Cheap Web Hosting ? The Reliability Factor
If you are particular about quality, chances are you are not going to give a second look at cheap web hosting services. You may be surprised to know, however, that cheap does not necessarily mean poor quality. These days, the cost of web hosting services has become more affordable, possibly due to the growing number of companies trying to edge each other out, so the idea of finding a web host that meets your budget is not that far-fetched an idea as it might have been once.
Back in the early years of the World Wide Web, a web host plan can cost hundreds of dollars, but now, there are cheaper alternatives (some offer web hosting fee of only a month or even less), and the differences among them aren’t very significant. Of course, it does not mean that you will just jump right at the first cheap web hosting service provider you come across with and not give it a second thought – that wouldn’t be wise.
You have to be very cautious when looking for a web host, especially if you are considering of going for cheap web hosting services. Remember that an online business is serious stuff and for sure you would want to stay in the business for as long as possible. As such, you would need a web host that has the capabilities to meet your requirements for the long haul. As you know, changing web hosts is very difficult; not only that, there is always the possibility of losing your data in the process, and you really would not want to start all over again. Besides being frustrating, there’s a good chance that you will be losing customers in the process, too.
The shortlist of things to keep in mind when you come across a web hosting service provider should include uptime percentage, disk space, and of course customer or technical support. Uptime refers to the time your website is up and running on the World Wide Web. An ideal uptime score is no less than 99%. You probably did not think it is possible for cheap web hosts to provide an uptime percentage of at least 99.5%, but the truth may surprise you.
The amount of disk space provided should also be a concern of any webmaster. It might be normal to think that when dealing with a cheap web host, you have to deal with small disk space as well, but that no longer holds true nowadays. Many web hosting companies are now able to offer unlimited disk space at a very affordable price.
Just because you are paying a cheap price does not mean that you can expect exceptional customer support in return. A reliable company, regardless of whether it is professional company or a cheap hosting company, should be able to render customer support in a variety of ways, 24/7. Web hosting companies should provide phone support as well as live support, and they should be readily contacted any time there are technical problems that need to be addressed at once.
Credible and cheap web hosting service providers are just around the corner if you know where to look. Equip yourself with the right information on web hosting,@
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