eBay Online Shopping Questions and Answers
Can An Art Dealer Value A Work of Art on Ebay Higher than What It Sold For?
If an artist sells a painting on ebay for 99 cents can their Art dealer issue a Certificate of Authenticity, to the buyer, that values the sculpture at 0? Art Dealers and Experts please help – I appreciate any input from art workers…
Can an eBay bidder see my reserve price?
If i set a high reserve, is there any way the bidders can see how much it is? No They Can’t. no, but you will get less bidders if you put a reserve No they can’t see it. But a reserve price is not expected to be a huge secret, it’s a…
Can an Ebay Buyer constraint a partial settlement over cosmetics of an item?
The buyer payed 95 dollars for an lcd Monitor. I said it was in “good condition”. He found 4 scratch on the screen (one decent sized and 3 minor ones”. Now he is demanding a 20 dollar partial refund because he feel “he/she payed for more than…
Can An Ebay Buyer Put Money Into My Visa Gift Card?
If I sell something on Ebay (using paypal) can the buyer put the selling price into my visa gift card? Money paid by the buyer go into your online PayPal balance and sits there until you ask for it or spend it.
Can an ebay buyer who have vanished positive feedback, shift it to a gloomy one?
no… sorry thats annoying you can make a dispute thought if they sent you a bad item… I don’t believe so, because I wanted to do that once… I got to leave a followup to the “neutral” feedback the customer disappeared me, but I was…
Can an eBay hawker win his appeal 11 days after he received his item vertebrae?
A GPS was listed as new on eBay, but it be in fact opened, tested and 8 months antiquated. I filed a paypal claim, I shipped the GPS back and get refund fully. 11 days after he received his GPS, I discovered that I had…
Can an ebay information bank be made private after the auction have closed?
Precisely what are you trying to do and why? what would be the point – a private auction is meant to only allow certain culture to bid. after the auction ends, no on can bid No. No changes can be made to an ended auction. Incase you…
Can an Ebay retailer be packing religious brochures beside the product?
We just recieved a product ordered through E-Bay today. BUT the seller has included several Muslim and Islamic brochures. We are not religious, but we are annoyed. Do seller have the right to be proselytizing? Can we report this seller to ebay? You can report him…and you should. I…
Can an Ebay retailer throw out to ship my item?
I just bid on a Yamaha keyboard and the seller down the item as and free shipping I looked it over and missed in the description “Will not ship pick up only” But since he put “Free shipping” and didn’t list it as “Pick up only” he has to…
Can an Ebay street trader verbs out of a do business?
I bought an item for a bargain price and the seller says he have already sold it. I don’t believe him, he said that he already listed the item and they have not paid for it and other stuff know when someone overcompensates they are lying. Can someone do…
Can an ebay trader discount me my total money through Ebay in need Pay mate have to charge me 0.43?
I pay for 4.44 and the seller didnt ship me the item even after 8 days. So i told her can i have my compensation.. She refunded it thru paypal and i only got 4.01 becuz paypal charge me 0.43!!…
Can an ebay wholesaler withdraw my bid?
Say if the seller wasn’t making a whole lot of money could they remove that item off the roll even though I bid for it ? as an Seller yes the bid can be canceled, for pretty much any idea. and also as a buyer, sellers do abuse that option, when they should…
Can an item go for more than the reserved price on an auction on eBay?
Reserved price means the seller won’t accept a price lower than the stated reserved price But the trader will accept any price HIGHER than the reserved price So YES — the item can sell for more than the reserved price on eBay yes but it…
Can any body narrate me where on earth to carry transformers animated toys the relatives at ebay wont.?
well toywiz doesnt have them even so. and no leading retailer sells them at the moment. my question is why do u want them. in attendance a joke to transformers. the last good procession was cybertron. the movie line wasnt that great…
Can any one make clear to me how to Dutch auction things on ebay?
I have never sold any thing on ebay could someone tell me how to do it or nearby is a web site to show me . Go to Ebay.com and find out. You can probably find out in the FAQ or HELP areas. You can go…
Can any one recommend an obedient auction site bar Ebay?
Ebay is getting a bit ridiculous with fees and regulations. Does any one know of or sell on any other sites. I already know about amazon. eBid seems to be the main alternative to ebay – plus they don’t own listings fees. Depending on where you are and what you’re…
Can any one relate me where on earth to put up for sale brand clean next to tag guess watches please dont voice ebay,they charge too much!?
Amazon.com Craig’s List Kijiji Oodle Craig’s list or ioffer (: Set up your own web site
Can any one speak about me how the process go if u wanna buy something bad of ebay do u salary near money or credit ?
You generally pay with a Paypal report. Some eBay sellers with Paypal accounts can accept credit cards, masses cannot. Easiest way to buy on eBay if you’re planning to do so regularly is to…
Can any1 find the cheapest price on a wages as you travel, andy see for these phones. AND NOT EBAY?
(NOKIA 5800) (NOKIA 5530) (SONY ERRICSION X1) (LG GC900) (LG M900) AND (LG COOKIE) IN ANY COLOUR PLEASE Hi Naheed, you can get cheap & best pay as you go mobile phones of adjectives mobile manufacturers at very cheap deal….
Can anybody assistance me my ebay paypal commentary have be frozen i own funds contained by my story and i cannot access them?
Contact Paypal. After 180 days, they will unfreeze the account. This can ensue if someone pays for an item they have bought but there is a query give or take a few the validity of the payment….
Can anybody do me a favor and scrabble for the cheapest cect phone surrounded by ebay?
it has to be touch screen have the shake and tilt control and accepets money directions i need help im tired of looking my own i would apreciate it so much the cheap ebay models are buggy and 1/2 do not work… the digitalrise…
Can anybody help out me next to ebay error?
i bidded an item on ebay for 15 dollars but it says the current bid is 0.99…. Important: Another user may still outbid you, so check this item again in My eBay before it ends. Time not here: 16 hours 11 mins Current bid: US .99 Your maximum bid: US .00…
Can anybody report to me if nearby is a place where on earth you can buy that 70’s show for LESS than 40 $ save for ebay?
I’m guessing you don’t want to try half.com either if you don’t want ebay. How about Amazon? Their souk sellers sometimes offer it for way smaller amount. I looked at one, and you…
Can anybody share me what eBay channel? who come up near this word?
Pierre Omidyar, who created eBay, had formed a web consulting concern called Echo Bay Technology Group. “Echo Bay” so resound Bay = eBay. It’s also Pig Latin for “be” I wonder if that means something
Can anybody submit me any charge guidance on ebay sale?
I have just received my tax returns as I am a name partner in my Girlfriend’s business (although I have not taken out or put in any money), Obviously though I still obligation to fill out a return. I have sold CDs (the vast majority person from my own private…
Can anyone aid Ebay’s get Baby Alive for a dollar and cannot find it. Can you me explain to where on earth it is?
Chances are if you buy Baby Alive on Ebay for a dollar your shipping and handling charges are going to be outrageous. You can buy your own here: http://www.hasbro.com/babyalive/ or at walamrt,kmart,target or toys…
Can anyone aid me please? TCF BANK PAYPAL EBAY question?
I have a real problem here. I sold an Item on ebay and the payment be received by my old paypal account which I cant access anymore because I forgot all my info just about that account. And to make matters worst is that I replaced my TCF card(the one…
Can anyone assist me next to this retail / ebay examine?
I was checking out wholesale traders from China and saw how cheap you ca buy certain products for, so how come store here in Australia (& Im guessing the rest of the world) smudge up the price so much. Is it only because of shipping, wages, leasing a shop…
Can anyone backing me trace an Ebay/Craig escrow fraudster?
I sent 00 via MoneyGram to what purported to be an Ebay Escrow Protection Service to buy a 2001 Audi from a Sgt. Steven Curry who said he was a Marine in Alaska. No car, no answer from his email or the purported Ebay escrow address contained by CA. Any