How To Make Money With Facebook eBook – Scam or Legit?
This is my personal experience with the eBook ‘How To Make Money With Facebook‘ that I recently bought. I hope others can benefit from this review.
Well as stated in the sales page, How To Make Money With Facebook does not present a fast ‘get rich’ scheme. Instead it presents a series of normal, easy steps that guide you as you go along doing your usual facebook activities to make money online. It’s fun + money put together.
I put off taking action on the tutorial for almost two weeks because I was busy with college assignments, but one day I decided to give it a go and well frankly, I was surprised I hadn’t figured out these tricks before. I don’t want to reveal the secrets here in the review so I may sound vague. But I’ll try to make it as to-the-point as I can.
The good thing about the How To Make Money With Facebook eBook is that it does not tell you to make investments, and it does not tell you to do illegal methods. It tells you simple techniques, gives you practical examples with screenshots to guide you. Which is why it’s perfect for beginner level to intermediate level money-makers. Professional internet marketers may find it too dull.
So how much money do I make using this method?
When I first started, I made nothing. Two or three days later, I was looking at for an hour’s work, which was nice considering I was on Facebook all through the time chatting with friends then and now. Within a week or two, I made an average – a day. I got lazy. I worked less, I socialize more. College activities were taking up my time. Sometimes my earnings decrease, sometimes it’s more. But either way, it was a good deal.
If you’re just a regular guy with little or no technical skills and just want to make some simple cash using Facebook, ‘How To Make Money With Facebook‘ may just be the perfect guide for you.
Lisa Miller is a student of mass media and communication. Her interests include reading, skyping, skiing and dancing.
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Make money with Facebook
This is my personal experience with the eBook ‘How To Make Money With Facebook‘ that I recently bought. I hope others can benefit from this review.
Well as stated in the sales page, How To Make Money With Facebook does not present a fast ‘get rich’ scheme. Instead it presents a series of normal, easy steps that guide you as you go along doing your usual facebook activities to make money online. It’s fun + money put together.
I put off taking action on the tutorial for almost two weeks because I was busy with college assignments, but one day I decided to give it a go and well frankly, I was surprised I hadn’t figured out these tricks before. I don’t want to reveal the secrets here in the review so I may sound vague. But I’ll try to make it as to-the-point as I can.
The good thing about the How To Make Money With Facebook eBook is that it does not tell you to make investments, and it does not tell you to do illegal methods. It tells you simple techniques, gives you practical examples with screenshots to guide you. Which is why it’s perfect for beginner level to intermediate level money-makers. Professional internet marketers may find it too dull.
So how much money do I make using this method?
When I first started, I made nothing. Two or three days later, I was looking at for an hour’s work, which was nice considering I was on Facebook all through the time chatting with friends then and now. Within a week or two, I made an average – a day. I got lazy. I worked less, I socialize more. College activities were taking up my time. Sometimes my earnings decrease, sometimes it’s more. But either way, it was a good deal.
If you’re just a regular guy with little or no technical skills and just want to make some simple cash using Facebook, ‘How To Make Money With Facebook‘ may just be the perfect guide for you.
Facebook has become one of the biggest websites in the world over the last couple of years. It is estimated it has 500 million members and is growing at an incredible rate.
It looks like it is only a matter of time before it overtakes Google and becomes the most popular website in the world.
It already offers a paid advertising solution that rivals the main search engines in terms of price and advert targeting. So it is little wonder advertisers are moving over to Facebook to make money in their droves.
So is it easy to make money with Facebook? The answer is no – it isn’t easy but it is possible with a bit of research and good plan to make a huge profit.
There are many methods to profit from Facebook and here are three of the basic methods below:
1. Facebook paid advertising – as mentioned before you can now pay for advertising on Facebook. This can prove an excellent way to target customers if you have your own product or service. Even if you are an affiliate marketer you can make an excellent income through Facebook paid advertising.
2. Fan page – it is possible to start a fan page on Facebook and use it to make a profit. The idea is to make your page become popular and then sell your product or service to the people that visit your page. This works well if you can make the page funny or entertaining as people will pass it on to their friends if it is amusing.
3. Facebook app – these are small programs that are used through the Facebook platform to enhance the user experience on the site. They can be anything from a short quiz to an online game. Some of the apps on Facebook become very popular and this is a great method as you are then able to target the people with adverting that are using your app.
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There’s no doubt about it — Facebook is cool. Along with users who want to interact with friends, businesses are using Facebook as a marketing and networking tool. And if you’re a Web developer, you probably know there’s a demand for Facebook applications. If you have some basic knowledge of Web client technology, such as HTML, JavaScript, or CSS, and know how to use a Web programming language, Building Facebook Applications For Dummies is just what you need to start building apps for Fa
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Question by Kenneth: how can somebody make money with
Best answer:
Answer by Ron H
If there was a way to do it, people would not tell you and ruin it for themselves. use your imagination. Facebook has about 500 million users, if you can get 1 tenth of 1% (one out of every thousand) to give you a dollar you would walk away with $ 50,000, but why limit yourself to Facebook, there are an estimated 1.9 billion people who use the internet, If you get 1 hundredth of 1% (1 in 10,000) to give you a dollar you would have 1.9 million dollars. Brainstorm, the money is out there!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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