Facebook Marketing Secrets?The Success Strategy

Facebook Marketing Secrets?The Success Strategy

These Facebook Marketing Secrets can really help you grow your MLM business. Learning how to market your MLM business on facebook might be a little confusing to you at first. Between Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook, a smart network marketer can build a large following and a large income too. Network marketing, after all, is all about building relationships.

And by putting any of these three powerful social networking medium to good use, a marketer can quickly establish lasting relationships and build a list of like-mined people to whom he may eventually introduce products or services.In this article, I will show you the techniques of marketing your MLM on Facebook.

Social networks such as Facebook thrive on GIVING. The most popular or most attractive people in any of these networks are those who people perceive to have a lot (mainly by way of information) to give to others. It is important for you to understand and approach social networks with this principle in mind. If you do, you’ll surely attract quality followership.

Basically, to market on Facebook, you need to begin by making your bio as fascinating, unique, and interesting as possible. Your profile of course must be genuine. DO NOT include any reference to your business on your FB profile! Most members are not here strictly for business. So do not give yourself away. Mention your other interests instead.  That is what will quickly arouse reaction from like-minded ‘friends.”

After that, spend 25-40 minutes each day adding targeted friends to your Facebook account. Visit FB GROUPS to search for targeted groups with interests related to your business, and join such groups. Perhaps you are marketing health supplements; your target groups should be those who are clearly health-conscious.

Next, after becoming a member of such groups, contribute meaningfully to group discussions: submit real posts, offer real values, join conversations. If you do this everyday, you’re sure to stick out.

Gradually, begin to add friends. You can often do this by sending a request, preferably accompanied by a personal message which could read something like: “I’ve been following your posts, and I must say I share your views. I think we should be friends and exchange ideas more personally.”

The more you interact and contribute to the community, the more your profile will stick out. And if in addition people find you entertaining, inspirational, and educational, then you’ll keep getting friendship requests, because you’ve simply become attractive! Aim at adding 5 to 10 friends each day.

But don’t think of monetizing your Facebook presence just yet. Allow at least 30 to 45 days before attempting to pitch your business opportunity. In the meantime endeavor to remain active in your community, and to continue to contribute quality posts to the groups you’ve joined—you should join at least 5 well-chosen groups.

Most successful facebook marketers have also discovered that it helps to contribute posts to high traffic FAN PAGES. So isolate a number of premium fan pages and post in them at least once each day.

Continue to give value, and you’ll gradually be looked upon as a leader. It is also fine if you can provide links to other professional contents—both yours and that of others.

You can now gradually begin to promote your products to your Facebook community. But DO NOT SPAM. And do not in any way force people to look at what you are marketing. Shape your approach in such a way that people will feel they voluntarily chose to click on your link. Meanwhile continue to give more than you take from your group.

And continue to brand yourself as a leader and to build relationships within the community. As a result of the value you have given, and the goodwill you’ve built up, some members will favorably consider your MLM opportunity.

Some may even give you their phone contacts so you can continue the prospecting on phone. Either way, you would’ve built up a huge list of like-minded people to whom you can now market your opportunity, either using this same forum (Facebook) or in conjunction with other strategies.        

As a network Marketing Business Builder being able to attract daily targeted MLM leads to your business is the key to your MLM Success. How would you like to attract 50-100 leads to your MLM business daily? 

Learning these Facebook MLM Marketing Skills will help you build your MLM business. You can visit my blog and website to find out more complete information on lead generation tips.

Sandra Essex is a TOP Producing Internet Marketer. She enjoys helping new people learn how to build their MLM Business using the internet. I’m 53 years old and if I can learn these skills anybody can! For more information on how to market your business using the internet visit: http://uniquemillionaires.com visit my Blog: http://sandraessex.com
FREE 7-day Video Boot Camp: “Finding Leads without Prospecting” http://uniquemoneymakers.com

Article from articlesbase.com

How Facebook Advertising Benifits Your Business – in Ways You Might Not Expect!

Exactly what types of business-related events and sites is Facebook advertising? And why should you consider going that route?

Well, you may not need to, at all! And then again, perhaps it will turn out to be the advertising strategy missing till now in your business – the one that will send your sales and conversions into high gear.

If you have the sort of business (or if you are the sort of business) that doesn’t quite fit the formal mold, you may be missing your most effective

List Price: $ 0.99


Question by x1: Marketing your website to Facebook, what approach is the best?

I’m new to Facebook (I have a facebook but not really been active) and communities (Twitter). And I have a website that I need to market on facebook. What would be the best and appropriate approach?

Should I create another account for my Website? or just use my existing personal account?
Which do would do well on promoting a website,
A Personal account or A Fan Page?
Which would I focus adding friends or adding fans?
Please let me know your ideas.

Additional Info:

The sites I’m planning to promote is a restaurant website and my personal blog.

I’m new to online marketing and seo. I get little income on this sites, My personal blog only gets its revenue on Google Adsense. I also still don’t have a budget on PPC or SEO experts, Maybe in the future. For now I will depend on free resources and doing it manually.

Please share some tips to maximize my Idea. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Jack M
Honestly, a fan page may generate some (very very very few) hits, but if you are trying to sell something it will be next to worthless.

Again, I have no idea what your website is for, but if you are trying to generate revenue for a business, look more at PPC (pay per click) online advertising ads on facebook or google (or yahoo, other large sites, etc..). The large sites, like facebook and google, only post your ads to your potential target audience, so they are even better (but probably a little more expensive). PPC is one of the best forms of advertising, because you only pay if someone clicks on it (which means they are somewhat interested). Make sure you do a little cost benefit analysis to make sure the expense gets covered, but you shouldn’t have too much of a problem if you’re selling stuff people want.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Facebook Ads Guide – How To Get Started With Facebook Marketing

Facebook Ads Guide – How To Get Started With Facebook Marketing

I’d like to take a few seconds and talk about Facebook Ads Guide and how it can help you grow your business. Firstly though, I want to talk a little more about Facebook marketing in general.

Facebook marketing is the most untapped trend in Internet marketing right now. If you want to get cheap, targeted traffic to your website, Facebook Ads are the way to go. They’re simple to create. They’re easy to target. Cost per click is low. Best yet, they perform exceptionally well.

One little fun fact about Facebook – It’s now the Internet’s largest traffic source and it’s growing worldwide. Can you believe that Facebook just took over the #1 spot from Google?

So, what does Facebook marketing give you that Google Adwords or Yahoo Search doesn’t? Cheap, Targeted traffic.

Using Facebook, setting up a campaign is pretty easy to do. All you need are a few images and an idea of exactly who you’re trying to target. Targeting your prospects is as easy as picking relationship status, location, age, favorite books and movies… You’re targeting criteria is pretty involved!

|Now, if you’re following along pretty well, great! If not though, let me make a recommendation. Jonathan Volk wrote a book called ‘Facebook Ads Guide’ that walks you through the process, top to bottom. No matter what your specialty is or whether you have an experience with Internet marketing, this book will open your eyes and walk you through the process of Facebook marketing.

Facebook Ads Guide covers a lot of material, but the most important aspects are how to set up your Facebook Ads campaign, how to target your prospective buyers, and how to achieve high click through rates (so you ad spending actually goes down!).

Additionally, Facebook Ads Guide is written in a very straight-forward, easy to read manner. It walks you through the step-by-step of setting up an advertising campaign with proper targeting for your customers. It also talks about how to write ads that everyone wants to click through which reduces your overall marketing expense… It’s a bit counter-intuitive, but it works!

I’m the sort of person that needs to having things laid out in a very straightforward, methodical way in order to actually learn anything. Facebook Ads Guide does just that.

Facebook Ads Guide also packages some pretty awesome bonuses. These things work in combination with the guide to really magnify your results. The bonuses teach you things like how to build your email marketing list from Facebook, how to do keyword targeting and how to become a super affiliate with Facebook marketing.

Get free instant access to Jason’s free Internet marketing blueprint. It’ll walk you through some secret strategies he uses to crush it in niche markets and for top paying clients. Also, make sure you visit the Facebook Ads Guide Review for more information on Facebook Ads Guide and how to market using Facebook!

Article from articlesbase.com

Facebook Marketing Tips – Written From Real Experience With Companies

What You Get
50 Tips taken from real experience!
Learn how to market your business on facebook.

From The Author
In the last three years, I have been in charge of many ad campaigns and strategic moves on Facebook® for many companies. The HUGE benefit for you is that you don’t need to have a big advertising budget to spend on marketing with Facebook® because we’ve already done it for you!
After all, when you do online marketing you need try d

List Price: $ 2.99


Question by Citi B: myspace/facebook marketing?
What specific company/type of company could you think of that could benefit from social networking sites like facebook?

Best answer:

Answer by true_patriotism
Jews, but I suppose that would go without saying.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Major Facebook Marketing Tips That YOU Will Fail Without

Major Facebook Marketing Tips That YOU Will Fail Without

Facebook is an excellent social networking site that can be used for social network marketing (Facebook marketing).

Facebook has one of the most heaviest traffic flow on the net, and if a relevant proportion of this Facebook traffic can be pulled, it can bring about significant changes in the face of your business that’s why Facebook marketing is so powerful, a lot of people haven’t realised the power and potential Facebook marketing.

There are some major tips that must be kept in mind while using Facebook marketing. There are certain demands that need to be fulfilled for social marketing or Facebook marketing.

First and foremost one needs to be a member of Facebook and create a personal profile for himself before making the business page. And invitations for being friends must be forwarded not only to the friends and colleagues but also to potential clients and prospects this can be done by joining groups in your niche and send friend requests to the members of the groups.

Choose the key words with extreme care and select the socio demographics before you start targeting the market with your ad promoting your business page, after setting up a your ad campaign you must do this as you want to have targeted people on your business page and have good conversion rates.

The ad must be interesting and specific and it must be pointed toward a website or a landing page or your Facebook business page.

You may also care to join those communities on Facebook that have a resemblance to the kind of niche you intend to promote. Any kind of group is available on Facebook the amount is ridiculously large.

Events for any of your upcoming classes and teleseminars must too be set up.

Your status needs to be updated at least once or twice in a day but at strategic times not just at any time. A study shows that updates are 22% more effective when posted before 4p.m. than at the other times.

The second timing can be 9 p.m. onwards at night. This implies and makes your reputation secured of a regular Facebook visitor. For promotion of a product or for spreading the news of any update on your website, you can first establish a link between your website and the Facebook profile and then just post the information on your status update.

Follow these tips on Facebook marketing and social network marketing and success will soon follow.

For more information on How To Use Facebook As A Business and a free video of some amazing Facebook Marketing Secrets just visit <a target=”_new” rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’, ‘/outgoing/article_exit_link’]);” href=”http://myonlinemarketingcourse.com/facebook-a/”>http://myonlinemarketingcourse.com/facebook-a/</a> to get started. Your Web Sites could be getting crazy amounts of traffic all from Facebook marketing in a few hours from now. With these Facebook Marketing Secrets.

Article from articlesbase.com

Are You Taking the Benefits of Facebook Marketing

Facebook is an excellent social networking site that can be used for social network marketing (Facebook marketing).

Facebook has one of the most heaviest traffic flow on the net, and if a relevant proportion of this Facebook traffic can be pulled, it can bring about significant changes in the face of your business that’s why Facebook marketing is so powerful, a lot of people haven’t realised the power and potential Facebook marketing.

There are some major tips that must be kept in mind while using Facebook marketing. There are certain demands that need to be fulfilled for social marketing or Facebook marketing.

First and foremost one needs to be a member of Facebook and create a personal profile for himself before making the business page. And invitations for being friends must be forwarded not only to the friends and colleagues but also to potential clients and prospects this can be done by joining groups in your niche and send friend requests to the members of the groups.

Choose the key words with extreme care and select the socio demographics before you start targeting the market with your ad promoting your business page, after setting up a your ad campaign you must do this as you want to have targeted people on your business page and have good conversion rates.

The ad must be interesting and specific and it must be pointed toward a website or a landing page or your Facebook business page.

You may also care to join those communities on Facebook that have a resemblance to the kind of niche you intend to promote. Any kind of group is available on Facebook the amount is ridiculously large.

Events for any of your upcoming classes and teleseminars must too be set up.

Your status needs to be updated at least once or twice in a day but at strategic times not just at any time. A study shows that updates are 22% more effective when posted before 4p.m. than at the other times.

The second timing can be 9 p.m. onwards at night. This implies and makes your reputation secured of a regular Facebook visitor. For promotion of a product or for spreading the news of any update on your website, you can first establish a link between your website and the Facebook profile and then just post the information on your status update.

Follow these tips on Facebook marketing and social network marketing and success will soon follow.

Facebook is the number one social networking website and popular all over the globe. Aside from getting to know new people, one may get to know lost acquaintance, friends, relatives and associates through this social network. Facebook has different applications to encourage more Facebook fans to visit the site all the time. Because of this wide acceptance and popularity, many firms take advantage of using the site for advertisements and other promotions. Facebook marketing is very effective considering that hundreds of thousands of people are signing up and joining the loop.

One of the reasons why do firms take advantage of Facebook marketing is the numerous people visiting the sites. That is why the network continuously aims to get more Facebook fans to make the site the best choice for online marketing. Facebook is one of the best tools for many individuals and businesses to promote ideas, concepts, products, services, events and a lot more. Any Facebook member can promote or shout out his or her ideas in the network. Anyone who has a profile on the site can also create events or promote the events and up to the extent of inviting people to attend. Some also use Facebook to know different views of members on some ideas. And unlike other marketing, it does not cost you huge.

Facebook marketing is extremely popular online advertising and promotion utilizing the social networking site. Facebook has different ranges of costs for different forms of advertising. In fact this is one of the most chosen links of search engine optimizer. Basically, an individual may be personal or business may create own profile and can already start advertising their products by creating a page. These pages are mostly meant for business groups and organizations and for other public figures such as politicians, actors, musicians and many more. The page becomes open to all other people by promoting or suggesting from a friend to another friend until to the entire network to like the page.

Using Facebook marketing is very beneficial as this provides an opportunity to everyone to make their products, services, organizations and many more known to the entire market. It is very essential as the results are very which you can easily track the results. Facebook marketing is also cost-effective which in turn gives full returns of the value of your money. As this has several applications that one can enable to have live chats and messages, surely your advertisement can have a real-world balance presence. One can get different views about the advertisement and make necessary adjustments immediately. Many have proven that through Facebook their brands, products and many more come with the popularity of the social network.

So if you are one of those who want to take advantage of this widely use social network, go and have Facebook marketing. You may have it for free or for minimal cost to make your advertising more worthwhile. Take advantage of many Facebook fans to promote your products and services! Sign up now on Facebook.

Interested in facebook marketing? Know how you can take advantages from your facebook fans to increase your business.

Article from articlesbase.com

Question by ezzza: FaceBook Marketing Assistance Essentially required Help !?
I am dieing guys…business is about to ruin, due to recession….but I am all tryin to figure-out how I can still get more sales for my business…..people SHOUTING a lot about social networks….does that really help? Suggest me anything…..i wanted to have marketing assistance for my business….GOD BLESS YOU!

Best answer:

Answer by babasho
One of the best means of marketing to day in the cyber world is via social marketing sites like face book and yahooanswers.com For a material on how you can increase your sales through any of this site visit:http://www.mye-books.ucoz.org

What do you think? Answer below!

Facebook Marketing- Freshly baked ideas for your business

Facebook Marketing- Freshly baked ideas for your business

Businesses from every possible corner of this world, are establishing their brands with the help of Facebook Marketing tools. Don’t you see how local brands have reached the global market and strengthened their positions in a shortest period of time? Why do you know some brand in London, although you don’t live there? It’s time to think about your reach and you should start it from now, without delaying a micro second of your time, think of your business, how to uplift to the remarkable level, how to reach your global niche and fortify your local customers, how to make it enough recognizable as Nike or CNN and how to boost up your brand’s image which automatically sketches pictures of your business when they hear you or see your brand’s name somewhere. Let’s ponder into thinking together, because mutually we grow and prosper. Don’t we?
Facebook Marketing tools are Facebook fan pages, groups, Advertisements, blogs, Facebook applications i.e. games, puzzles, strategic applications etc. Let’s find how you could differentiate your brand with others while keeping them engaged in your brand and pushing them to have good will for you. You need to be tricky and persuasive by every mean. I mean why would they be choosing you if you don’t offer them something remarkable and you don’t even have interesting online presence that they would engage themselves with? Move on for freshly baked Facebook marketing ideas.

The whole world is Music freak – Let’s sing and dance

You do travelling business? Sell cars? You are a teacher? You weld chairs? You make social media applications? You have wooden furniture to sell? You are a media person? Grr… What so ever your business is, what so ever your objective is, what so ever your approach is, Music related any activity will make them sing and dance on your beat.

You can conduct some singing competition or dancing competitions on your fan page, and they will have to send their audio and video clips. You can ask for voting to get the first price, which would be your product gift hamper or an entry pass in your next event, exhibition. I mean anything that has worth giving.

Doodling is what everyone does

Doodle competition always brings life in creative minds. Try building some intuitive relation of doodle with your brand and ask them to make a best doodle for you and then distribute some online and offline gifts to the winners and runner ups.
You can ask them to draw a doodle that can compliment your business or any particular brand of yours. It would engage them in your business and they feel ownership while doodling.

Funniest write-up on your brand

Essay and research competitions are usually carried out on Facebook, which are boring and give a very sober impression. What you should do to be different and bring life in your business world is asking them to write some hilarious post for your brand. It would make them comfortable with your brand because you actually are developing very interactive and easy bond between you and your niche market. You could make some rules and regulations for such posts to maintain dignity and grace of your brand.

If you want to know more super-duper amazing ideas for Facebook marketing, do not forget to poke me at www.inkatechnology.co.uk

For further details please feel free to visit our web site www.inkatechnology.co.uk

Article from articlesbase.com

Facebook Marketing Generates Free Leads – They Beat Google For 2 Days!

Businesses from every possible corner of this world, are establishing their brands with the help of Facebook Marketing tools. Don’t you see how local brands have reached the global market and strengthened their positions in a shortest period of time? Why do you know some brand in London, although you don’t live there? It’s time to think about your reach and you should start it from now, without delaying a micro second of your time, think of your business, how to uplift to the remarkable level, how to reach your global niche and fortify your local customers, how to make it enough recognizable as Nike or CNN and how to boost up your brand’s image which automatically sketches pictures of your business when they hear you or see your brand’s name somewhere. Let’s ponder into thinking together, because mutually we grow and prosper. Don’t we?
Facebook Marketing tools are Facebook fan pages, groups, Advertisements, blogs, Facebook applications i.e. games, puzzles, strategic applications etc. Let’s find how you could differentiate your brand with others while keeping them engaged in your brand and pushing them to have good will for you. You need to be tricky and persuasive by every mean. I mean why would they be choosing you if you don’t offer them something remarkable and you don’t even have interesting online presence that they would engage themselves with? Move on for freshly baked Facebook marketing ideas.

The whole world is Music freak – Let’s sing and dance

You do travelling business? Sell cars? You are a teacher? You weld chairs? You make social media applications? You have wooden furniture to sell? You are a media person? Grr… What so ever your business is, what so ever your objective is, what so ever your approach is, Music related any activity will make them sing and dance on your beat.

You can conduct some singing competition or dancing competitions on your fan page, and they will have to send their audio and video clips. You can ask for voting to get the first price, which would be your product gift hamper or an entry pass in your next event, exhibition. I mean anything that has worth giving.

Doodling is what everyone does

Doodle competition always brings life in creative minds. Try building some intuitive relation of doodle with your brand and ask them to make a best doodle for you and then distribute some online and offline gifts to the winners and runner ups.
You can ask them to draw a doodle that can compliment your business or any particular brand of yours. It would engage them in your business and they feel ownership while doodling.

Funniest write-up on your brand

Essay and research competitions are usually carried out on Facebook, which are boring and give a very sober impression. What you should do to be different and bring life in your business world is asking them to write some hilarious post for your brand. It would make them comfortable with your brand because you actually are developing very interactive and easy bond between you and your niche market. You could make some rules and regulations for such posts to maintain dignity and grace of your brand.

If you want to know more super-duper amazing ideas for Facebook marketing, do not forget to poke me at www.inkatechnology.co.uk

In my previous article, Facebook Marketing – How To Generate Free Leads Without Harassing Everyone, I discussed how money is created where major communication is developing between people. It is evident massive communication is happening on Facebook so much so they knocked Google off the #1 spot on December 24th and 25th of 2009. Now you may think Facebook ranking as #1 for two days isn’t a big deal. IT IS A VERY BIG DEAL because you can use facebook advertising for your MLM success.

Remember, money doesn’t come to you from a bottle of juice, a company replicated site, a compensation plan, or a best, new, groundbreaking opportunity ever. Money only comes to you from other people, which means you deserve to stop sleeping on Facebook Marketing Ideas. Wake up and generate free leads by strategically making connections and building relationships where the people are. Facebook offers specific groups to help you identify like minded people to connect with. This is a great Facebook marketing strategy. Some say the fortune is in the follow up, I say the fortune is in connecting and building quality relationships. Facebook gives you the perfect platform to do this so you can build your MLM business.

An effective Facebook Marketing Strategy will work for your MLM business because you don’t have to be an internet marketing guru to get the hang of it. Even if you’re computer challenged, you can get results in 30 minutes per day and best of all it’s FREE!

Facebook can also help you to not be a statistic: 97% of home based businesses in MLM and Network Marketing make no money. This is because most people do not have five thousand dollars to spend on PPC and other forms of internet advertising every month. This is especially a challenge when someone is just starting in the MLM industry. Whether you’re new or a seasoned marketer, before you generate free leads, you must first generate free traffic. There’s a simple way to do both on Facebook and it will not cost you a dime. Remember, network marketers get paid to do two things: recruiting and selling.

The only way you’ll recruit or sell anyone is to first connect by generating traffic and generating leads. If you would like to save money, generate free leads, and start receiving MLM success in your home based business, take a serious look at Facebook Marketing.


Now Pay Close Attention —

Using your Facebook Fan Page to increase your business exposure and revenue is simpler than you’ve been told. Everyone with a facebook fan page faces the same two problems:

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Your new fans will arrive in 3 – 4 weeks and all fans are REAL FANS guaranteed to stick to your fanpage. Buy Facebook Fans today and boost your businesses online presence overnight.

With over 500 million users, Facebook is by far the greatest marketing arena online. But to take advantage of this amazing tool, it is always a good idea to get a head start on your competition and Buy Facebook Fans. Visit http://www.fbfansupply.com and claim 25 FREE FANS for tweeting about Facebook Fan Supply!

Article from articlesbase.com

The Truth About Forum Marketing (Business eBook Reports)

Do you know that a forum exists on the Web for every possible interest? Forums are web sites where people gather to discuss their interests, from hobbies to business or personal topics.

Since your target audience is concentrated on these sites, they can become a powerful marketing tool if used properly.

This Special Report will provide the facts behind the hype. You will get the straight truth from someone who uses Forum Marketing personally and who isn’t trying to get rich by sel

List Price: $ 4.87


Internet Marketing The “Right” Way — Special Report (Business eBook Reports)

As with anything in life, there’s a right way and a wrong way to use the Internet for marketing. It’s especially important to know the difference at the beginning. Otherwise, you may make some mistakes which may jeopardize your chances at ever using the Internet for your business.

Learn the key steps to make the most of the Internet for your business without violating accepted practices or even the law.

List Price: $ 4.87


Question by Kenpachi: Advertising and promotional portion of marketing plan?
I am working on a project where I design the advertising and promotional portion of a marketing plan. The plan is for a private/semi-public swimming and sports club.

The idea is to market the company as an alternative to family vacations or a healthy alternative to summer recreation and exercise.

What would be a good marketing strategy for a geographical area the size of a county? We decided local newspapers, myspace, and facebook as an idea to cater to a portion of the market. But with a budget of 3500 dollars we still can’t find a good strategy.

Any input, I would be grateful.

Thank You!

Best answer:

Answer by Adi
you can advertising with many ways..
not only paying ways..
there is also any good free ways to advertising…
try to read some article at here

there is a lot of article about advertising too at there…

Add your own answer in the comments!

www.AttractClientsLikeCrazy.com Marketing strategies that will attract more clients to your business are pretty much universal to all businesses. The tactics will change – but the big picture components will always be the same. You must… 1) Attract Attention to your marketing message. 2) Generate Interest in your products, programs, or services. 3) Convert interest into leads, prospects, and clients… 4) Retain clients for as long as possible – making them come back to make additional purchases from you and, ideally, making larger purchases and referring new clients. This video will show you how to spot where your current marketing strategy is broken and some reasons why you aren’t getting all the clients your want. If you like these tips, you can get my entire 7-step marketing model for free at http Smiles, Adam PS If you are on social networking sites, let’s connect. facebook.com twitter.com