Marketing And Promoting Your Ebay Store
Owning an eBay store is in essence a business of marketing and promotion that is conducted by people who, by and large, know anywhere between nothing and very little about marketing and promotion.
The simple act of opening your eBay store in your eBay account, doing the basic layout with the Manage Your Store features, and creating item listings to populate the store inventory – that is the quick and easy part of owning an eBay store.
Once you have completed those steps, you might sit back feeling satisfied with your effort. You own an eBay store. People are going to flock to your store in droves. Or, are they?
The hard fact is, no, they are probably not going to flock to your eBay store in droves. If you do not market and promote your store, all you have done so far is create a piece of dead virtual real estate that will sit somewhere forgotten in a dark corner of electronic la-la land. The only visitor to the store will be you, when you check to see if something went wrong with your store and people perhaps cannot navigate to it, because your store inventory items are not selling at all.
Marketing and promoting your eBay store should start with you first acquiring some basic knowledge of marketing and promotion. Search your local bookstores or online stores like Amazon for titles that are targeted towards beginners in marketing and promotion. You need to understand what is important, what principles apply, and what works and what does not work.
Once you have acquired the basic knowledge then go through the promotional features that eBay has to offer. You will need to do a lot of reading and even more understanding. However, the features offered by eBay only reach as far as marketing and promoting your eBay store within eBay itself.
Unfortunately, that is often not enough to make a success of your eBay store.
It is very important that you market and promote your eBay store outside of eBay as well. To do this, you need to learn about, and apply many different techniques.
The following is a sample of the things you will need to do:
1) You must get your store pages into the major search engines so that people can find your store pages and item listings when they do their searches. This drives traffic to your eBay store and does not cost a penny.
2) You need to advertise your eBay store. You can accomplish this by advertising through one of the Pay per Click (PPC) services, such as Google AdWords and Yahoo Sponsored Search. Another method of advertising is offline through ads in the printed and broadcast media.
3) Person to person promotion is also important. For that you will need to use flyers, business cards, and other promotional material.
It is impossible to provide you with all the details in an article like this, but at least one can point you into the directions that you need to explore further.
Without vigorous marketing and promotion, your eBay store will probably just limp along at the very best. Without a basic understanding of marketing and promotion, you will not be able to market and promote your store.
Jason Griffith writes eBay Store reviews for, a site dedicated to providing eBay Store Owners with reviews and feedback about their stores.
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