How To Sell Your Car On EBay
Have you ever used the services of eBay to sell your second hand household items. It’s pretty easy, isn’t it? There are many hungry buyers always looking for good deals online. The basic of selling on eBay is:
1. Provide the best description of the product
2. Taking and displaying the most attractive colored pictures
3. Giving the best price based on market price (take off 5% for every year you have used the product)
How many of you have ever thought of selling your CAR on eBay? You are probably thinking: No way! Who will buy a car they cannot test drive and view? You’ll be surprised! By hiring a professional online car agent, you actually have a better chance of selling based on the following criteria-
Free Advertising on their Website
Your listing will be displayed in a thumbnail image with a description based on the information provided by the seller. Sellers are encouraged to include a mobile phone no. and include a country code if outside the host country of the agent’s.
Professional Written Description
Ebay is about buying and selling without actually seeing the item. A description must be detailed and enticing. The text must also be easy to read and understand.
Good Quality Pictures
A well written description with a crappy picture is the same as going for an interview for an executive level position wearing jeans and a tee. First impression is crucial for the interviewer to assess within 5 seconds of entry. With eBay, a great picture is even more crucial as the buyer will assess based on what they see online. No chance to see, hear or even smell the car of their interest. If it is not impressive, the next car is just a click away.
You can now advertise in a classified advertising section if you don’t want to auction off your car. A professional agent who specializes in selling cars on eBay will write an effective description for the best possible chance of sales.
Compare as many online agents as you can get your mouse to click on to compare services, fees, terms and conditions and how well they rate in google search as this will determine their credibility and popularity.
You should also invest in a book on selling on eBay as this is a wonderful business platform, whether you are a novice or business professional.
I have personally met people who have used the service of online agents to sell their cars or motorcycles on eBay so easily that they have made it a side income by selling brand new vehicles that they personally buy and sell it at 10-20% off market price and still make 30-40% profit! Now, these are not professional car salesmen.
They are professional accountants, lawyers, designers, internet marketers, just from every walk of life. It’s just a matter of studying the opportunities available offline and online and comparing the best offers and whether it applies to your region. There are many tips on how to buy vehicles, even luxury cars like Lamborghinis, for 40-50% lower than the market price if you know how to find them.
This is a viable business which anyone with a good credit history can venture into and you don’t have to be car expert to get in. Just invest in a little time to find out what is the hottest selling car in the market right today and compare the prices of brand new cars before learning the tricks of buying cheap from your selected dealers . Do your homework and you can make a living just by selling cars on eBay!
Nina Redza is an eBay enthusiast who know a good deal when she sees one. For more information on buying cars at dirt cheap prices, educate yourself at this site
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