At the moment, blogging is very useful in drawing substantial number of traffic. However, if you indeed want to increase the traffic to your blog, you honestly have to do more than just to blog. In this article, you will learn the top six systems for increasing the traffic to your blog.
A) Create super quality content that is full o your keywords and phrases. This instantly delivers two major advantages. First of all, the quality and valuable content will make your visitors love your site and they will be visiting your blog as often as possible and will purchase whatever it is your selling on your website. Moreover with great content and good keywords, you are bound to achieve top search engine ranking which in turn drives huge traffic to your blog and website.
B) Optimizing your titles for search engines since it is a real technique of generating traffic to your website. You might as well want to optimize your blogs titles and utilize most of the keywords or phrases which people type in when they search for whatever product or services you sell online. This will help your website to be noticed on search engines, and your website will also gain better ranking for most of your keywords and as such sending traffic to your website.
C) Use email marketing with your blog. This is an valuable method of sending readers back to your blog and also build a list. Building you own very list is of the essence because you might as well sell your products to your list. By utilizing the services of an auto responder, you will be able to deliver emails to your list as regarding updates to your blog, and so increasing the traffic to your blog.
D) Social book marketing is also an effective and great technique to increase traffic to your blog. The moment you attain top ranking with just a few of these admired social book marketing sites, you are very sure of driving size-able traffic to your website.
E) RSS feed for blog traffic. This is also a great way to have visitors making a come back to your blog as they subscribed to read your RSS feed, they they will be updated very often. Your readers will revisit your blog each time you make a new post. Do not use of some of your blog posts and change them into articles. All you are required to do is add more content if needed, include an attractive article heading and turn it into an article.
Believe it or not, writing and submitting articles is one of the most brilliant tactics for generating traffic. Finally, making use of these strategies can greatly increase the amount of traffic to your website or blog.
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Question by fffreak44: blog traffic?
how do i get more traffic to my blog
Best answer:
Answer by vox_atrophia
The most important way to get people to go to your blog and stay there is to write really good posts. That’s really the only trick.
You could try submitting your blog posts to Digg, Reddit,
That’ll get people to see the article, but if it isn’t good, it won’t help you at all.
What do you think? Answer below!Question by A.: How can I increase traffic to my blog?
I have Google AdSense on the HOME page of my blog and have made $ 27 so far. How can I increase my blog traffic?
Best answer:
Answer by Vincent
include a lot of keywords about popular things being talked about, or your topic. or link to bigger subjects.
for example, i write blogs for cars. headlights, tail lights, etc etc.
i try to include as many of those keywords in my blog as i can, without spamming it. also i include big car names.
Add your own answer in the comments!