Facebook Marketing: Facebook Fan Page Don’ts
Facebook Marketing: Facebook Fan Page Don’ts
Facebook is home to 500 million active members and having a presence on this behemoth of a social media site is an essential move for those who aim to grab a slice of the internet marketing revenue pie. As much as you can build relationships and engage your friends through your profile, you can turn your friends into loyal customers through your Facebook Fan Page.
Creating a Facebook Fan Page is quickly becoming a must for every business. Have you noticed how more and more fan pages are popping up on Facebook every day? And I have to say, though some of those Facebook fan pages like Coca Cola, Red Bull, Starbucks, Skittles, Room 214, and more really do things right and convince me to click that “like” button without second thought, there are some that I would consider pretty unmarketable. Most fan pages can even go as far as potentially hurting their business.
For many individuals, companies and organizations, Facebook has become an integral part of their branding strategy and promotional campaigns. But simply creating a presence won’t automatically mean a boost in sales or traffic to your website. Facebook marketing still takes patience and strategic planning so your fan page won’t fall into the ranks of the “unmarketable”. If you don’t want to see your page on any “Worst pages on Facebook” lists, here are some Fan Page Don’ts that you should consider when setting up your company’s Facebook fan page.
1. Don’t just sell, sell, sell, sell, and oh ya, sell. Let’s face it, it’s irritating when someone keeps on waving their products right on your face, right? Empathize. Not all visitors will be interested in the products you have on your page. If your fan page is overtly commercial, people will find it boring and less…”like”-able. Ok, that was a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea right?
2. Don’t have automated posts and scripted replies. Remember to aim for building customer relationships first. You have to be intimate and attentive to all your customer feedback and inquiries. If you are making a script to ease that effort, drop it! Loosen up and be as realistic as you can be. People love getting the attention they need and having their questions answered the way that other human beings deserve. Be transparent, and don’t be afraid to show off your personality.
3. Don’t turn off comments the function. Your customers now have the control. You have to be somewhat submissive to what they demand. Listen and reply to their feedback, positive or negative ones. Look at every feedback as an opportunity to right a wrong or voice your side. Think of the good it could do for one irate customer voicing his opinion on your wall, and for your whole audience to publicly see you respond in a calm, controlled, personal way. Your audience has the right to voice their opinion, don’t shy away from it.
4. Don’t overuse applications. If you are not a “techie”, don’t push yourself to use those applications that will just cause your Facebook fan page to be cluttered with dozens of apps that don’t may not even work correctly. Besides, not all applications will work for some business functions, so choose applications that you think can really help, and leave the rest out.
5. Don’t just post your website’s links, videos, and photos. Put extra effort on posting interesting and useful information on your page. Engage in conversations, find tips that your users might deem useful. Post pictures that can grab their attention or something that would make them start a conversation. Think of your audience and put up information that they would love to know. Be relevant and fresh.
6. Don’t simply link your Facebook Ad Campaigns to your Fan page. Instead, remember to integrate links to your website and your fan page alike. Your fan page on Facebook should serve as your advertisement for your website, and your website should have links back to your fan page. Facebook is interactive and informative, your website is your sales page. This two-part technique will help convert organic traffic, from both sites, into sales..
With all the applications and tools that Facebook has to offer, and its easy access to millions of online users, it is indeed, a smart idea to have a Facebook fan page for your business. However, one must remember to always consider important things like the ones mentioned above to get more Facebook fans and create a fan page people actually “Like”.
Keep reading about facebook business marketing and grab my free video revealing the #1 mistake companies make on facebook that kills their chances to connect with fans.
Visit http://www.get10000fans.com/facebook for more free information on facebook fan page business marketing.
Article from articlesbase.com
5 Facebook Marketing Strategies You Need To Know
Facebook Marketing: Facebook Fan Page Don’ts
Facebook is home to 500 million active members and having a presence on this behemoth of a social media site is an essential move for those who aim to grab a slice of the internet marketing revenue pie. As much as you can build relationships and engage your friends through your profile, you can turn your friends into loyal customers through your Facebook Fan Page.
Creating a Facebook Fan Page is quickly becoming a must for every business. Have you noticed how more and more fan pages are popping up on Facebook every day? And I have to say, though some of those Facebook fan pages like Coca Cola, Red Bull, Starbucks, Skittles, Room 214, and more really do things right and convince me to click that “like” button without second thought, there are some that I would consider pretty unmarketable. Most fan pages can even go as far as potentially hurting their business.
For many individuals, companies and organizations, Facebook has become an integral part of their branding strategy and promotional campaigns. But simply creating a presence won’t automatically mean a boost in sales or traffic to your website. Facebook marketing still takes patience and strategic planning so your fan page won’t fall into the ranks of the “unmarketable”. If you don’t want to see your page on any “Worst pages on Facebook” lists, here are some Fan Page Don’ts that you should consider when setting up your company’s Facebook fan page.
1. Don’t just sell, sell, sell, sell, and oh ya, sell. Let’s face it, it’s irritating when someone keeps on waving their products right on your face, right? Empathize. Not all visitors will be interested in the products you have on your page. If your fan page is overtly commercial, people will find it boring and less…”like”-able. Ok, that was a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea right?
2. Don’t have automated posts and scripted replies. Remember to aim for building customer relationships first. You have to be intimate and attentive to all your customer feedback and inquiries. If you are making a script to ease that effort, drop it! Loosen up and be as realistic as you can be. People love getting the attention they need and having their questions answered the way that other human beings deserve. Be transparent, and don’t be afraid to show off your personality.
3. Don’t turn off comments the function. Your customers now have the control. You have to be somewhat submissive to what they demand. Listen and reply to their feedback, positive or negative ones. Look at every feedback as an opportunity to right a wrong or voice your side. Think of the good it could do for one irate customer voicing his opinion on your wall, and for your whole audience to publicly see you respond in a calm, controlled, personal way. Your audience has the right to voice their opinion, don’t shy away from it.
4. Don’t overuse applications. If you are not a “techie”, don’t push yourself to use those applications that will just cause your Facebook fan page to be cluttered with dozens of apps that don’t may not even work correctly. Besides, not all applications will work for some business functions, so choose applications that you think can really help, and leave the rest out.
5. Don’t just post your website’s links, videos, and photos. Put extra effort on posting interesting and useful information on your page. Engage in conversations, find tips that your users might deem useful. Post pictures that can grab their attention or something that would make them start a conversation. Think of your audience and put up information that they would love to know. Be relevant and fresh.
6. Don’t simply link your Facebook Ad Campaigns to your Fan page. Instead, remember to integrate links to your website and your fan page alike. Your fan page on Facebook should serve as your advertisement for your website, and your website should have links back to your fan page. Facebook is interactive and informative, your website is your sales page. This two-part technique will help convert organic traffic, from both sites, into sales..
With all the applications and tools that Facebook has to offer, and its easy access to millions of online users, it is indeed, a smart idea to have a Facebook fan page for your business. However, one must remember to always consider important things like the ones mentioned above to get more Facebook fans and create a fan page people actually “Like”.
Ever since Facebook’s launch in 2004, its membership base has grown exponentially, with Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, announcing in January 2010 that Facebook has signed on its 400 millionth user.
Everyone’s in Facebook right now (name me someone you personally know who hasn’t got a Facebook account). People are so hooked onto Facebook that, based on a recent study, more than 5 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day worldwide!
So, what does this mean to you as a marketer or business? This mean that, you can tap onto this latest online phenomenon and have your business reach out to millions of potential customers worldwide!
However, having said that, if you want to be able to effectively tap onto this social networking platform to grow your business, you need to equip yourself with the right marketing strategies.
In this article, I will be sharing with you a total of 5 Facebook marketing strategies you need to know (if you want to use this social networking site to effectively grow your business).
1. Define Your Goal
Be clear about what you want to achieve from your Facebook marketing efforts, is it to:
Raise awareness of your brand/business?
Provide another avenue for your customers to reach out to your business? (for customer service)
Build a mailing list of potential customers?
Sell a product/service?
You need to be clear about your goal – As the work you need to do to attain the different goals (which you have defined) are different.
2. Connect With Like-Minded People
If you have just signed up for Facebook, the first thing you need to do, is to connect with people with similar interests as you (or people who are interested in the niche you are in).
What you can do first is to connect with authority figures in your niche. Also, you will want to add some of the people who are already connected with him/her as well. However, you want to make sure that you do not attempt to add too many people on a single day (if not you may end up being dubbed as a spammer on Facebook!)
Alternatively, you can also join Facebook pages or groups that are related to the niche (that you are in) and connect with fellow members in these pages and groups.
3. Be Active
Facebook is a social networking platform. Therefore, if you want to get maximum results from it, you need to be active.
The easiest way to be active on Facebook is to post comments on your “friends” posts (especially if they are asking questions regarding the niche that you are in, help them out by providing them with answers or advices – they will appreciate you for that), sending them your birthday wishes on their birthday, etc.
You will also want to submit posts on Facebook – Where you can either share some tips or advices in the niche you are in, products/services that you just discovered that you think will help, or something personal (such as what you are up to lately).
4. Share Tips/Advices
If you want people to recognize you as someone whom they can approach if he/she have problems (in the niche you are in), then you need to show them that you know your stuff (who will want to confide in someone who does not know what he/she is doing, right?)
What you can do is to occasionally post some tips, advices, and information – If what you are intending to share consists of several paragraphs, what you can do is, you can place the entire content in your website and, in your Facebook post, you give a summary of what the post is about, along with a link to your website for people to read the entire post – This will also allow you to drive traffic to your website (if your post is interesting, they will likely read the other posts you have on your website).
Besides sharing information that you come up with, you can also share other information which you come across in other websites (that you think will benefit people whom you have added in your Facebook account).
5. Start A Facebook Group
You can create a Facebook group and build a community of people who have the same interest as you (in the niche you are in).
What you can do within the community is to encourage your group members to participate actively in the forum (but before you tell them to, you need to make sure you are actively participating as well) either by sharing information, tips, and advices, or helping fellow members out with their problems.
In case you may be wondering, why should you set up a Facebook group instead of a page – The reason is, with Facebook groups, you have the power to mass send email to all your members – Just like how you send out emails to your subscribers using an autoresponder service.
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A large and growing portion of some of the most valuable demographics are spending more of their time and attention on Facebook and less on other channels and media. Not only are US college students and teenagers fully engaged in Facebook, but adults, professionals, and people from around the world now constitute a substantial portion of the Facebook userbase as well. However, most marketers lack a comprehensive understanding of the vast array of explicit and implicit marketing channels Faceb
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Here are 37 tested Facebook advertising secrets, discovered through in-depth testing and research. Facebook advertising is one of the best ways for businesses to bring traffic to their websites and physical location. This book shows you how to grab your piece of the over 500 million Facebook user traffic.
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Question by benajfox: how do i use Facebook to market and promote my company website?
My company manufactures Dietary Supplement with a bias for the Antioxidant market……………Its very Natural without additives and has been in use for centuries.
Best answer:
Answer by KentjLewis
There are much better ways to market your business or products than Facebook. Try the old fashioned traditional advertising, PR and event marketing…and add a sprinkle of search engine marketing (SEO, PPC, link development) and a splash of affiliate marketing, email marketing and social media optimization.
That being said, you do have a few options to market you business on Facebook:
-Create a business profile and link it back to your company site (don’t forget to add content and host events)
-Develop an application using Facebook’s Platform API (make it useful and relevant and people will share it)
-Test out Facebook’s new Social Advertising program
-Test out Facebook’s Beacon (although it’s in early stages and has been somewhat controversial)
Good luck!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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