How to Handle Advert for Facebook Ads Marketing
How to Handle Advert for Facebook Ads Marketing
If there is one internet marketing fad that will be hot this year, then it will be the use of Facebook as a marketing tool.
This social networking site is already hot since this is the choice of half a billion people, but there is another aspect where this site can realize its potential. And this is in the form of internet marketing called Facebook ads marketing. And at the rate things are going this site will even eclipse Google Ad words. This is saying a lot of course, but there is basis for saying this thing.
So why do we say that Facebook and marketing on its site is way better than Google? Well, it all lies on the user-friendliness of the social networking website. Another reason is that Facebook will allow for a more accurate way of targeting your next set of audience for your campaigns.
With these things in mind, is it nice to dip your fingers on this marketing tool? We know you want it too, but before you plunge into this new advertising platform you may want to know the best strategies on how to design and to handle Facebook advertisements. We list below some of the suggestions when handling Facebook advertisements for use in Facebook ads marketing.
• When starting this campaign for the first time, make sure that you replace and edit your advertisements on a regular basis. This is necessary so that the internet users will not get bored with the ads. Make all your advertisements fresh in the eyes of Facebook users. By doing this you increase the chances of success for your advertisements.
• Consider organizing your target groups and the campaigns by using the high and low affinity.
• Advertisements should be made more appealing and livelier with the use of images. The ads will be more compelling if images and good looking pictures are added to the advertisements.
• Don’t just stop on the pictures and the images when designing and creating the advertisements for the site. It is also important that you focus on the content of the ads. Make sure that you write a good copy rich in excellent testimonials and call for action.
• Don’t just rely on one set of ads for your Facebook marketing campaign. It is always recommended to test a number of ads for your campaign. This is helpful so that you can easily cancel out the advertisements that don’t work and you can continue the ones that click.
• Don’t over use the ads for a long period of time. At a certain point make sure that the ad should be stopped and activated on a later time.
And more importantly, in the designing of Facebook ads make sure that you put in mind what the Facebook users will feel and say when they see the advertisements. Will they like the ad, or will they be disappointed? If you think that the ad will be off, and then time to cancel it and find another one for use in your Facebook ads marketing.
Matthew Iannotti is a marketing consultant in the New York City area. To learn more about Facebook Marketing
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Facebook Ads Marketing: A Threat to Google AdWords?
How to Handle Advert for Facebook Ads Marketing
If there is one internet marketing fad that will be hot this year, then it will be the use of Facebook as a marketing tool.
This social networking site is already hot since this is the choice of half a billion people, but there is another aspect where this site can realize its potential. And this is in the form of internet marketing called Facebook ads marketing. And at the rate things are going this site will even eclipse Google Ad words. This is saying a lot of course, but there is basis for saying this thing.
So why do we say that Facebook and marketing on its site is way better than Google? Well, it all lies on the user-friendliness of the social networking website. Another reason is that Facebook will allow for a more accurate way of targeting your next set of audience for your campaigns.
With these things in mind, is it nice to dip your fingers on this marketing tool? We know you want it too, but before you plunge into this new advertising platform you may want to know the best strategies on how to design and to handle Facebook advertisements. We list below some of the suggestions when handling Facebook advertisements for use in Facebook ads marketing.
• When starting this campaign for the first time, make sure that you replace and edit your advertisements on a regular basis. This is necessary so that the internet users will not get bored with the ads. Make all your advertisements fresh in the eyes of Facebook users. By doing this you increase the chances of success for your advertisements.
• Consider organizing your target groups and the campaigns by using the high and low affinity.
• Advertisements should be made more appealing and livelier with the use of images. The ads will be more compelling if images and good looking pictures are added to the advertisements.
• Don’t just stop on the pictures and the images when designing and creating the advertisements for the site. It is also important that you focus on the content of the ads. Make sure that you write a good copy rich in excellent testimonials and call for action.
• Don’t just rely on one set of ads for your Facebook marketing campaign. It is always recommended to test a number of ads for your campaign. This is helpful so that you can easily cancel out the advertisements that don’t work and you can continue the ones that click.
• Don’t over use the ads for a long period of time. At a certain point make sure that the ad should be stopped and activated on a later time.
And more importantly, in the designing of Facebook ads make sure that you put in mind what the Facebook users will feel and say when they see the advertisements. Will they like the ad, or will they be disappointed? If you think that the ad will be off, and then time to cancel it and find another one for use in your Facebook ads marketing.
Online Marketing has become extremely popular for the last four years, and during this period, Google AdWords was the top online marketing tool of choice among advertisers. AdWords still remains as the dominant player, but the rise of social networking site Facebook has opened an alternative door of opportunity for online advertisers. It is through Facebook Ads Marketing.
Facebook may still be fairly young in the world of online marketing, but as early as now, many advertisers have been impressed with the ROI that they’ve got after putting up their advertisements in Facebook.
So what makes Facebook Ads Marketing more ideal than Google AdWords?
1. Less competition
Facebook is generally known to be a social networking site, and it is only recently that advertisers have tapped the site’s potential as an online marketing tool. If you will be putting up your ads right now, then you can definitely expect fewer competitors around as compared to Google.
Google has already become overcrowded in the recent years. A number of advertisers have expressed their discomfort on Google Adword’s increasing stiff rules and rising cost-per-clicks because of the high-level of competition. You will not experience this struggle with Facebook, at least for now.
2. Accurate Targeting
Unlike AdWords, majority of Facebook still remains a social networking site. Users do not actually go to Facebook to search for products, but advertisers can capitalize on Facebook’s ability to target their advertisements based on the users’ demographics and location data. These data can be used to focus the ads on Facebook users who have the same age, location or interests as what you have targeted when creating these ads.
The result is a more accurate list of leads, as compared to AdWord’s broad but uncertain list of potential customers.
3. Use of Pictures
Who wouldn’t be enticed by an advertisement that contains some images on it, as compared to a bland, pure text ad? Advertisers can include pictures on their Facebook ads, something that Google AdWords lacks of. Imagery has always been proven to be an effective way in arousing the interest of people to peek in to what a product can really offer.
4. More user impressions
Facebook has about 39 billion impressions each month, so that really proves how large this site’s audience-reach is. That estimate is said to be about 5 times larger than that of Google’s. The number of Facebook users is fast-increasing while there are still a few advertisers on-board. This can only mean more ideal leads that you can ultimately convert to sales.
5. Lower cost-per-click
Facebook ads cost lower than AdWords, and if you’re a small businessman who is just starting out in the world of online marketing, then definitely this would matter a lot. An average cost-per-click is only for , something that is very reasonable to maintain.
With all of these factors coming into play, is Facebook Ads Marketing really a threat to Google AdWords? The answer is as bright as what’s in store for Facebook in the coming years.
Matthew Iannotti is a marketing consultant in the New York City area. To learn more about Facebook Marketing
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Question by Lauren: are the friend-finder ads on facebook based on who views your profile the most?
someone told me that… because the people that come up for the ads on the righthand side are always people you’re friends with, but it’s not necessarily people that always comment on my stuff.
Best answer:
Answer by Chass
No. They are from your friends lists.
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