Secrets to Affiliate Millionaires – 5 Affiliate Marketing Strategies for your Success With Low Cost
Many studies show that there are a lot of free affiliate marketing strategies on the internet. However, the problem of most new affiliate marketing entrepreneurs who have a limited budget is that they do not know exactly what strategies are workable and effective for their business. In this article, you will discover which affiliate marketing strategies are workable and proven that they are the most effective approaches. Also, you will learn how to start, build, run and grow your affiliate marketing business with those strategies as follows.
Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy #1: Place Online Classified Ads.
Many experiences and investigation reveal that online classified ads are one of the most popular advertisements for buyers and sellers on the internet. If you have your own limited budget and would like to gear up the affiliate marketing business, placing online classified ads could be your choice. There are many well known online classified ads submission directories on the internet. The highest recommendation and the most popular site on the internet is the Craigslist directory. It is the global online classified ads submission directory. Actually, it is the most largest and popular site for placing an ads online now.
The secrets to affiliate millionaires for placing online classified ads to Craigslist are: (1) write your classified ads directly for your target audiences (2) include high performance keywords to maximize the benefits of searching (3) post your classified ads nearby the target (e.g. city, state and country) and (4) post often your ads on the Craigslist site.
Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy #2: Article Marketing.
The article marketing has been proven that it is one of the best affiliate marketing strategies to drive high quality traffic and boost your affiliate commission. Actually, you will not pay any cents for this strategy if you learn and know the right way to approach this strategy properly. Many studies reveal that there are three categories you should consider for this strategy: (1) major and well-known article submission directory (2) minor article submission directory and (3) niche article submission websites. The highest recommendation for writing your articles and submitting your articles is to ensure that you submit all quality articles to those major and well-known submission sites. The characteristics of those major sties could be: (1) there is a lot of traffic and there are many proactive authors (2) there are many features supporting their authors and (3) there are a lot of potential partners.
The secrets to affiliate millionaires for writing articles are: (1) ensure that your articles are targeted to your audience with high quality and professional (2) include all high performance keywords to your articles and (3) write the most attractive article title.
Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy #3: Search Engine Optimization.
Search engines play a major role for online business on the internet. There is no doubt that you should apply this strategy for running your affiliate marketing business. However, to apply this strategy, you have to build your own quality website. There are a lot of affordable and cheap web hosting package out there to help you out. Also, there are a lot of resources and guidelines for this strategy on the internet. In this section, you will discover and learn the highlight issues for maximizing the power of search engine optimization.
The secrets to affiliate millionaires for optimizing your website are: (1) insert all high performance keywords to your web page (e.g. META tag, title, header and body) (2) discover and generate niche keywords for your web page (3) write high relevancy and quality content to your high performance and niche keywords (4) ensure that you submit your website to well-known site and search engine submission directories and (5) exchange links among other websites.
Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy #4: Blogging Online Marketing.
Another affiliate marketing strategy you should consider for your success in the affiliate marketing business is to build up your own blog. Blog or web log is the most popular and fastest growing strategy for affiliate marketing entrepreneurs to grow their business. The greatest recommendations for blogging online are: (1) use your blog as a personal website to promote yourself and your business at the same time (2) use your blog as a review place for affiliate products and (3) contribute your works, news, information and servers in your blog as the community for your business.
The secrets to affiliate millionaires for setting up your own blogs are: (1) post often the affiliate products review and buyer’s guides (2) post often your personal messages to your customers or readers (3) advertise your blogs in multiple marketing channels (4) participant in the blog community and exchange comments among other blogs and (5) have a fun when you are using blogs to promote yourself and business.
Free Affiliate Marketing Strategy #5: Contextual Advertisement.
The contextual advertisement is another alternative affiliate marketing strategies to earn extra money for building, running and growing your affiliate marketing business. If you have truly limited budget and are looking for earning extra money to help your business, the contextual advertisement such as AdSense, Clicksor, and Auction Ads could be your choice.
The secrets to affiliate millionaires for earning extra money through those contextual advertisements are: (1) provide high quality and relevancy content (2) include high paying and performance keywords and (3) drive traffic to your content through multiple affiliate marketing strategies.
Final thoughts, you have learnt how to start, build, run and grow your affiliate marketing business with low cost. With those above strategies, it will cost you only the web hosting package, which should be less than 0 per year. Also, you should run those strategies by steps: (1) place your online classified ads on Craigslist site (2) write and submit your articles to well-known article submission directory (3) optimize your web page (4) setup your own blog and promote yourself and (5) earn extra money through the contextual advertisements.
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*Reprint Policy: Reprint in full with writer’s name, contact information, active links and brief bio.
Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of building super-profitable affiliate marketing business. His website,, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you’ll ever need to know about affiliate marketing business. Grab free special reports at:

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Question by Pierre P. Mortimer: Can anyone help me with a detailed affiliate marketing strategy?
I started getting involved in affiliate marketing a couple of months ago, but I feel like I am jumping all over and not getting anything accomplished. I need an actual affiliate marketing strategy that I can follow step by step. Does anybody have a good one to follow? I am willing to pay some money for a program or tutorial.
Best answer:
Answer by Diana
Just like you I only started doing affiliate marketing about 3 months ago, but before that I had researched it for about 3 months. I came across a website for Matt Bacak,, who is already a millionaire and I think he is only like 30 years old. He has several products that you can buy and also a newsletter that you can subscribe to you called Internet Marketing Dirt. I have found his products and even his free information on affiliate marketing strategy a ton better and more informative than anybody else’s that I have come across in the 3 months that I did research on affiliate marketing.
I have only been doing actual affiliate marketing part-time at nights and on weekends for 3 months, but I am seeing some pretty good income right now. It’s enough to pay my car payment as well as groceries for the month for our family of 3 so I can’t complain. And I know that it will only increase the more I work at it because I am learning how to be more efficient every day. Although I may never be able to quit my full-time job, I will continue to have this extra money for quite awhile, which means that my wife can stop working.
Anyways, check out Matt’s website and check out the different products as well as his newsletters as he has a great affiliate marketing strategy and is very willing to share it with anyone who will listen.
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