Tips on search engine marketing strategies can be found aplenty on the internet, in magazines. and books on internet marketing for those of you who want to get as many ideas as possible. A good search engine marketing strategy would, in simple terms, help you to boost the popularity of your blog/website. This in turn would give you a higher rating on the analytics used to identify the popularity of websites by different search engines. Although you may already have a search engine marketing strategy in mind, it is always best to carry out some research as to which type of search engine marketing strategy would work best for your particular niche.
When choosing a good search engine marketing strategy, it is important that you understand the risks that come with it. While you may find plenty of such strategies in forums discussing search engine optimization, you must ensure that the search engine marketing strategy you choose is one that is legitimate. This should be the case especially if you are new to the field and have only a very shallow understanding of the subject. Once you are established, you would have enough knowledge to sift through these different strategies and take note of the search engine marketing strategies that would work well.
When looking for a search engine marketing strategy that would work well with your niche, you may want to consider hiring a Search Engine Optimization expert to do the job for you for a nominal fee. These SEO experts and such services are provided by reputed search engine marketing companies and can be customized to suit your particular needs. If you feel that you would be able to implement the types of search engine marketing strategy on your own, then go ahead and do so. Keep in mind however that it could be quite time consuming and requires quite a bit of effort. An alternative could be to use the help of good search engine marketing software.
Examples of good search engine marketing strategies include placing inbound links on various sites that deal with the same type of material you sell/write about. Another commonly used search engine marketing strategy is researching and incorporating particular keywords. You would also want to work on the layout and design of your website to ensure that it is user-friendly. As your primary aim is to catch the attention of search engine robots, you would also need to work on the meta and title tags of your html. Other more general search engine marketing strategies include becoming active on social networking sites in order to promote your website, and of course being a part of discussion forums on related topics to gain more potential customers.
Tag Archives: search engine marketing strategy
Search Engine Marketing Strategy – How to Get the No. 1 Spot on Google!
Search Engine Marketing Strategy – How to Get the No. 1 Spot on Google!
Marketing your website to highly targeted customers can be accomplished most effectively by following this powerful search engine marketing strategy.
This search engine marketing strategy is working quite well for me…
First thing to do is find your keyword niche and base your search engine marketing strategy around this keyword phrase.
My search engine marketing strategy does NOT cost me a red cent!
First I went to and used their free trial…
I then entered into the wordtracker tool my keyword “Internet Marketing” to get other related keywords along with each one’s KEI (keyword effectiveness index).
To maximize your search engine rankings look for keyword phrases with a KEI of 25 or higher. The higher the KEI, the more popular your keywords are, and the less competition they have. This means you have a great chance of getting to the top of page 1 on Google…
The Search Engine Marketing Strategy Holy Grail!
The keyword phrase I chose was the one at the top of wordtracker’s list with the highest KEI, in my case “online job search affiliate internet marketing program”.
Because Internet Marketing is highly competitive I like to use long tail keywords – or keyword phrases with 5 or more words.
I then wrote an article around the keyword phrase “online job search affiliate internet marketing program”. I put this keyword phrase in my article with just under 2% keyword density. This means my keyword phrase appears roughly 2 times for every 100 words in my article.
Anything higher than 2% keyword density might get flagged by Google as spam and kill your search engine rankings so try and keep it under 2%.
I then optimized my article by using the keyword phrase in the title, the first paragraph, the body, and at the end of the article. Don’t just stick the keyword phrase in your article to get it in, make sure your article makes grammatical sense otherwise it will appear “spammy”.
I posted my article on my blog and submitted it to the following 2 sites, for free:
My article titled “online job search affiliate internet marketing program” now occupies the top of page 1 on Google – and this all happened within a matter of minutes after posting it!
So in a nutshell all I did was write one article around the keyword phrase “online job search affiliate internet marketing program”, then posted it on Squidoo and Digg!
Then like magic in less than 30 minutes my article got listed on(and still is as of this writing)the first spot on page 1 of Google!
And this Killer Search Engine Marketing Strategy is totally FREE!
Want proof?…
Type in the following phrase on Google: “online job search affiliate internet marketing program” (without the quotes), and you will see my article titled “online job search affiliate internet marketing program” in the no. 1 spot on Google…
A truly beautiful thing!
Now that you have a powerful Search Engine Marketing Strategy that won’t cost you a penny, all you gotta do is find some quality Affiliate Programs to promote…
Then start making some serious cash!
To your Success!
John Lynch
John Lynch is an accomplished writer and has published hundreds of quality internet marketing articles. To find the top Affiliate Programs on the net, John recommends you visit => How2MakeMoneyOnline
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Search Engines Revealed – Marketing, Strategies, and Optimization
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Successful Twitter Marketing Strategies E-Book
This 8 Page E-Book is a quality product that will allow people to discover effective ways to market using Twitter. Don’t fall into the trap of spamming in Twitter, get the right strategies with this E-Book.
Successful Twitter Marketing Strategies E-Book