Questions to Ask a Web Hosting Provider
When selecting a web host, you will no doubt have many questions before you finally choose the correct hosting plan. Watch out for companies that walk a gray line when it comes to the truth such as posting stats that are simply untrue. Their goal is just to sell you a service and make a sale Doing this over and over again, your customers will not be satisfied and eventually leave. Furthermore, word gets out about the web hosting company’s tactics and customer experiences.
Although, a web hosting company offers low prices, it doesn’t mean it will provide the right services and plans that a specific client requires. The customer may need a feature to achieve their objectives. Customer service should answer all questions so customers will clearly understand.
Customers need to be able to do comparisons on plans and features by knowing the basics of web hosting? There are several factors when selecting a web hosting provider that you need to consider. Here are a few important topics of web hosting to keep in mind when going with or without a certain web-hosting company:
Email Accounts: more than likely it is desirable to have the ability to create more than one email account with a web hosting company is quite desirable. So, be sure to ask how many email accounts are offered in your plan.
Will they provide a catch-all account? This feature captures spam by deleting it to a trash folder?
Are there any limitations in regards to disk space and bandwidth? Ask the potential web host how many sub-domains or add-on domains are allowed. Maybe you can host multiple domains on one account.
Typically, most hosts allow up to 5 add-on domains or sub-domains. How much hard disk space will you receive? Currently 50mb is the low end standard. Don’t settle for less.
How much maximum bandwidth? This is typically 2GB for one account. Is there any type of back-up protection or additional fees to retrieve these backups, if offered?
If a web hosting offers more than what is listed above. They should be in the running as a good candidate for your web hosting plan.
Just by knowing a little bit about related web hosting areas before asking customer service gives you the best chance. In the end, the customer service rep. feels better about communicating to someone who has some hosting knowledge. It makes their job easier. Moreover, the assistance from an excellent customer service dept, may sway you to go with their company or another. It’s your choice whether it be for a personal website or a e-commerce site.
Mario Olivera has an online business with multiple websites. Find solutions for your hosting needs with Affordable Web Hosting Plans and e-commerce hosting
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