The Incredible Effectiveness Of Social Marketing
Social marketing has evolved into a VERY influential type medium whose effects are felt both on and off the internet today. From our recent presidential election, to the public opinion of the California Octuplets\’ mom, social media has had a significant impact.
Spawned from the growing popularity of \’all things web 2.0\’ social network sites are popping up all over the internet. With little surprise it hasn\’t taken online marketers\’ long to see the potential for generating \’free traffic\’ from these sites for their business. If fact if you market anything online and haven\’t included social network marketing into your online business strategies you\’re \’behind the times\’ and missing out.
Effectively speaking social network marketing can be considered an online form of \’word of mouth\’ advertising! These online communities whose intent are to be gathering locations for social interaction are the perfect environment to \’casually\’ mention a new business or product.
These unstructured environments are perfect for any internet user who doesn\’t want to deal with the regimentation associated with many onsite locations.
Undoubtedly both social network and social media sites offer the potential to put your viral marketing efforts on steroids. Imagine the impact these sites can have on your business when used correctly?
Imagine NOT having to create a \’free giveaway\’ product to gain the viral marketing effects that are so beneficial to any online business? By just visiting and participating at any social network site or perhaps posting photos or videos at a social media location you can gain the same benefits. Does it bother you there would be little \’work\’ involved also?
Let\’s have a look at just a few of the countless social sites found on the internet with a quick synopsis of how they work:
• Digg
This online community is based upon the popularity of news articles. If members like an article it will hit the \’front page\’ of Digg. When this occurs the potential for thousands of visitors exist to view the article. If you can tailor your article to the apparent likes of this community and rank highly there is the possibility of a landslide of visitors to your site.
• Delicious
This social bookmarking site allows you to store your \’favorites\’ at their site. By viewing the favorites of other members you can better determine their reading interest. With this information you can organize a more effective marketing approach suitable to their likes or perhaps determine they\’re not a candidate for what you have to offer.
• You Tube
This site uses short videos and viral marketing to the max. There must be something to it since even the Pope can be found here! By simply posting a short video of interest due to its humor or sensationalism you can generate significant traffic for your cause.
This online community focuses on working professionals. Like many other online communities you can locate categories or niches within the site that better relates to your field of interest or experience. The ability to offer services or products to like minded professionals allows you to target an audience with a pre-determined interest in what you may have to offer.
Ah yes no doubt I\’ve left out one of your favorite sites but wait! I may just include it with the following \’all encompassing\’ sentence. Just \’Google\’ web 2.0 sites and then sit back and see if your favorite can be found.
Harnessing the unlimited potential of social marketing is not difficult. Heck even a caveman can do it! By simply \’socializing\’ at few of these online communities and casually mentioning your business, product, or cause would be all it takes. Your results likely would be a significant surge of free traffic to your site!
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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Question by seocouple: How does social marketing help in SEO?
How does social marketing help in SEO if they have no follow link?
Best answer:
Answer by Maneesh Bhati
Social marketing helps you to spread your domain name outside of your website. Thus making your site more visible. Higher visibility enhances the chances of getting visitors.
Now, one of the important factor in results ranking of any site for a search engine is the visitor traffic.The links to your websites, posted along with the articles submitted on various social marketing media act as a source of incoming traffic to your domain.
A well planned social marketing helps to get not just visitors but prospects. So don’t just spam the social sites with any and everything. Select sites that match your requirement and post relevant material. Feed quality to get quality visitors and don’t simply target traffic.
I think that is it and hope this answers your query.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!