How to Instantly Increase Website Traffic – 5 Tips for Increased Website Traffic
Every website online needs traffic to survive. Without it your business has no chance of making money. Just as businesses in the real world need customers to enter their stores, an online business needs to have a constant stream of targeted traffic to sustain itself. Here are some useful strategies to increase website traffic to any of your sites.
1) The best way to see an increase of visitors to your site is to make sure you have a large amount of unique and relevant content on your site. The search engines love content that readers will find useful and informative. Try to provide as much value and information in your writing as possible and place everything you write on a different page of your site. This will help your site to become an “authority” online and can lead to a dramatic jump in search engine rankings – the result of which is increased traffic. The best part is that search engine traffic is completely free.
Consider creating a special newsletter for your prospects to join. This allows you to capture the names and email addresses of people who come to your site. You can communicate with them via follow up emails and drive them back to your site as often as you want to show them new products. It makes it easier for your prospects to like and trust you also. Once they trust you, it’s much more probable that they will be willing to buy from you. This helps you maximize the effectiveness of all the traffic that you receive by making sure it is not wasted. Try and turn every visitor into a subscriber and you’ll have a much better chance at getting them to hand over their cash.
3) Consider giving presentations at offline events. If you know a great deal about a certain subject, there are always people who are looking for experts to interview. By giving interviews you can brand yourself as an expert in the field and also tell people about your website and your products. This has the benefit of instantly increasing trust among potential customers which will again make it easier for you to sell your products to them.
4) Set up partnerships and joint ventures with others in the industry. If you have taken the time to generate a newsletter list of contacts then you are in a great position to do joint ventures with other people who have similar lists. If you have a product you can offer them a commission if they will email out to their list and tell them about it. Having a special offer set up specifically for another partner to send out as a recommendation is a great way to drive some very interested prospects to your site. You’ll also be able to mail out in return for your partner in return for a share of any profits you generate them. Don’t overlook this method as it is an incredibly powerful way to increase visitors and sales to your site.
5) Set up an affiliate program on your site. Affiliate programs are a great way to generate traffic completely on autopilot. By allowing others to share in the profits of any sales they generate you can end up with hundreds or even thousands of people sending visitors to your website. It’s much better to have a thousand people sending you visitors and then paying them 50% of the profits than it is to try and do it all yourself.

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Question by claudia_csn: how do i increase website traffic?
Can anyone please give suggestions on how to increase traffic to your particular website? I know you can do something with yahoo that has a pay-per-click kinda thing. I was hoping there may be some more suggestions out there?
Best answer:
Answer by Dave
The only way to increase traffic is by having some sort of original content on your site that is updated regularly and people find amusing, interesting etc.
you can then go about spreading links to friends and forums etc to get people to regularly visit your site for updates,
other than advertising on other sites or forums there isnt really any other way of increasing the traffic to your site.
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