The 5 Great Lies Of Starting An Internet Business
Often times when you decide to start an Internet business, you will get discouraged. Not because of any real reason, but because of the negative reaction you can get from your family and friends. Most people who don’t know any better will tell you that starting an Internet business is a waste of time and that only a few people ever make money with it.
Sadly, though they may be half right. Unfortunately, only 2% of the people who ever start an Internet business will make any money whatsoever. The people who do make money online are not any more skilled that us…NO! Instead they were fortunate enough to know the 5 great lies of Starting an Internet business.
1. Starting An Internet Business Is Expensive
An Internet business can actually be started for ZERO cost! That is why this is the very first great lie of Internet business. When you are getting started in your online business you can start with something as cheap and simple as affiliate marketing.
Affiliate Marketing cost you nothing to get started, and your only job is to drive traffic to a website that you don’t own. Then once people purchase a product from that affiliate website, through your link, you get a commission. And here’s the best part: There is almost an endless amount of ways that you can drive traffic to any website, many of them FREE.
2. You Can “Get Rich Quick” With An Internet Business
Many people have a “Get Rich Quck” mentality when they first start their Internet Business. These people think that having their own Internet business is easy and does not require any work. This is NOT TRUE, and thus the 2nd great lie of Internet business.
Often times the people you see who are “overnight successes” on the Internet, have spent months if not years perfecting their business. Very rarely will someone truly be a “overnight success”, and when that does happen, it is almost all luck.
So the bottom line here is, your Internet business is exactly that…..a business! If you do treat your Internet business like a “business” you will be successful. Success takes time.
3. You Must Know HTML, Programming And Graphic Designing In Order To Start Your Business
I have to admit that this is one thing that held me up a little personally. Trust me when I tell you, I do not know any programming at all. In fact, I could not put together a web page if you held a gun to my head. However, what I found was that there are people who are willing to do this for you…..for cheap!
Sites like Elance, and Odesk are sites where you can hire people to do all of this work for you. What I live best about using those sites is that you can get the work done fairly cheap! Most of the bidders at Elance and ODesk are from India and will be willing to do the programming work for you, for as little as 6.00$ per hour!
4. You Don’t Need To Know How To Sell Anything
Think about the logic in that statement above. It doesn’t make sense. Of course, you need some salesmanship abilities! How on earth do you plan on selling things on the Internet without being able to sell?
Now don’t panic, if you don’t currently know how to sell. This is all stuff that can be taught. However, you must go into your Internet business with the knowledge that you will need to learn how to sell.
5. You Don’t Need To “Build A List”
Have you ever heard the phrase “The Money Is In The List”? Building a list is essential to having success with a Internet business. Without a list, you won’t make any money!
Building a list is important because it builds your list of people that you can market and sell to! Not only that, but you can sell to the same people multiple times.
The 5 great Internet lies listed above are all things you must know and accept. You have to be smart in order to really achieve success that you could possibly imagine. Success is like enlightenment. It is a path and not a destination.
Hopefully, this article has peaked your interest, and exposed some truths to you about starting an Internet business.
If you are ready to get your Internet business started, then I would recommend you click on the link below. When you do you will be brought to the web’s #1 resource for teaching people how to start an internet business. No catch, just great free information.
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Question by AprillynD: how can I start an internet business?
I need help in starting a business on the internet. I know what I want to do, but I need a business plan with financials and I will need investors. I do not have any money as I am unemployed, but the business I am thinking of ties in directly with the information age and internet. Can someone advise me as to the steps I need to take to be successful?
Best answer:
Answer by tro
you probably need to discuss this with someone who knows the ins and outs of business enterprises
in our locality there is an organization of retired business people who will on a volunteer basis go out and assist people who what to open a business of their own
check with your local Chamber of Commerce if such an organization is active in your locality
otherwise you can possibly make an appointment with a good accountant who has been in business a long time and has a variety of businesses as his clients
Give your answer to this question below!
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