Search Engine Secrets – 3 Ways to Get Highly Targeted Traffic From the Search Engines
Getting your websites to the top of the search engines for ‘in the money’ keywords is one of the most difficult things to do online. And worst of all, after all the work you do optimizing your website and getting links, you may still get the top positions! However, getting free traffic from the search engines is one of the best advantages you can get over your competitors.
Here are 3 ways to get highly targeted traffic from the search engines:
1. Consider article marketing to increase your marketing power with the SE’s. You can either write articles yourself or hire it out to a freelancer from a site like Elance. To make the most of this marketing strategy, you need to submit your articles to the article directories and do your keyword research before you write your articles. Which brings us to the next tip…
2. Do a thorough keyword research before you do anything else. Keywords are the key (pardon the pun) to driving traffic to your website. If you don’t have the right keywords, you have nothing! Go after the highly-relevant keywords that are relevant to your products and services.
3. Consider registering a domain name that includes your main target keyword phrase. This gives you a far greater chance of getting a high ranking for the main keyword you are targeting. Don’t include dashes in your domain name (this tactic used to work but it doesn’t anymore).
Using these 3 tactics hand in hand will give you a fighting chance of ‘owning’ the search engines.

SEO For 2011:Search Engine Optimization Secrets are strategies for 2011 to help you optimize your website and dominate the world’s leading search engines. The Internet is now the telephone book. So as a business you have to adapt and not only adapt well, you have to do one better than your competitors so your name comes up at the top of the list on any keyword search. No longer can you just buy a full page ad in a telephone book to stand out. You have to do the equivalent on the Internet. Your w
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