Build Web Site Traffic
Build Web Site Traffic
Introduction: All online business needs traffic and more traffic. You must build web site traffic or your business will seriously suffer and all your work and money will be wasted. Your objective may not be getting to number one on the search engines but you should try to get to the first page. There are several things you can do to build web site traffic.
There is no need to spend a lot of money to build web site traffic. If you own a web site you are most likely receiving all kinds of suggestions to buy web traffic software that will generate web site traffic to help make you a lot of money. I suggest you ignore these sale pitches and do it free by listing your site with multiple search engines, posting articles on article sites, and becoming a blogger. Here are some simple steps to get web site traffic to your site that are free. By doing these things they can make a huge impact on your online visibility.
Submit Articles
Search for key words, both single words and long-term keyword and do. You can use long-tail keywords which are about two to three words in length and then write something about it. Insure article is interesting and free of errors then submit it to several different article directories. This is free and is an effective technique to market your web site and improve web site traffic.
Create a Blog
A blog does not cost you anything except for your time to create one and keeping it fresh with material. It is an excellent method to get web site traffic to your site. Blogging is a creative way to maximize your resources and attract the attention of internet users. With a set of goals and a good command of English and writing ability, blogging permits you to express yourself and invite people to interact with you on the web. Blogs also provide businesses with an avenue to showcase their products and services.
Build Links
Remember “No man is an island”. To generate web site traffic your site needs to connect with other web sites. If you have a blog you can visit other more popular blogs and post some comments and then insert links to your blogs. Use the blog to entice other bloggers to your site. You can buy link assistance but why buy the service when it is free. In addition you may want to send emails to other website owners and humbly request for a link exchange. Just make sure your blog has things in common with their site. Many site owners allow this type of link partnership especially if they see mutual benefits.
Post Viral Videos
Videos are playing a big role in Internet marketing and increase web site traffic. As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words” and a video is worth that much more. It is much easier for a potential customer to watch a presentation than read about it. If you have not considered this strategy yet you are missing a lot of opportunities to advertise your site. Posting a video on your site is free so start creating videos which showcase your web site and the services it offers. Post those on YouTube and down load them to your web site. Remember, it is absolutely free and will attract traffic.
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Best eBook on How To Make Cheap Website Traffic – Cheap Web Site Traffic
Every online company knows that without traffic to their site, they go broke, quickly. There are many ways to get cheap web site traffic. One way is pay per click advertising, where you pay per click through to your site, but you do not know if the customer is going to purchase your product, so you do lose some money with that..
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Question by Brian M: Where can I find web site traffic details?
I am looking for specific information on top websites that includes visitors, visits, pageviews per visitor, etc. Alexa shows me relative information and percent change, but not specific details on number of visitors (unless I simply can’t find it). Can you point me in the right direction?
Best answer:
Answer by imisidro
Alexa is the most you can get — and Alexa itself is NOT an accurate depiction of a site’s actual traffic as it is dependent only to those who downloaded the Alexa toolbar.
Traffic information is typically private, and not public information. The granular data you want is typically accessible only to the website owner, web host and the third party vendor providing the web traffic software.
Nielsen Netratings can provide you the data — but you have to pay for it, and it ain’t cheap. The most you can get free from them are their monthly rankings of the top 10 or top 20 and even then it only shows you visits.
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