10 Ways to Make Money Online Malaysia
The following will elaborate on 10 ways to make money online Malaysia. It can be a hundreds to a few millions depends on which method you choose to make money online. The different methods are not limited as you will venture and explore new ways on your own. With the right products and Internet marketing technique you will be well on your way to earning the million!
1. Sell physically trendy (or) trend-setting products for young savvies
These can range from electronics to jewellery to sports equipment, computer gadgets, gifts, art, pet care products, furniture, MP3s, music CDs, clothes, branded bags and health care. It could really be anything for you to make money online Malaysia.
Selling physical products involves dealing with inventory, shipping and handling. All this can be automated or contracted to drop shipping. Drop shipping is a supply chain management technique in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers customer’s orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer to either the manufacturer or a stockist, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. Drop shipper is usually co-determined by the product you are selling and if they are on terms to provide service for what you are offering.
2. Affiliate program
Act as a middleman by using your website/blog to become an affiliate and make money online Malaysia by earning commissions thru promoting and selling for others. One example is Amazon.com which offers an affiliate marketing system for their products. If you are an affiliate, you will have access to market a whole range of wonderful products which formerly was not within your reach. Customers who visit your site and click the Amazon link can also purchase the products there. Amazon simply handles all the product inventory, shipping and refunds, and prompts customer services on your behalf. As long as your customer clicks your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you make money online Malaysia by earning a commission.
3. Selling digital-information-based products
These are sometimes called virtual products. They are usually in digital format and are easily downloaded from blogs and websites. They can be software computer programs which help enhance productivity in certain chores or routines, or specialized applications for specific tasks, or electronic digital e-books. They may also be audio programs, instructional videos, MP3s, movies, computer games, entertainment products, media, ringtones etc. Digital-information-based products are extremely profitable, you will not need to worry about inventory, shipping or handling since everything is done and executed digitally, even if you sell internationally. You will never be bothered by Customs rules or restrictions as the books are downloaded through the Internet and do not cross any physical territorial borders. It is such a simple and fast way to make money online Malaysia!
4. Selling Net services
The new landscape of the Internet is wide open, and Net services could be anything from an interactive personal finance site to a tuition site or a photo sharing site. The recent big thing is New Media Service. The following are some New Social Networking services that already exist but which are handled by bigger corporations.
Social Net-working sites: Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn, Twitter, Ning, and Friendster, meetup.com.
Social bookmarking: They allow users to save their favorite web pages or news, and stories, and share them with others e.g. Diigo, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Faves etc.
Casual Gaming: Gaming is part of a very big network. Most of them are downloadable, with different categories from casual gamer to hardcore gamer e.g. Halos, Scrabulous, Slingo.
Media services: YouTube is the success story in this category. Recently, there have been similar players who also offer similar services such as Flickr, Revver, Hulu.com etc.
Web-publishing services: These are blogging sites, and you can find them at Blogger, Livejournal and Scribd.
5. Solicit sponsorship and donation for your blog or website
One way to inspire donations is to offer something in return. It is easier to set the fee for an advertisement than it is for a sponsorship. You can rate or invite an interested organization to make you an offer, as it is easier to convince a possible sponsor to part with their money in exchange for maybe a web promotion to push their products or program through your website or blog. It is important to list what a sponsor gets in exchange for their sponsorship e.g. you can put their main logo, promotion, or program on your blog or webpage, and use this to attract donations for a special cause such as Cancer Research, Aids, etc.
6. Using blogs as promotional tools
Blogging, which comes under web-publishing, is very big business these days. A recent US survey has found that more than 12 million adults in the US currently maintain a blog, and almost 2.5 million of them list making money online as one of the reasons why they blog. Blogging is here to stay, so you might as well use it to make money online Malaysia for yourself. In fact, statistics provided by Blogging Association US show that the top five blogging sites in the US earn an average of more than USD 100,000 per month.
7. Selling advertising space through e-zines and newsletters
Ask yourself: How do newspaper publishers make money? Selling advertising space! Newspapers are full of advertisements, and this is what brings in crucial revenue for the publisher.
You can do the same with e-zines and newsletters: make money online Malaysia simply by selling advertising space. Create a blog that discusses a specific subject like traveling, for instance, and then build up a good list of followers with a good quantity of pageviews and frequent newsletters, and you will soon attract companies or agencies that will want to have their name on your blog. You, of course, charge them for using your blog to advertise or promote their services. You can start selling advertising space for some minimum fee when your mailing list exceeds 1,000 (5,000 is recommended) subscribers through your Opt-in program. In this way, you can turn every e-zine and newsletter into a subscriber-attracting device.
8. Providing services by offering membership with master resale rights
There are many membership sites on the Internet. Some provide free information based on products like free software, e-books or special programs for specific applications. In order to access their web service, you will need to become a member. As a member, you will need to pay a membership fee or make a donation.
These sites sometimes provide a forum to keep you updated on information and to share information with other members. Some are really exclusive, but this gives added value to their membership. Normally, you can allow visitors access by joining at a fee which they will have to pay on a yearly basis. This approach will need visitors to log in, provide a password with add-on services like reminder services and keep a forum or a roster of content which has to be updated frequently.
9. Productivity platform for online investment
These usually include Forex, Commodities, Gold Trading and some High Yield Investment program. Many people depend on Forex trading at home but as this is a risky venture, the important thing is to do your homework first. Practice with paper trades to gain confidence. Keep your good money management skills at the forefront. Know the risks, and you could find a good source of income using the Internet to do forex trading.
10. Be an Internet web-hosting reseller
Internet web-hosting resellers have the ability to host unlimited domains, create their own packages, and set their own prices. Being a reseller is completely anonymous, allowing you to act as an independent hosting company. Therefore, your customers won’t know that you are reselling your hosting services and you have a unique opportunity to make money online Malaysia.
If you’re struggling and wish to learn how to use the Internet to make money online Malaysia; today, Internet Academy has created a powerful guaranteed system called OREB to guide beginners to make money online as a publisher. OREB is the simplest and easiest system you can ever find among all the Internet Marketing Malaysia courses today. If you cannot make money online Malaysia after implementing the realistic insights and strategies revealed in OREB system, then throw in the towel – game over!
Article from articlesbase.com

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Question by Chuck S: What are the best ways to make money online?
My fiance and I are both working full time but I have loans to pay and would also like to be able to buy computer parts and such with extra cash. Does anyone know of the best ways to make money online? Basically something relatively easy that will get me the most bang for the buck.
Best answer:
Answer by rune ald
sorry but just does not exist
the time or money you spend chasing points or rewards on most of these sites is useless.
seriously did you ever find making money easy online or anywhere?
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