Sell Wholesale Products on eBay
If you have purchased eBay wholesale lists or joined so-called eBay drop shipping warehouse companies you have probably been disappointed. Some of the products offered are counterfeit and most other products are usually priced too high to sell on eBay. Also some of these companies are outright scams.
When people buy my Complete eBay Marketing System or The Wholesale Buying System they get access to my wholesale list. I have researched and provide a list of companies that will work with eBay sellers. But as a very small company I can only do so much. There is another company that also provides excellent wholesale information and is currently the only source I recommend other than my own. It’s called WorldWide Brands.
If you’re familiar with Worldwide Brands (WWB), then you know they are a first-class company. I know the owner, Chris Malta and his partner Rob Cowie and have the highest respect for them. If you are not familiar with them then you should be. Here are some facts about WorldWide Brands you should know:
* WWB is the ONLY publisher of Drop Ship, Light Bulk, Volume, Liquidation and wholesale importer information that certifies their sources
* Wholesale Supplier Information that is CERTIFIED by eBay and a member of the eBay Developer’s Program
* The owner, Chris Malta, is the Official Product Sourcing Editor for eBay Radio
* His partner Rob Cowie writes and hosts The Entrepreneur Magazine EBiz Radio Show, and The Entrepreneur Magazine Product Sourcing Radio Show (I am a frequent guest on both of these shows)
* WWB exhibits at eBay Live and they have been a highly trusted source for eBay wholesale products since 1999
* WWB has a full-time research team dedicated to updating OneSource daily with pre qualified eCommerce Wholesalers in all areas of ebay product sourcing
They are a member of the BBB Online Reliability Program
I recently had a behind-the-scenes private tour of OneSource and was totally blown away by what they have to offer. I loved their earlier products and didn’t really think they could do better, but this time they have outdone themselves.
Their newest product, OneSource, is easily the largest and best source of real wholesale products for eBay and the small web site seller. And their Drop Shippers are real companies with real merchandise that you can actually sell at a profit on eBay.
There are so many sources you will never be over saturated with too many sellers picking from the same small list of products and suppliers. They have a huge list of sources and their research team adds new ones daily.
A really neat bonus is Real-Time Market Research data displayed with each product search result. This data includes:
o Product’s Demand Analysis (PDA)
o Competition
o Advertising potential
o What the item is currently selling for on eBay
o Percentage of listing versus successful sales
The last item is great for beginners so they can better understand what kind of products to sell.
One Source gives you access to:
*Real Wholesale Prices for thousands of niche products
*Manufactures and distributors who will work with small eBay and website sellers
*OneSource ONLY lists Genuine Manufacturers and Factory Authorized Distributors.
* Wide variety of wholesale suppliers: OneSource is the Only Source you need for Drop Shippers, Light Bulk Wholesalers, Large Volume Wholesalers, Instant Import Buys and Liquidators.
Skip McGrath is an eBay Gold PowerSeller who has made his living on eBay and the internet since 1999. He is the author of several books about selling on eBay, Amazon and the Internet and publishes The eBay & Online Sellers News, the oldest and largest FREE newsletter for eBay and online sellers. Visit his website at
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