Building Your Opt-in List with eBay
One Internet Marketing wise saying is, the money is in the list. This reason is important in growing your list rapidly. In reality, your list building should be a never-ending business project, which is ongoing. Otherwise you may encounter a wearing away of your list by loosing subscribers. You can build your list in many different ways.
For instance blogging, pay per click advertising and article marketing are all good methods of building an effective marketing list. These methods are not included in this article, however. Rather this article revolves around inexpensively using eBay as the resource to tap into while building your list. Ebay has an enormous potential for attracting traffic, with nearly 8 million visitors daily while supporting 200 million registered users, by using eBay to grow your list you will be able to attract those who are interested in joining your list.
Ebay offers two different methods in which to grow your list. With the first you create and sell ebooks or small reports in the buy it now auction format. You can set a minimum price and sell multiple items at $ .99 each; therefore, you are essentially giving away these particular ebooks and small reports, which provide useful information to your buyers. While creating these small reports or ebooks be sure to display links to your squeeze page of your list. When creating these reports, remember they should be informative, yet leave the reader wanting more. If done in a pleasing manner, they will sign up for your list.
When writing your small reports or ebooks, be sure to mention that the buyer can give away these documents however, they cannot alter them in any way, and this may result in more signups in the end. Remember, you are not really trying to make a great deal of money with these reports; rather you are growing your marketing list.
Since the insertion and selling fees on eBay are relatively low, this can be a very cost effective way to get sign ups to your list and if you sell enough reports or ebooks, you may turn a small profit while simultaneously growing your list. You can also use the classified ad format on eBay. Many who use eBay; often overlook this type of ad format; however, it is quite simple and economically sound when growing your list.
The set up for a classified ad is set up much like a standard auction. An ad will run for thirty days rather than three, seven and ten days. Of course, the title is subject to the search engine of eBay as are all their auctions. It is essential to optimize your ad title. HTML is welcome here, so you can paste the code for your squeeze page, which contains the opt-in subscriber form in your advertisement. A classified ad cares an insertion fee of .95 for 30 days.
You can choose a Pro Pack when offering your classified ad, it costs a bit more, but equals out to around a dollar a day in advertisement. Purchasing a 7 day, Pro Pack comes to around four dollars per day. Making use of the classified ad format is a wallet friendly method to use when growing your list. No doubt, there are other eBay features to use when growing a list, however, these methods are much more cost effective than buying leads or pay per click advertising, while bringing in a small profit, at least enough to cover any eBay fees you may encounter while using eBay as a tool to grow your list.
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