Optimize Website Urls to Get Faster Ranking in Search Engines
Optimizing the URL structure is very important for gaining preferences in search engines, A keyword rich URL is an important element for search engine optimization of any website.
An SEO friendly Url is a major aspect to consider at the time of thinking about important search engine optimization techniques to take the page ranking of the targeted site higher on the major search engines. The Urls play an important role when it comes to getting on top, and to achieve the desired results it is recommended to optimize website Urls to get faster ranking in search engines.
Few tips that help you optimize website Urls are:
Url That Matches Your Business
At first, it is very important to understand which type of Url is beneficial for your website and the type of products and services you sell. Suppose your business deals with automobiles, it is recommended to create a Url that represents your business, product and services so that the visitor gets complete guidance while looking for links of his interests. Take help from SEO experts to get a Url that matches accurately for your business.
Avoid Long Urls
Second and another important aspect is to avoid using too long Urls. Long Urls not just take longer than usual time to load your site, but also disinterest the visitor. Try to keep the Url as compact as possible or consult a professional SEO company to get SEO friendly Urls.
Do Not Use Unnecessary Punctuation Marks
Using unnecessary punctuation marks not just confuse the visitors but also increase the security risk from the hackers who make an effort to execute a front door attack into a web application. The website developers that have put in tremendous effort in the in developing the website, can loose all innovative techniques used while developing websites to the hackers.
Include Targeted Keywords Including the targeted keywords in the URL can also be considered. Through this, the major search engines get complete help in knowing which website is better. The Search engines read the URLs and rank a site according to the pages linked to Url.
These are some of the important factors that you must keep into consideration while creating the URLs. Do a complete research and make the URLs to be very apt or you can consult SEO experts from a professional SEO company and make your site stand out!
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www.melbourneseoservices.com Want the magic formula to how to optimize your website? There isn’t any but solid rules of thumb apply. David Jenyns suggests optimizing pages for 1-2 keywords and integrating them into unique page titles, meta descriptions, meta keywords, content body, h1 tags, image tags and URL. Watch the video to understand SEO more. This is a clip taken from the Melbourne SEO workshop. To watch all the sessions about optimizing web pages, visit: www.melbourneseoservices.com Video Rating: 5 / 5
The Eight Things You Must Do To Optimize Your Site For Search Engines – Missed By Over 98.4%
Search engines are better at spidering than you. Of course, you need a professional looking site, easy to navigate, appropriate content and size. Many webmasters and sites are great at displaying graphics (flash) and visually appealing sections on their sites. However, the search engines really don’t care much about that. If you can give the spiders what they want, they not only will eat it up fast, but you will provide content-rich, relevant data to their index (database). As time, content, size and relevancy increase, you will rise up in the search engine results pages. Properly applied search engine optimization techniques and online marketing principles will help you.
The 3 most important search engines to optimize for are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. (Ed Note: Google owns over 50% of the market today, and is growing fast every day. This includes their exposure via partners like Ask, Earthlink, DogPile, etc). For you to get elevated and relevant rankings you must get into the search engine indexes, and we recommend you start with Google. You should get spidered by Google in less than 3 weeks if applied correctly, but a long term approach to SEO work is needed. You can expect to see your listing within 2-4 months for some pages, and as much time as 2 years for certain keywords/phrases within those.
I invite you to take a look at the starter list below. These are steps you can start today and it is fairly easy and impactful.
Number 1: Learn the SEO concepts.
SEO tries to ensure that your web pages appear at the top of the search engines for target keyword requests. It increases brand awareness, qualified traffic and revenue. Fact: Only 1/2 of the people visiting look at the sponsored (paid) ads (PPC) and only 20% of those actually click. However, 4 out of 5 total clicks – apply their mouse on natural search results. Therefore SEO done right can really elevate your business visibility and revenue. Additionally, the top 5 sites returned from any search are where the action is. Your goal? You should be in the top 10 (Search Engines Results Pages (SERPS)) for your selected keywords.
Number 2: Research the competition.
I am sure you do this no matter what business you are in – whether online or not (brick and mortar). If not, this is one of the big steps missed by online businesses. There are techniques on how to do this effectively, quickly and with high quality results.
Number 3: Linking Strategies and Relevancy.
One of the most important things you can do is to build out your relevant linking neighborhoods. There are a number of great tools you can use to automate this, but we have found that via email and the phone (we are amazed by how many do not use the phone)—you will establish a closer relationship with your virtual partners, and even though you may only spend an hour a day building link partners, it is well spent. Typically, only 1-2 will exchange links with you out of 8 companies called. However, let us say you get one quality link per day through the year. That is over 300 quality links that will help your relevancy, build your business and get your PR(Page Rank) level moved up.
Number 4: Proper HTML and Site Building.
There are many articles written on this topic. If you are not HTML-savvy, it can be a challenge. However, it is not hard to learn, and many tools are available. Just search for free website design tools. Other SEO tools can analyze your content, HTML syntax and appropriate application of tags like TITLE, H1, META tags, BODY content and more. You must also make notes of server-side issues, including IP numbers that may have belonged to (and still do) block listed ranges.
Number 5: Meet The Search Engines.
Make sure you read the webmasters guidelines on all the search engines, especially Google, Yahoo and MSN. They actually are very helpful, and they want you to do well, contrary to what you believe or have heard. Also, keep in mind, there are robotic search engines, algorithmic based search engines and AI-type search engines – different styles of writing. Additionally, you must include listings in the directories, like DMOZ (free, but takes weeks to get listed), Yahoo (free, months – or paid, immediate). Lastly, you must study and learn the PPC (pay-per-click) strategies, learn how to write ads, copy writing for (cash) landing pages, and implement a solid back-end sales process. If you have never used the AdSense programs, you may be missing out on significant income, but many do it incorrectly. We have seen adsense programs go from .00/day to over ,000/month.
Number 6: Use a proven methodology.
None of the SEO “white hat” (opposite: “black hat” – unethical) strategies are rocket-scientists-qualified only. The key areas to keep working on are: a) keyword research, b) competitive analysis, c) analyze your own site(s), d) submit your site(s), e) monitor rankings, f) Reporting, g) link development and h) dynamic site mapping. This approach works, and used by many of the professional SEO companies in the industry.
Number 7: Learn how to use the SEO tools.
Metaphor: For many home-owners, the worst thing that can happen when approaching any project, large or small – is not having your tool belt attached. Even worse, if there are tools missing from that belt after spending 15 minutes retrieving the ladder, lining it up just right, then scaling it just to get to the top of the roof—you not only feel aggravated, but plain stupid.
Being affiliated with some of the guru-type tools & specialists in the industry is nice, but most people are not. Therefore, free tools are a good place to start (search for seo tools and seo email courses). These will help you get to work immediately, and you don not have to come down off the roof to get them.
Number 8: Relevancy, Relevancy, Relevancy. Why be “search relevant”?
The objective here is to make the search engines “see”. You must always ensure that you insert unique relevant content such that the page becomes more worthy of a high ranking in the search engines. You must also make sure you adhere to Style Guide Requirements. The ultimate objective is not to make an inferior page appear superior, but to actually make it superior. Yes, you must be relevant – for any site – be it a commerce/shopping type site, to an information page about Da Vincis life (and, if you have something to sell, that is great). Do not try any uncommon tricks, especially not for the search engines. You will regret it. There are too many sad stories of revenues and business lost from “black hat” strategies (cloaking, spamdexing, link farms). They appear to work for a little while, and suddenly you are gone from the listings and not easily turned around. Be relevant and ethical. It may take a little longer, but you will win out in the end.
Jon Rognerud is a recognized authority on the subject of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and has spent over 10 years developing websites and web marketing solutions at companies like Overture and Yahoo. His website, Los Angeles SEO Agency, provides a wealth of informative articles, resources and complimentary SEO email courses on everything you will ever need to know about SEO and Search Marketing.
“five” things you should know beffor you submit your website to free search engines! .1. Before you submit, make sure your website is online and functioning.(no under construction pages). .2. Some engines may require your e-mail confirmation for submission. .3. Enter an alternate e-mail and check your inbox after submission, Do not enter your main e-mail address, you may recieve spam messages. .4. Select the engines you want to submit your website and hit the “Submit” button and wait. .5. For a better ranking repeat the operation every 3-4 weeks but not sooner !. (you may get banned) try google search and put “add url for free” or “free url submit” but it may take long time to submit your link so do search for “multi url submit” link i found that did help of my site and blog to get high rating on google and hotbot and other search engines called (( url2sub.tk )) give it try but only use it one’s every 3 weeks “month” and you’ll see the info am sharing is from that site, it offers you way to get a free email, disposable and anonymous email addresses same time YOU are in control from which you receive email. Protect your privacy from junk-mail Good Luck! tags ————————————————————————- how to add your website site url home page to any search engine. to google. submit your site to google search engine. search results of Google yahoo. increase traffic visitors, make many lots of views, add sit to Google search engine. submit …
If you have spent anytime online trying to actually make money then you have at least read, and tried to optimize search engine traffic to drive customers to your sight. However, what you’ve found out quickly is that to optimize search engine traffic is TOUGH!
In fact, to do it correctly it is a daily job. Not only do you have to do a lot of up front work to creat the “momentum” but you have to continue doing this at least weekly, and preferably daily if you want to have a long term career actually making money online.
To help you out I’ve included five steps to optimize search engine traffic:
First, start a blog! This is the easiest and most search engine feature around. If you haven’t done this yet then stop right here, go to one of the many free sites and get started. One key is to put your websites name in the blog’s name. This will help to create backlinks that will optimize search engine traffic to your parent website. Step 2. Type in your market niche keyword(s) into a search engine and see what pops up. Look at your competitors sites and study what makes them get onto the first page. It could be the title, the content or even age. Use what seems to be working as a guideline for your site. It really is about experimentation! Step 3. Take every class you can find that teaches you to optimize search engine traffic. There are plenty of free ones and some great paid courses as well. If you just don’t have time to do this then hire someone! There are many talented men and women out there that will do this very inexpensively. Step 4. Go to your favorite forum and start posting content and make sure your URL is included in your signature. This is a GREAT way to optimize for search engine traffic. A word of caution here, make sure that when you respond to posts you are providing quality content and not just saying “I agree” in order to get your signature shown Step 5. Finally, keep good records and test everything! Keep a spreadsheet, write down what you tried that day and then check your websites’ ranking. Go back a week later and check your ranking again. Do this EVERY WEEK to see if your efforts to optimize search engine traffic is working or not!
And that’s it! Of course there are many more intricacies you will learn as you continue in the world of online marketing and as you try to optimize search engine traffic. But, these five tips will get you started. Give it a try, don’t quit and do something every day to optimize the search engine traffic to your site!
Todd Wesley is an internet marketer that teaches men and women everywhere to actually make money online, from home. Through his program he can show you how to start your business tonight and start making real money this week. To get started go to www.WorkAtHomeFormula.com
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Optimize Alt Tags to Improve Increase Search Engine Ranking
Alt tags or alternative tags are the meta tags that are alternatives for images on your pages. These on-page SEO factors have several different functions and are useful for various purposes. One such usage is to increase search engine ranking as well as search engine visibility of your webpages. But, let’s see what exactly they are.
Alternative tags are descriptive phrases that are attached to the images in the source code of your webpages. They could be visible to your readers or invisible. Some people prefer to use text-only browsers or opt to turn off their images for some reasons like having higher internet speed. In such cases, they would see and read such descriptions to know what type of images are used at the page.
How Search Engines Could Care about Alt Tags
Alt tags could both be on-page SEO boosters and off-page SEO boosters. As you know search engines could read text and links. They won’t be able to rank images by their beauty, relevancy, etc. So, to help them understand and rank images at our pages, we should provide some textual data to help them realize what the image is about. It’s not only about helping search engines. We actually help ourselves too!
Search Engine Findability
When we add alternative tags to our images, at the end of the day it’s our images that are optimized and it’s our pages that are found by search engines. What we gain will be search engine ranking and search engine visibility. This benefit could be merely for the images to be found or to help our textual content to be found.
Search Engine Visibility in Image Search
Image search is a function several search engines offer these days. In order to be found and ranked highly for our images, an advisable practice will be to add alt tags to our images. Of course, we should mention our page’s keyword that’s related to that particular image in one way or another. Then, it will both help human visitors and search engines.
Search Engine Ranking for the Keywords
According to some SEO experts, in Google local listings, chances are some sites rank well that have only used their keywords in the alternative tags of their images. The reason is obvious! As search engines aren’t able to discover the relevancy of images to the textual content of a page, they have to read their alt tags. When you provide this, you’ll see the organic SEO results.
Another way to help increase search engine ranking of a page through alt tags is when the image with alt tags is linked to another page. In such cases, these tags will function as off-page SEO factors, like anchor text in the links. So, they help the ranking of a website in two ways:
1) Alt tags help internal linking structure of a website if they are used in linked images within a site.
2) Such tags help increase search engine ranking of a page for the keywords used in the inbound links images.
Final Word about Alt Tags
As alternative tags are easy to manipulate and use for spamming search engines, some SEO experts believe that they won’t have much effect on the search engine ranking of a website and search engines don’t consider them as very important factors in gaining organic SEO results.
I believe that as there are lots of factors involved in search engine ranking, we’d better make use of them all in the right way so that all such so-called minor factors could altogether improve our position in search engines.
www.gsinc.co.uk Why is the Google site command useful and how do you use it? Find out more in the this search engine optimization (SEO) tutorial by Gareth Davies of GSINC Ltd. For more SEO, Link Building and ECommerce tips visit www.gsinc.co.uk Video Rating: 4 / 5
Let’s face the truth here. Do you want to make legitimate money online with your website? Then you can’t live without a steady flow of visitors to your site. There are several ways to accomplish this. If you have cash to spend then you can buy traffic. However, that’s not always an option for those who are on a budget and the quality of the traffic you purchase is always questionable. The best types of visitors you can get to your website are the ones that are searching for what you’re selling. These visitors are more likely to buy from you. So, it is absolutely vital that you’re website is search engine friendly. If the search engines can’t see you, then you are missing out on a very important source of traffic.
Search engines play a key role in today’s online businesses and a lot of companies on the Internet rely heavily on it to generate a steady profit for them. You can take advantage of what search engines can offer you by ensuring that your website is visible to the engines. These search engine companies use software known as spiders or search bots. These programs crawl the web and simply record websites that will be indexed into the search engines. There are several easy steps that you can take to avoid common mistakes and problems that will make you invisible to the search bots.
Did you know that search engines ignore images, graphics and videos? It’s true, they are only able to sort through text. So, if you have a website full of pretty graphics and animation but little text, you might as well leave your website blank, because that’s all the search engines will see. Keep in mind too that text imbedded in image files can’t be read either. If your not sure if the text in your website is readable, you can look at the source code of your site. If you don’t see the text in the HTML code, then guess what? Search bots won’t see it either. Text is key. The more you have the better off you are. So resist the urge to “pimp your site” with all of those fancy graphics and animation and stick to basic text with fewer graphics. Besides, a website heavy with graphics and animation can be very annoying to visitors.
The most important text that you should have in your website is your keywords. You must analyze what keywords are relevant to your site and predict which one’s people will type in the boxes of the search engines to find you. Keyword analysis is beyond the scope of this article but is something that you should research thoroughly. The most important thing you should know about keywords is where to place them in your website. Your title should contain your best keywords. Search engines base what keywords are the most important for a site by determining it’s relevance. The more relevant it is, the higher the rank it is given and the more likely it is to be displayed when someone searches for it. Therefore, it makes sense to put good keywords in the title since it usually describes what a website is all about. The description of your site should also contain your top keywords. As a general rule, the closer a keyword is to the top of the page, the better chance it has to rank well with the search engines. However, you shouldn’t ignore putting keywords in the middle or bottom of the page. Search engines also look at how frequent the keywords appear throughout the webpage before determining their relevance. Do not over use keywords. You could be penalized by the search engines if a keyword is repeated several hundred times within a page. Be moderate but consistent when placing your keywords.
Finally, don’t waste your money on companies that claim to give your site a top ranking in the big search engines or the ones that will submit your site to thousands of engines saving you time. No one can guarantee you a top listing. Ranking well is determined by factors outside of any companies reach. In reality, you only have to submit your website to a few of the many search engines. A majority of searches done on the Internet come from Google, Yahoo and MSN alone. These are the only search engines you really need to pay attention to.
Why waste your hard earned cash on poor quality traffic that won’t give you the sales you need. Search engines can produce much better quality traffic for you. Being highly visible to the search engines is critical to ranking well with them. The better you rank, the more likely it is that people will find your website, and that of course means making more legitimate money online. If you create a highly visible website that the search engines love, then you will benefit from a constant flow of interested visitors. Good luck to you and your success!
Jimmie Leonguerrero is committed to helping people fulfill their financial dreams on the Internet by offering real money making programs and resources necessary to earn legitimate money online. For more info, visit: www.legitimatecashflow.com
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