Your Aggressive Article Marketing Plan To Earn 3 Per Day: Really Works – Proven!
Advanced article marketing can bring in pure profits from free, but highly targeted traffic. But only if you have an aggressive article marketing plan to follow every day! So if you want to discover article marketing secrets of top internet marketers like Fabian Tan, Sean Mize and others read on this article to find out 3 simple steps to follow for making 3 per day starting today.
Your Aggressive Article Marketing Plan Should Include The Following 3 Steps:
1. Determine Niche And Find A Lot Of Cheap PLR Content.
First research and find the most profitable niches. Don’t worry if the niche you have chosen is too high-competitive. Never give up! I know many newbie affiliates who are making thousands of dollars per month from established niches like acne, weight loss or computer.
After defining the niche you should have a lot of PLR articles for fast rewriting them for daily aggressive article marketing. Today there are so many PLR content membership sites you might be confused among them. Ensure you choose high-quality service. As an established article marketer, I would recommend you Article Underground – Best PLR Article Service on the market delivering top quality 400 articles on various niches each and every month.
2. Fast Article Writing
The second step is turning those PLR content into unique, copyscape passed articles included with useful information for a reader who is a potential buyer. In this case most marketers use the following option to instantly get top-notch, original content:
a) Hiring writers for this job
b) Or going for the cheaper option: rewriting articles using special content rewriting software
c) Or the cheapest way is using the number 1 Fast Article Writing Software – Instant Article Wizard to churn out tens of articles within 2-3 hours. In this case you don’t need to buy PLR articles. The software will itself produce keyword rich article that will need only a few minor edits for getting ideal results for your advanced article marketing.
3. Aggressive Article Marketing
Now we came to the most important part of our advanced article marketing plan. It is not enough to produce high quality content for making 3 per day from Clickbank using article promotion.
Of course, the final step is publishing and marketing your articles on highest traffic places online. The more sites you include in your marketing the more aggressive your marketing is. And the more aggressive your marketing is the more profits it brings in.
Aggressive article marketing should include at least the following steps:
Submission articles to top 10-20 Article directories Massive article submission to minimum 1000 sites once or twice a week. Cross linking between articles published on different sites. Linking to your articles from web 2.0 sites like blogger, squidoo, hubpages,etc. Video marketing – Using top-quality Article To Video Software to turn your each article into a professional video within minutes for submission to top 30 video sharing sites like youtube, metacafe,etc. Social bookmarking each and every article. Pinging each and every article.
You can earn 3 or more per day from your articles even if you are a newbie. The only thing you need is to have an advanced article marketing plan which you already got from this article. Now it is the very time to ACT!
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Question by mrb205: when and how do you use Article Marketing and Forum Posting to make money online with affiliate programs?
when and how do you use Article Marketing and Forum Posting ways to make money online with affiliate programs?
Best answer:
Answer by Thomas
With articles, what you do is write an article related to the product you want to promote of a good quality and with relevant keywords, and you would then insert your affiliate link.
e.g. blah blah is great blah [your link] try it now blah blah.
If a reader follows the link and purchases the item, your affiliate account will be credited.
Forum wise, you would find a forum relating to your niche and get involved with the community. Most won’t allow you to post your affiliate links in the posts themselves, so generally people will put it in their signature.
Both can be highly effective, you just need to find your niche and write quality content.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!