, bearing in mind you must make a profit and you must then make the sale. And here lies one of the eBay secrets …
You want to keep selling to the same customers over and over again which will allow you to establish a customer base as well as a foundation for your Ebay business. Getting repeat customers is one of the eBay secrets that will help your sales fly!
eBay Secrets 2: You need to learn the psychology of your buyers to become a great seller! Buying is always based on a want or need because once the basics are covered like shelter, food and clothes, people buy because they want things. An example of this is that you need shampoo to wash your hair but you don’t need a bar of Galaxy chocolate – you simply want one. So when you see the chocolate at the checkout, you feel the urge to have some, so you impulsively buy it! People buy impulsively triggered by their emotions. So one of the next eBay secrets is …
Your eBay product descriptions should include powerful words that are emotional triggers. Use vivid text descriptions, use colour photographs, make the buyer really want your product right now. Tell them that their lives will never be the same if they miss out – they really need to get it now!
eBay Secrets 3: You must do proper research on the items that you plan to sell. Everyone thinks that ‘anything will sell on eBay’ and this is true to some extent, but ‘anything won’t sell on eBay FOR PROFIT!’ So eBay secrets number 3 is…
Don’t take it for granted that you can list anything, sell it and make a profit. Research is vital. It doesn’t make sense to stock products that won’t sell. So researching will help you avoid potentially losing money. Research also gives you a feel for the eBay market place and will help you to decide on your pricing.
eBay Secrets 4: Keywords really matter! One of the biggest eBay secrets and the key to getting many potential bidders to visit your eBay listing is the keywords that you use in your title …
Before you list an item for sale on eBay, it is extremely important to do a search within eBay of the keywords you want to use in your title. This way you will see how many listings come up. If the results are poor, you should try using different keywords. On the other hand if there are lots of listings, you have chosen some good keywords! eBay uses ‘best match’ to decide which listings to show to potential buyers, so if your keywords are not relevant your listing won’t show.
eBay Secrets 5: Provide great customer service. Providing great customer service is very important and is often overlooked by many sellers. eBay secrets number 5 will give you some tips …
Be as accurate and honest in your listing description by providing as many details as possible including any faults or flaws. Indicate whether you offer refunds or guarantees. Answer all enquiries and questions as soon as possible. Dispatch items promptly and in proper packaging.
You will provide customer satisfaction this way and your feedback rating and DSR’s will quickly soar.
eBay secrets 6: Make an ‘About Me’ Page. This is one of the eBay secrets that is so under-utilised it’s criminal! Having an ‘About Me’ page on eBay will let potential buyers get to know you. It’s a free page on the web so use it to promote yourself and your eBay products. It’s not rocket science!
eBay Secrets 7: – Use auctions for bigger profits (mostly!) One of the key eBay secrets to making more money when selling on ebay is to try and cause a bidding war …
It’s simple really, if you get a few people who like the look of your product they will keep outbidding each other and your profit margin will increase. Take advantage of natural human reactions. If a buyer really wants your item he will more than likely get carried away with the bidding adrenalin and pay over the odds for it! It doesn’t matter that he could probably purchase the same item elsewhere for cheaper! It’s the thrill of the chase! Enjoy …
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Launching a Successful eBay Store
Disregard the recent grumbling over recent eBay Store fee hikes. A well-run eBay Store is worth every penny, and can add considerably to your profitability! Recent enhancements to eBay’s Store features make running a Store an essential part of successful eBay selling. Stores give you so many new ways to cross-promote your eBay items that running a Store gives you an almost unfair advantage over sellers without one. When shoppers enter your eBay Store they visit your own private eBay. They se
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