Make Money On eBay ? Easily. Here’s How!
I am a seller on eBay, and here are my top tips for how to make money on eBay easily. This is aimed at helping newcomers to make money on eBay, starting with some important basics.
Firstly, when you register on eBay you need to choose a name (eBay ID). Give this serious thought, don’t just key in something that is significant for you – why? Because if you want to be taken seriously by the buyers on eBay, your name should look professional and ideally relate to the kind of things you want to sell, and be memorable.
The same goes for the name of your eBay store when you open one, a little later. Your name and shop name could tie in together. E.g. If you are going to sell gems, your ID might be ‘gemster’ or ‘justgems’ and your shop might be called ‘gemsters gems’ or similar. Who would a buyer trust (and also remember) if they were torn between your gems and another ebayer’s gems, if your competitor was called ‘plutredop4245′ ? (Yes, I know that name makes no sense, and you’d be amazed how many ebay ID’s are like this).
Regarding what to sell on eBay, what are your interests and passions? Because if there is an area that inspires you, you are more likely to put your heart and soul into it than if you just choose an area because you think it will make you money. So if you love books, or maps, or cards, or cd’s or dvd’s or jewellery or whatever, research that area first. If you specialise in a ‘niche’ area you will be much more successful – just study the powersellers on eBay. A niche is a specialised section of a larger marketplace. For instance, if you want to sell jewellery it’s best to focus on a particular type of jewellery e.g. body jewellery or silver jewellery (if you make it yourself even better) or brooches, or charms and so on.
To find out what sells well on eBay, log in and press the ‘buy’ tab. Choose the category you want to research e.g. silver jewellery then on the lower left-hand side of the page click on ‘completed listings’. Then on the top right of the page go to ‘sort by’ and choose ‘price highest first’. You can then see which items had the most bids, which didn’t sell at all and which fetched the highest price! All this is invaluable research that will save you wasting a lot of time and money.
Where do you find items to sell on eBay? Again, do your homework. Some items you may be able to get on eBay itself – just key in ‘wholesale jewellery’ or whatever your niche area is, into the search box and see what comes up. Sellers will list items in bulk that you can then sell individually. You can get items from car boot sales (such as books, maps, cd’s etc), auctions houses, product directories, local designers (check the local yellow pages or do a search on google. You can also use Dropshippers, but I wouldn’t recommend this to start with as it can be an unreliable method.
For more detailed, step-by-step information about what to sell, where to find it and how to sell successfully on ebay, plus many free tips simply visit my website.
For tons of top ebay selling ideas, free tips and auction tools visit Jo Payge is the owner of the blog, devoted to helping you sell successfully on ebay. Discover what to sell, where to find items to sell and how to sell.” target=”_blank” title=”Ebay Business”>
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eBay 101: Selling on eBay For Part-time or Full-time Income, Beginner to PowerSeller in 90 Days
With today’s rocky economy and unsteady job market, there’s never been a better time to earn extra cash online. And now there’s a new book that guides you each step of the way: eBay 101: Selling on eBay For Part-time or Full-time Income, Beginner to PowerSeller in 90 Days. Access the world’s biggest marketplace, right from your own home.
You’ll learn how to:
— Register at eBay and PayPal
— Start part-time and expand your income when you’re ready
— Find great inventory at
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