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What is EUAIC Ltd ? The EUAIC is a organisation whose main aim is the stimulation and facilitation of the internationalisation of reviewing best web companies and products in Europe and around the world, and to meet the professional needs of individual companies online.
The EUAIC is a member-led organisation made up of individual members. It has a committed membership of more than 8 international professionals – international exchange coordinators. The EUAIC is dedicated to serving and representing best web companies and products online.
The EUAIC has a permanent address in British Virgin Islands, headed by an Executive Director, and have permanent office in Slovenia (Europe). Governance of the Association is truly international, with the Presidency and Board drawn from a wide variety of countries.
Independent review of top 10 web hosting companies. Cheap professional web hosting services under a month; all hosting providers listed include at least one free domain name registration and money back guarantee. Rate and review your hosting provider! EUAIC Ltd presents detailed reviews of the best web hosting companies on the Internet. In our hosting reviews, you will find our own detailed reviews about each web host, as well as user reviews and rankings. In addition to hosting company reviews, you will also find detailed information on features, performance, uptime, price and quality of each web hosting company.
Forex, otherwise known as the Foreign Exchange currency market, is the largest financial market in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions.
The average daily trade in the global forex and related markets currently is over US$ 3 trillion. The interest thing is that while there are over 10,000 US-based stocks you can trade, there are only 10 currencies in the forex market that you can trade in “currency pairs”.
So while this makes Forex a very lucrative opportunity, it is still relatively new to most investors. In fact, it’s so new, that all of the Forex Program VULTURES have flooded the marketplace with their JUNK forex systems, forex programs and forex software.
It is very unfortunate that most of the forex programs, methods and systems out in the marketplace today are absolute garbage.
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Year 2005: Published first Book “Kako najhitreje do zaposlitve” in Slovenian language Year 2008: Published second eBook “Internet-Affiliate Marketing Secrets” in English language
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